Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

How to Learn Scout: Demons and Magatama with Scout

This is a guide to the Scout Skill in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Learn what Scout's effect is, and which demons and magatama can learn Scout.

Scout Skill Overview

Type Cost
Misc ---
Invite a demon to join.

How to Learn Scout Skill

Magatama that can learn Scout

Currently Under Construction. Please stay tuned!

Demons that can use Scout

Demons that can use Scout
Kodama iconKodama Erthys iconErthys Orthrus iconOrthrus
Pulukishi iconPulukishi Sui-Ki iconSui-Ki Xiezhai iconXiezhai

Related Skills


List of Skills

Skills By Type

Skills by Type
Physical Skills Magic Skills Buff Skills Debuff Skills
Healing Skills Misc Skills Passive Skills

Best Skills List and Best Demi-Fiend Skills

Other Misc Skills

Skill List
Analyze Seduce Kinspeak
Beseech Scout Plead
Jive Talk Trade Nag
Dark Pledge Riberama Trafuri
Arbitration Haggle Begging
Flatter Persuade Kidnap
Estoma Brainwash Detain
Liftoma Intimidate Loan
Wine Party Wooing Soul Recruit
Stone Hunt Mana Refill Lightoma
Mischief Beckon Call Maiden Plea
Threaten Death Pact


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