Scarlet Nexus

Kitchen Rummy Locations and Materials Dropped

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This is a guide to Kitchen Rummy, an Enemy in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to learn Kitchen Rummy's strengths and weaknesses, attack patterns, and materials dropped!

Kitchen Rummy Information

Type and Ailments

Kitchen Rummy
Kitchen Rummy
Enemy Type Ailments Inflicted
Rummy -

How to Beat Kitchen Rummy

Kitchen Rummy Attack Patterns

Fire Attacks

Kitchen Rummy - Fire Attacks

Once you have been noticed, Kitchen Rummy enemies will send fireballs at you. These are easy to avoid if you keep moving, but if you get hit by multiple strikes, you will be inflicted with the Burning Status Ailment.

Melee Attacks

Kitchen Rummy - Melee Attacks

When moving in close for attacks of your own, be wary of their attempt to attack you with their own melee attacks. These are telegrpahed quite easily, due to them having to rear their arms back prior to executing the attack itself. Move out of the way when they do this.

Kitchen Rummy Strategies

Dodge and Counterattack

Kitchen Rummy - Dodge and Counterattack

Kitchen Rummy enemy types can be easily dispatched with regular melee attacks. The challenge in dealing with an enemy of this type is if there are more than one that you have to contend with. Due to the fireballs they can throw when at a distance, it is best to keep them within your line of sight, dodging whatever they throw at you and counterattacking aggressively until their HP falls to zero.

Kitchen Rummy Location

Kasane Route


Yuito Route

Kunad Highway

Kitchen Rummy Droppable Materials

Material Rarity
Battle Record ABattle Record A Rare
Battle Record BBattle Record B Uncommon
Battle Record CBattle Record C Common
Battle Record SBattle Record S Special
Kitchen Rummy AnalysisKitchen Rummy Analysis Special
Other Ecology AOther Ecology A Rare
Other Ecology BOther Ecology B Uncommon
Other Ecology COther Ecology C Common
Other Ecology SOther Ecology S Special
Rummy-type SuppressionRummy-type Suppression Uncommon
Rummy-type Suppression +Rummy-type Suppression + Rare

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