Scarlet Nexus

Rainy Rummy Locations and Materials Dropped

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This is a guide to Rainy Rummy, an Enemy in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to learn Rainy Rummy's strengths and weaknesses, attack patterns, and materials dropped!

Rainy Rummy Information

Type and Ailments

Rainy Rummy
Rainy Rummy
Enemy Type Ailments Inflicted
Rummy -

How to Beat Rainy Rummy

Rainy Rummy Attack Patterns

Shock Attack

Rainy Rummy - Shock Attacks

Capable of hitting you over long distances, Rainy Rummy enemies will aggressively try to hit you with shock attacks that can inflict the Shock Status Ailment when you receive too many hits. This will make you unable to aid your allies in fighting against enemies for a few moments until the effect wears off.

Melee Attack

Rainy Rummy - Melee Attacks

When trying to deal damage against Rainy Rummy with close quarters combat, it will try to attack you with its hands. These melee attacks come in two forms: a short swipe at you, and a long arching spinning type of attack. You can avoid these by using Psychokinesis Folow-up Attacks to quickly create some distance between you and the enemy or simply dodging away.

Rainy Rummy Strategies

Use Sclerokinesis

Rainy Rummy - Use Sclerokinesis

Getting hit by the Rainy Rummy's shock attacks will cause not only significant damage, but also raise the risks of catching the Shock Status Ailment. You can avoid both outcomes by using Sclerokinesis, particularly when you are dealing with more than just one Rainy Rummy.

Attack Aggressively

Rainy Rummy - Attack Aggressively

The best offense is a good defense – try remaining mobile, letting the Rainy Rummy around you deal the first strike before coming in close with your own. You can sprinkle Psychokinesis Attacks against them every now and then to keep yourself in the flow of movement and combat to avoid taking damage.

Rainy Rummy Location

Kasane Route

Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Hieno Mountain
Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Hieno Mountain
Hieno Mountain

Yuito Route

Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Hieno Mountain
Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9
Hieno Mountain
Hieno Mountain

Rainy Rummy Droppable Materials

Material Rarity
Battle Record ABattle Record A Rare
Battle Record BBattle Record B Uncommon
Battle Record CBattle Record C Common
Battle Record SBattle Record S Special
Other Ecology AOther Ecology A Rare
Other Ecology BOther Ecology B Uncommon
Other Ecology COther Ecology C Common
Other Ecology SOther Ecology S Special
Rainy Rummy AnalysisRainy Rummy Analysis Special
Rummy-type SuppressionRummy-type Suppression Uncommon
Rummy-type Suppression +Rummy-type Suppression + Rare

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