Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

How to Learn Provoke: Demons and Magatama with Provoke

This is a guide to the Provoke Skill in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Learn what Provoke's effect is, and which demons and magatama can learn Provoke.

Provoke Skill Overview

Type Cost
Debuff ---
Greatly lower Def/raise Atk of all foes. User: Slight MP recovery.

How to Learn Provoke Skill

Magatama that can learn Provoke

Currently Under Construction. Please stay tuned!

Demons that can use Provoke

Demons that can use Provoke
Dante iconDante Raidou iconRaidou

Related Skills


List of Skills

Skills By Type

Skills by Type
Physical Skills Magic Skills Buff Skills Debuff Skills
Healing Skills Misc Skills Passive Skills

Best Skills List and Best Demi-Fiend Skills

Other Buffs Skills

Skill List
Rakukaja Makakaja Sukukaja
Focus Tarukaja Dekunda
Makarakarn Tetraja Tetrakarn
Red Capote


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