Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

Fuu-Ki Skills, Stats, and Fusion

This is a guide to Fuu-Ki, a Brute demon in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Read on to know about Fuu-Ki, its base stats, strengths and weaknesses, how to fuse Fuu-Ki, and all the skills Fuu-Ki can learn.

Fuu-Ki Articles
How to Beat Fuu-KiHow to Beat Fuu-Ki How to Fuse Fuu-KiHow to Fuse Fuu-Ki

How to Fuse Fuu-Ki

Fuse two demons that results in a Brute Demon

To fuse Fuu-Ki, you need to fuse two demons that will result in a Brute Demon.

Detailed Fusion Chart: Fusion Calculator Guide

Sui-Ki + Aquans

Best Demons to Use
Aquans iconAquans Sui-Ki iconSui-Ki

There are several combinations that result in Brute demons. You'll need demons with a high enough base level to fuse Fuu-Ki. We recommend doing a simple elemental fusion using Sui-Ki and Aquans.

This is the simplest way for players to fuse Fuu-Ki as Sui-Ki is easily fused using the same method, while Aquans can be bought from Rag's Jewelry Shop.

Beat Fuu-Ki in the Ikebukuro Tunnels

Fuu-Ki Boss Battle

Players will need to beat Fuu-Ki in the Ikebukuro Tunnels in order to unlock his Fusion.

How to Beat Fuu-Ki

Fuu-Ki Overview, Stats, and Affinities

Fuu-Ki Overview and Affinities

Fuu-Ki Image.jpg
Base Level 66 Race Brute
Null Force/Dark

Fuu-Ki Base Stats

St 18
Ma 21
Vi 20
Ag 19
Lu 11

Skills Learned by Fuu-Ki

Skill List
Dark Pledge Lucky Find Fog Breath
Binding Cry Mazandyne Chaos Blade

Shin Megami Tensei III: Related Links

Demon By Race

demons partial final.png

List of Demons

All Demons By Races

Avatar Avian Beast
Brute Deity Divine
Dragon Element Entity
Fairy Fallen Femme
Fiend Foul Fury
Genma Haunt Holy
Jirae Kishin Lady
Megami Mitama Night
Others Raptor Seraph
Snake Tyrant Vile
Wargod Wilder Yoma

List of Best Demons

Related Demons

Shikigami iconShikigami Momunofu iconMomunofu Oni iconOni
Yomotsu-Ikusa iconYomotsu-Ikusa Shiki-Ouji iconShiki-Ouji Fuu-Ki iconFuu-Ki
Kin-Ki iconKin-Ki Sui-Ki iconSui-Ki Ongyo-Ki iconOngyo-Ki


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