Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne (SMT Nocturne)

How to Learn Deathtouch: Demons and Magatama with Deathtouch

This is a guide to the Deathtouch Skill in Shin Megami Tensei III HD Remaster (SMT Nocturne). Learn what Deathtouch's effect is, and which demons and magatama can learn Deathtouch.

Deathtouch Skill Overview

Type Cost
Magic 5 MP
Drains HP from one foe.

How to Learn Deathtouch Skill

Magatama that can learn Deathtouch

Currently Under Construction. Please stay tuned!

Demons that can use Deathtouch

Demons that can use Deathtouch
Will oWill o' Wisp Preta iconPreta Mou-Ryo iconMou-Ryo
Slime iconSlime Yaka iconYaka Black Ooze iconBlack Ooze
Legion iconLegion

Related Skills


List of Skills

Skills By Type

Skills by Type
Physical Skills Magic Skills Buff Skills Debuff Skills
Healing Skills Misc Skills Passive Skills

Best Skills List and Best Demi-Fiend Skills

Other Magic Skills

Skill List
Zio Zan Wing Buffet
Ice Breath Agi Bufu
Mabufu Maragi Hama
Deathtouch Mazio Mazan
Fire Breath Toxic Cloud Zionga
Hamaon Agilao Bufula
Mahama Mana Drain Zanma
Tornado Mabufula Thunderclap
Mamudo Mudo Eternal Rest
Life Drain Tentarafoo Dismal Tune
Maragidyne Evil Gaze Shock
Violet Flash Mazanma Mabufudyne
Wind Cutter Mazionga Mamudoon
Binding Cry Glacial Blast Mudoon
Maragion Bufudyne Mazandyne
Bolt Storm Wild Dance Mahamaon
Starlight Meditation Preach
Hell Burner Hell Exhaust Hellfire
Magma Axis Megidolaon Megidola
Megido God's Bow Prominence
Ziodyne Hell Gaze Radiance
Agidyne Holy Wrath Wet Wind
Soul Divide Zandyne Whirlwind
Roundtrip Godly Light Death Lust
Maziodyne Fire of Sinai Beast Roar
Death Flies Evil Melody Pestilence
Mishaguji Raiden Hitokoto Storm Jiraiya Dance
Intoxicate Ragnarok


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