New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Undersea Ballroom Dancing Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Undersea Ballroom Dancing, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Undersea Ballroom Dancing, as well as the reward!

Undersea Ballroom Dancing Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Undersea Lv. 2
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap TentacruelTentacruel
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap FrillishFrillish
Target Pokemon 3 New Pokemon Snap ClawitzerClawitzer
Quest Giver Phil
How to Unlock ・After discovering a route on the Lental Seafloor that leads to an undersea cave.
Request Text ・“Didja know Tentacruel actually dance? And with Frillish, even! Aw man, it was so cool! I wish I could've shown you!”

Course and Map Information

Undersea Ballroom Dancing Map.png
Undersea Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Undersea Ballroom Dancing Walkthrough Video

How to Clear Undersea Ballroom Dancing

Have Clawitzer Clear the Cave Entrance

You can only fulfill this request on research level 2 of Undersea. Tentacruel and Frillish are only dancing together in the alternate route that leads to the underground ruins, and the only way you can access that route on research level 2 is by having the first Clawitzer destroy the rocks blocking the path.

Throw an Illumina orb at Clawitzer as it's about to shoot at the rocks, which will cause it to fire like a cannon instead. If Clawitzer doesn't have the Illumina glow before it shoots, it will fail to destroy the rocks and the route will be shut off from entry.

Throw an Illumina Orb at the Male Tentacruel

While descending into the underwater ruins, you will see 3 Tentacruel; 2 female and 1 male. The male Tentacruel is your target, but note this is not the same male Tentacruel from earlier in the cavern. Throw an Illumina orb at the male Tentacruel for him to join Frillish in the underwater ruins later on. Do not throw an Illumina orb at the female Tentacruel, or it will also not show up.

If you're having trouble identifying the gender, you can either scan or zoom into the Tentacruel to reveal the Pokemon's gender. The male Tentacruel, however, is always below the entrance into the hole, while the 2 female Tentacruel are always right in front of you as you enter.

Snap Tentacruel & Frillish in the Underwater Ruins

You will see a Tentacruel and a Frillish looking at each other towards the end of the underwater ruins, which is close to the endpoint of the course. They're right above a crystabloom, which you could light up with an Illumina orb for more points, but it's not required for the request. Play the Melody to make the two Pokemon dance and snap a photo of them together. Note that the main subject of the request is the energetic Tentacruel.

Reward for Clearing Undersea Ballroom Dancing

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Maricopia Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Undersea LenTalk Requests
Favorite Hangout Spot Swimming Clamperl Lucky Four-Leaf Clover
A Ring of Bubbles A New Way to Dance Stirring Up Starmie
See Ya Inf-later! Ready, Aim, Fire! Undersea Ballroom Dancing
A Sunlit Cave A Light in the Depths A Seven-Colored Glow
To the Bottom of the Sea Golisopod Training Seafloor Roar


6 Anonymousover 2 years

Okay so here's where I was confused. Theres actually 4 tentacruel. The 1st one in the cave on decention down you ignore. Once in the next little area, turn around to see the Male you need for the quest. Hit it with an illumina and hit the melody really quick. It should move down the path where you'll see it at the end

5 Anonymousover 3 years

When you hit him with the orb, play the music right after. That will make him move down


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