New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Golisopod Training Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Golisopod Training, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Golisopod Training, as well as the reward!

Golisopod Training Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Undersea Lv. 3
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap GolisopodGolisopod
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap ClawitzerClawitzer
Quest Giver Professor Mirror
How to Unlock ・After adding Golisopod to your Photodex.
Request Text ・“Those Golisopod living on the seafloor... What's the nature of their relationship, I wonder.”

Course and Map Information

Golisopod Training.png
Undersea Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Golisopod Training

Take the Branching Route to the Underwater Ruins

In Undersea, Golisopod can only be found in the branching route to the underwater ruins. Take the route via the cave entrance right before the seaweed patch. The request can only be done on research level 3, where the entrance to the alternate route is already cleared.

Which is the Target Golisopod?

As you enter the underwater ruins area of the branching route, you will see 3 streaks of bubbles made by Clawitzers as they zoom across the water. 1 of the Clawitzer will break off and zoom towards a sleeping Golisopod. This is the first Golisopod you will come across in the course and it is the target Golisopod for this request.

Throw an Illumina Orb at Clawitzer

The Clawitzer that goes to the sleeping Golisopod will shoot at it. Throw an Illumina orb at Clawitzer before it shoots, so that it fires a much powerful shot instead. You may need to practice your aim, because you might still be far from the Clawitzer in the small window you have to throw an Illumina orb at it.

Snap a Photo of the Sparring Golisopods!

After succesfully getting Clawitzer to wake Golisopod up, Golisopod will walk over to another nearby Golisopod and start sparring with it. Snap a photo of the Golisopod fighting and make sure both of them are in the photo!

Reward for Clearing Golisopod Training

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Maricopia Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Undersea LenTalk Requests
Favorite Hangout Spot Swimming Clamperl Lucky Four-Leaf Clover
A Ring of Bubbles A New Way to Dance Stirring Up Starmie
See Ya Inf-later! Ready, Aim, Fire! Undersea Ballroom Dancing
A Sunlit Cave A Light in the Depths A Seven-Colored Glow
To the Bottom of the Sea Golisopod Training Seafloor Roar


3 Anonymousover 3 years

The key to this one is speed—once you get to the cave section with Lumineon and Clamperl, ignore them and just slam that turbo button while looking straight ahead until you reach the Golisopod, and then look over to it. If done correctly, the Clawitzer will be practically right in front of you when it arrives, making it exponentially easier to hit it with an orb in time compared to a normal run!

2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

Make sure you can see the full body of both the Pokemon--I submitted one where you could only see the arm and leg of one, and it didn't count.


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