New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Mareanie's a Meanie Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Mareanie's a Meanie, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Mareanie's a Meanie, as well as the reward!

Mareanie's a Meanie Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Reef (Evening) Lv. 1 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap MareanieMareanie
Quest Giver Todd
How to Unlock ・After your first expedition in Reef (Evening)
Request Text ・“Mareanie was going after Corsola during the day, right? In the evening, it might go after Pokemon like Clamperl...”

Course and Map Information

Reef (Evening) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Mareanie's a Meanie

Head Left to the Rocky Area

Start Reef (Evening) at Research Level 1. Proceed through the course until the Neo-One reaches the rocky area with the two Clamperl and the Drifblim.

Throw Fluffruits at the Rocky Area

Throw a lot of Fluffruits at the rocky area in between the two Clamperl. Keep throwing the fruits until the Mareanie appears.

Take a Photo of Mareanie Attacking the Clamperl

Wait for the Mareanie to appear and attack the Clamperl. Take a photo of this to complete the request.

Reward for Clearing Mareanie's a Meanie

Character: Todd

New Pokemon Snap - Mareanie

Completing this request will reward you with the following collectible: Character: Todd.

How to Unlock All Stickers

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Maricopia Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Reef (Evening) LenTalk Requests
Drifting Drifblim The Dancing Songstress Practice Makes Perfect
Round and Round Whirlpool Blast Off Take One, Please
A Mighty Rolling Leap Mareanie's a Meanie Voracious Vaporeon
Myth of the Sea


4 CCXalmost 4 years

It absolutely does have to do with the Drifblim. The Fluffruit is actually to lure Drifblim down; it starts towards it, then stops because of Mareanie's appearance. For that reason, I find it best to aim to the left of both Clamperl because it will cause Drifblim to descend sooner.

3 GrandLethalalmost 4 years

Yes, I don't think it has anything to do with the Drifblim or the visable Mareanie either. The confusion might be from the fact that once you round that corner with the two Clamperl's on it and pelt the Drifblim with fruit that they land on the rock which attracts a Mareanie to hop onto that land space with the Clamperls and attack one of them. Aim for the rock surface or the Drifblim I've done both and they both work. (Target picture is a Mareanie, 4 star) Completed on research level 2.


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