Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Walkthrough Comments

Best Jobs Tier ListComment

Showing 1-9 of 9 entries


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    6 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Or you could, you know, get to know the game a little bit better, and use Warrior's second link bonus with Sentinel for invulneratbility windows. Instead of spreading bs, I mean.

    5 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Mage should be way higher and it's absurd all these tier lists rate it so lowly. In a game that is balanced around MP management, this is the only class that lets you recover MP from afar and completely cheese regular enemy encounters. Pair it with any class that can heal and you have infinite sustain as well. It's also great for bosses since you can focus entirely on not dying. Its only weakness is enemies that rush you, but that goes for every casting class.

    4 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    You need to farm artifacts, there is build potential you are missing.

    3 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    If using a build using dark knight and max berserker affinity you can always have shell and protect on. You can use blood weapon with dark knight and be over powered. This list is not that great since they don't explain builds of how to pair affinities. Dark knight should be higher since it can stack any near death abilities at any hp value. Even ragnarok paired with dark knight increases damage.

    2 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Magic isn't the only viable method for lvl 300. I run Assasin and can cause break on bosses very quickly when using Fist/claw and Katana weapons, or Knives against Tiamat. Leveling your Jobs above 30 also helps a ton on executing Bosses more rapidly. Using Sage as a sub job for buffs or heals when necessary also helps but is not required. It's all going to depend how your gear and affinities enhance your Job's strengths and your skill in countering. This is all from solo play.

    1 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    End game... Meaning lvl 300 the only viable classes are the magic classes. Sage in particular with riot magic and magic Regen . Melee classes die in one shot no matter how well you build their defences. Sage is really the only ss tier. Liberator has to spend more time dodging than fighting. And don't even try blocking because your break guage gets one shot too leaving you defenseless. Iv tried every way to build each class and the magic classes are the only ones that can win a boss fight at 300.

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