Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

How to Beat Kraken: Locations and Strategies

How to Beat Kraken
This is a fight guide on Kraken, a boss in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Read on to see strategies against Kraken, locations, and attack patterns!

Kraken Information

Strengths and Weaknesses

Kraken ImageKraken
Difficulty ★★★
Weaknesses Lightning, Pierce
Resistances None

How to Beat Kraken

Tips and Strategies

Equip Lightning

Equip Lightning
It is recommended to equip weapons and jobs that make imbue Lightning as Kraken is very weak against this. Thundaga is an excellent ability to have during this fight as you can direct good damage to Kraken while maintaining a safe distance.

Be Careful When It Goes Near Water

Be Careful When It Goes Near Water
Kraken has a few attacks that require it to go either near or under the water. Keep an eye out for when it approaches the water and be prepared to evade from its Water Laser. In Phase 2 of its attack patterns, you will see Kraken will dive underwater. Keep your guard up when it resurfaces as it will release an unblockable attack: Tsunami.

Go for the Face Tentacles

Go for the Face Tentacles
Resentful Embrace is an ability that can steal your buffs. To prevent this, deal enough damage to the tentacles on its head to detach them. When Kraken's tentacles get removed, it will have a shorter reach but don't think this limits its attacks. Nova Splash and Inky Envy will still be available to it but these can easily be negated with a well-timed soul shield.

Kraken Attack Patterns

Phase 1

Attack Description
Swipe Attack Kraken attacks in a swiping motion directly in front of it.
Rush Kraken crawls its way toward you dealing damage.
Water Laser Kraken goes the water and releases a beam of water.
Inky Envy Kraken fires multiple ink projectiles across the area.
Tentacle Crush Kraken dives towards its enemies dealing damage.
Spinning Blast Kraken extends its tentacles and spins around, dealing damage to enemies in a close range.
Resentful Embrace Kraken lunges forward and reaches out to enemies in front of it to perform a grab attack.

Phase 2

Attack Description
Tsunami Kraken goes underwater and resurfaces to expel water in an area. This is an unblockable AoE attack.
Nova Splash Kraken releases water bubble projectiles attacks that deals damage.
Frenzy Kraken goes into a frenzy and slashes multiple times in front of it.

Where to find Kraken

Known Mission Locations

You can find Kraken in the final area of Sunken Shrine during the main mission: Memories of Water.

Known Locations
Memories of Water Ebon Memories: The Power-Hungry

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