Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

List of All Dagger Weapons

Daggers are a type of weapon in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, capable of inflicting close-range damage with fast attack speeds. Read on to learn more about each weapon, possible Job affinities, as well as its associated Equipment Effects!

List of All Dagger Weapons

All Daggers

Weapon Job Association / Affinity
Duelist Warrior Thief Red Mage Assassin Ninja Tyrant Void Knight Liberator
Mage MashersMage Mashers
Duelist Warrior Thief Red Mage Assassin Ninja Tyrant Void Knight Liberator
Twin GladiiTwin Gladii
Dancing DaggersDancing Daggers
Orichalcum DirksOrichalcum Dirks
Duelist Thief Red Mage
Sasuke and SaizoSasuke and Saizo
Duelist Monk Assassin Tyrant Void Knight Liberator Liberator
Main GauchesMain Gauches
Duelist Thief Red Mage
Ripper KnivesRipper Knives
Zwill CrossbladesZwill Crossblades
Monk Tyrant Liberator

All Dagger Combos and Effects

Dagger Combo Abilities

Skill Information
MP Cost: Bisect | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Agility

Slip behind an enemy and deliver a devious slash attack.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
Cloaked FangCloaked Fang
MP Cost: Cloaked Fang | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Agility

Disappear temporarily, then reappear to perform a slashing attack.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
MP Cost: Cloudburst | Type: Pierce/Slash
Stat Bonus: Strength

Impale an enemy then unleash a quick slash that deals pierce and slash damage and knocks enemies back. Critical hits will deal more damage than usual.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
Greased LightningGreased Lightning
MP Cost: Greased Lightning | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Agility

Perform three slashing attacks which cover a great distance.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
Jagged WheelJagged Wheel
MP Cost: Jagged Wheel | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Intellect | Element: Water

Perform two water-imbued whirling slashes.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
MP Cost: Maim | Type: Pierce
Stat Bonus: Strength/Agility

Pierce an enemy with your daggers, then tear them out violently. Critical hits will deal more damage than usual.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
Sneak AttackSneak Attack
MP Cost: Sneak Attack | Type: Pierce
Stat Bonus: Agility/Spirit

Thrust with your daggers, inflicting paralysis.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
MP Cost: Vortex | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Agility

Leap at an enemy while spinning to unleash a series of slashing attacks. Critical hits will deal more damage than usual.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
Wasp StingWasp Sting
MP Cost: Wasp Sting | Type: Pierce
Stat Bonus: Agility

Performing a thrusting attack with your daggers. Critical hits will deal more damage than usual.
This Ability can be set to any link.
MP Cost: Whirlwind | Type: Slash
Stat Bonus: Agility

Leap into the air to unleash a series of slashing attacks across a wide area.
This Ability can only be set to:
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Dagger Combo Ability Effects

Skill Effect
Ambitious EdgeAmbitious Edge
(Red Mage)
Enemies broken or brought to 0 HP by this attack will be finished with a soul burst.
Dagger CancelDagger Cancel
Enables earlier dodging.
Dagger ForceDagger Force
(Void Knight)
Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Daggers of DesireDaggers of Desire
(Red Mage)
Restores HP based on magic damage dealt.
Deadly DaggersDeadly Daggers
Enhances the critical bonus.
Deadly DaggersDeadly Daggers
Enhances the critical bonus.
Fierce DaggerFierce Dagger
Refills break gauge based on critical damage dealt.
Fierce DaggerFierce Dagger
(Void Knight)
Increases break damage dealt.
Fierce DaggerFierce Dagger
Refills break gauge based on critical damage dealt.
Spirit of ExecutionSpirit of Execution
Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Spirit of the DaggerSpirit of the Dagger
Increases accumulation of ailments on enemy.
Spirit of the DaggerSpirit of the Dagger
Increases accumulation of status ailments on enemy.
Swift SwipesSwift Swipes
Increases attack speed.
Swift SwipesSwift Swipes
Increases attack speed.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Related Links

Weapons Partial Banner.png

List of Weapons and All Weapon Locations

All Weapon Types
Greatsword Icon.pngGreatsword Mace Icon.pngMace
Lance Icon.pngLance Sword Icon.pngSword
Axe Icon.pngAxe Knuckles Icon.pngKnuckles
Dagger Icon.pngDagger Katana Icon.pngKatana


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