Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Best Weapon Types Tier List

Stranger of Paradise Weapon Type Tier List

This is a tier list of all weapon types in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Learn which weapon types are best for DPS, and which classes benefit the most from each weapon type.

Best Weapon Type Tier List

Best Weapon Types for DPS

SS Tier Icon
S Rank Icon
Battle Axe.png Greatsword.png
A Rank Icon
Halberd.pngMage Mashers.pngKiller Knuckles.png
B Rank Icon
C Rank Icon
Hermit Club.png

Tier List Explanation

SS Tier

Weapon Type Tier When to Use
Genbu.pngKatana SS Tier Icon Bosses and Mobs
The Katana is a fast weapon type with decent reach and low commitment on basic R1s. By holding R1 down you'll notice a blue aura appear, after which you can follow up with a flurry of slashes. This flurry is perfect for dealing high damage to stunned enemies or bosses, putting the Katana weapon class as the highest DPS in the game.

S Tier

Weapon Type Tier When to Use
Battle Axe.pngAxes S Rank Icon Bosses
The basic R1 combo on Axes is slightly slower then the Greatsword class, but deals higher damage per hit (this may vary depending on skills and equipment effects). This weapon type is useful against boss fights when you can only safely get in one hit per opening, as it is the single highest damage option for an R1 or a charged R1.
Greatsword.pngGreatswords S Rank Icon Bosses
Greatswords are heavy hitting and surprisingly fast. The first hit of the R1 chain is a horizontal slash which is great for crowd control. The charged R1 deals a single powerful strike if you can land it.

A Tier

Weapon Type Tier When to Use
Halberd.pngLance A Rank Icon Bosses or Mobs
The Lance is a thrusting type weapon with the added benefit of being able to attack from range by throwing it at the enemy. Even when used in melee, the reach of lances is usually enough to keep a safe distance, however since enemies move quickly, straight thrust attacks often miss their target.
Killer Knuckles.pngKnuckles A Rank Icon Mobs
Knuckles are a useful weapon type for chaining attacks to deplete the enemy Break Gauge as well as replenishing MP quickly. The drawback to this weapon is it's short range, forcing you to approach the enemy. Best used for dealing with enemy mobs or as a backup support weapon to replenish MP quickly in a boss fight.
Mage Mashers.pngDaggers A Rank Icon Mobs
Similar to Knuckles, Daggers are fast close range weapons that are useful for restoring MP quickly and depleting the enemy's Break Gauge. Although the R1 combos are quite different in animation the function remains the same. The main difference between these two weapon types comes more from the skills you can use via jobs rather than the basic moveset.

B Tier

Weapon Type Tier When to Use
Warlord.pngSword B Rank Icon Mobs
The sword is a fairly basic weapon that is unfortunately outclassed by other weapon types. Although standard R1s are slightly faster than a Katana, the Katana class has the added benefit of the flurry attack by holding R1 and following up with rapid R1s. The Sword class does have a unique charged R1 that is a lunging horizontal slash which is good for crowd control, however you would be better off with a Greatsword or an Axe in that department. Swords do allow you to equip a shield, but this doesn't help in terms of DPS.

C Tier

Weapon Type Tier Explanation
Hermit Club.pngMaces C Rank Icon Mobs
Maces are the melee option for mages, with a quick series of R1s at very short range. For mages, most of your damage will be coming from spells, and even for MP regeneration on normal attacks, you would be better off using Knuckles or Daggers. Maces do allow you to equip a shield, however this doesn't factor into the Mace class' DPS.

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