Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Tyrant Best Builds

Final Fantasy Origin - Stranger of Paradise - Tyrant Best Builds

Tyrant is one of the expert Jobs that can be accessed in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Read on to find out more about this Job, its best builds, and which Equipment Effects to go after to maximize Jack's potential!

Tyrant Guides
TyrantHow to Use Tyrant TyrantTyrant Best Builds

Brawler Build

Tyrant Brawler Build

This build focuses on using the Tyrant's ability to quickly recover MP making it a viable job to pair with other jobs that rely heavily on MP to unleash their power, such as Sage and Cyclic Warrior.

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
1 Double UppercutDouble Uppercut
(Pugilist Ability)
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
2 WindmillWindmill
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Double Dragon ComboDouble Dragon Combo
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
Magic ArtsMagic Arts LunaticLunatic Blood WeaponBlood Weapon
  • Magic Arts: This command is a stable for any job that requires MP recovery as it lets you recover MP as long as you land a successful hit on an enemy.
  • Lunatic: Despite having an already fast attack pattern using then Knuckles, Lunatic will take it even a step further, paired with Magic Arts, you can easily recover a full MP bar in a matter of seconds whilst dealing damage and avoiding attacks.
  • Bloody Weapon: This command will function mostly as a fail-safe in case you get cornered and are down in health. When paired with Lunatic, you can recover a full HP bar in matter of seconds because of the attack speed of the Knuckles.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Passive  V2 copy.pngNormal Attack MP Recovery PugilistPugilist's Heart Passive  V2 copy.pngBreak Gauge Recovery Speed
  • Normal Attack MP Recovery: The core component of this build is to buildup MP. Give priority to this particular node and focus on sharpening your attack and dodge patterns to deal damage while esvca
  • Pugilist's Heart: This secondary passive node is better put to use when you cast Enchant on your Knuckles and rely on quick attack speed to accumulate a status ailment.
  • Break Gauge Recovery Speed: You may not be able to dodge all the attacks thrown at you, and when that happens, you will definitely break. Invest in speeding up your break gauge recovery to get back in the action and heal up with Lunatic and Blood Weapon.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks
Strike Break Damage Dealt
Status Ailment Accumulation

Since you'll be using Knuckles for this build, it is recommended that you change your equipment effects to buff Strike Break Damage Dealt to make your combos stronger in dealing break damage, making it easier to soul burst enemies and recover MP in the process.

Rurouni Build

Tyrant Katana Build

While the Brawler Build focuses more on recovering MP while dealing relatively smaller amounts of damage consistently, this build will focus more on using the explosive power of the Katana to finish enemies in a series of combos.

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
1 Yuki-KemuriYuki-Kemuri
(Samurai Ability)
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
2 GaroGaro
(Ronin Ability)
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Hana-ArashiHana-Arashi
(Samurai Ability)
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
Magic ArtsMagic Arts Mighty StrikesMighty Strikes LunaticLunatic
  • Magic Arts: This command which will play a vital role in filling up your MP gauge to make successive combos.
  • Mighty Strikes: The goal of this build is buff up your own attacks, and Mighty Strikes does just that; boosting your attacks allowing you to more easily pierce through enemy resistances.
  • Lunatic: While it is undeniable that the Katana is already a fast weapon, making it an even faster weapon is the cornerstone of this build to deal even more damage.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Passive  V2 copy.pngAfflicted Enemy: Damage Dealt Essence of the SwordEssence of the Sword Passive  V2 copy.pngBreak Gauge Recovery Speed
  • Afflicted Enemy: Damage Dealt: Use Lunatic and Enchant in tandem to accumulate status ailment as quickly as possible, and then deal more
  • Essence of the Sword: This node buffs up your element-imbued katana and increases the rate of accumulating a status ailment.
  • Break Gauge Recovery Speed: As mentioned in the Brawler Build, this node is vital for when you are broken by enemy attacks as you will focus more on dealin damage and less about dodging.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
Action Ability MP Cost
Slash Break Damage Dealt
Status Ailment Accumulation

Choose effects that will decrease your MP consumption as this build is focused on the utilization of combos to dispatch enemies as quickly as they spawn.

Best Job Synergies and Pairings


SageSage Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Can use shields
Basic Info The Sage is a master of spellcasting. They can cast Magic Sigil, to toggle between white and black magic. Casting a white or black magic spell will earn you an emblem of the corresponding color. The more emblems you have, the quicker you will cast spells.

The Sage is the best choice to compliment the Tyrant's passive MP recovery skills, allowing to make full use of its magic casting abilities. While a basic Mage or any of the Advanced Mages may also be viable candidates, we recommend the Sage as enemies will be tougher across mid- to endgame.

Sage Guide: How to Use Sage


NinjaNinja Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Ninja is a master of ninjutsu. This class can perform special techniques that consume ninja tools instead of MP. These special ninja tools can be replenished by visiting a cube.

The Ninja can also make full use of the Tyrant's ability to imbue weapons with magic when paired with its passive ability to increase the accumulation of status ailments from attacks. The Tyrant's ability Enchant, will not deactivate even after switching Jobs, giving the Ninja the advantage of using magic imbued weapons to inflict a status ailment.

Ninja Guide: How to Use Ninja

Tyrant Job Info

General Info

Tyrant Info
Info The Tyrant is a master of elemental combat. This Job has the ability to imbue their weapon with an element corresponding to the magic of their choice.
Job Action Enchant: Imbue your weapons with a chosen element.
Level Expert
Usable Weapon Sword
Shield? Can use Shields

Tyrant Guide: How to Use Tyrant

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Stranger of Paradise - Best Builds.png
Best Builds for Each Job

All Builds

Basic Jobs
SwordsmanSwordsman SwordfighterSwordfighter DuelistDuelist
RoninRonin PugilistPugilist MageMage
MarauderMarauder LancerLancer
Advanced Jobs
SamuraiSamurai MonkMonk KnightKnight
DragoonDragoon WarriorWarrior BerserkerBerserker
White Mage.pngWhite Mage Black Mage.pngBlack Mage Thief.pngThief
Red Mage.pngRed Mage
Expert Jobs
Liberator.pngLiberator Cyclic Warrior.pngCyclic Warrior Breaker.pngBreaker
Tyrant.pngTyrant Sage.pngSage Paladin.pngPaladin
Ninja.pngNinja Assassin.pngAssassin Dark Knight.pngDark Knight
Void Knight.pngVoid Knight

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