Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

White Mage Best Builds

White Mage Best Builds
White Mage is one of the advanced Jobs that can be accessed in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Read on to find out more about this Job, its best builds, and which Equipment Effects to go after to maximize Jack's potential!

White Mage Guides
White MageHow to Use White Mage White MageWhite Mage Best Builds

Party Buffer Build

Party Buffer
This build takes advantage of the many buff spells at a White Mage's disposal. Taking on a more passive role during combat, this build lets party members do much of the heavy lifting when fighting against foes, only stepping in to either replenish their MP or to cast spells for allies when needed.

Generally, this build is particularly useful on higher difficulties where enemies may prove to be more challenging against the party.

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
1 White MagicWhite Magic

XBOX Right Trigger
2 Seraph StrikeSeraph Strike
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Divine StrikeDivine Strike
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
ReinforceReinforce Divine SigilDivine Sigil RuinRuin
  • Reinforce: Unlocked through the Swordsman Job Tree, this build makes it harder for enemies to stagger you, along with decreasing the amount of time it takes to fully charge an ability – White Mage's spell casting in particular will become faster.
  • Divine Sigil: Increases the amount of time an ability's buff will stay.
  • Ruin: Unlocked through the Mage Job Tree, this Command Ability sends out a non-elemental magic attack directly in-front of a player. When buffing allies, some enemies may divert their attention to attack you and try to rush your position. Use this ability to send them back.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Elemental Resistance +4.0%Elemental Resistance +4.0% Holy Damage +3.0%Holy Damage +3.0% Normal Attack MP Recovery +3.8%Normal Attack MP Recovery +3.8%
  • Elemental Resistance +4.0%: Raises elemental resistances, which is useful for Elemental enemies who can send their attacks at you from afar.
  • Holy Damage +3.0%: Increases the amount of damage the spell Holy can do – generally, this ability is only useful for players who intend to use the spell.
  • Normal Attack MP Recovery +3.8%: Grants more MP for every successfully landed Normal Attacks against enemies. Very useful in scenarios where players will need to restore their MP stores.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
Status Ailment Resistance ( + )
All Damage Taken ( - )
Break Gauge Recovery Speed ( + )

Due to the passive nature of this build, much of the Equipment Effects that the player should take on should provide more defensive boosts to the player's stats – although these are the specific Equipment Effects, any alternatives that can minimize damage taken from enemies can more than reliably do the job.

Battle Mage Build

Battle Mage
Doing away with the passiveness of the previous build, being a Battle Mage means being an active participant in all the battles that players will take part in. This build is effectively used by players who know how to and when to buff or use offensive magic, and when specifically to go in for short-ranged hits with their Mace and Shield.

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
1 White MagicWhite Magic

XBOX Right Trigger
2 Seraph StrikeSeraph Strike
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Divine StrikeDivine Strike
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
ReinforceReinforce Divine SigilDivine Sigil RuinRuin
  • Reinforce: Unlocked through the Swordsman Job Tree, this build makes it harder for enemies to stagger you, along with decreasing the amount of time it takes to fully charge an ability – White Mage's spell casting in particular will become faster.
  • Divine Sigil: Increases the amount of time an ability's buff will stay.
  • Ruin: Unlocked through the Mage Job Tree, this Command Ability sends out a non-elemental magic attack directly in-front of a player. When buffing allies, some enemies may divert their attention to attack you and try to rush your position. Use this ability to send them back.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Elemental ExpertElemental Expert StrikerStriker's Spirit Normal Attack MP Recovery +7.0%Normal Attack MP Recovery +7.0%
  • Elemental Expert: Enhances abilities set to the second Link slot. Refills the break gauge based on the amount of magic damage dealt against enemies.
  • Striker's Spirit: Enhances abilities set to the Rear Attack Link. Restores MP based on magic damage dealt.
  • Normal Attack MP Recovery +7.0%: Increases the amount of MP restored on every successful hit of a Normal Attack.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
Magic Damage Dealt ( + )
Intellect ( + )
MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks ( + )

Although majority of this build borrows heavily from the passive-type build, due to the different playstyles involved, you will need to deal more damage against enemies for everytime you cast spells.

Additionally, due to the high MP intensive nature of this build, Normal Attacks that you conduct must benefit you more, beyond that just of weakning the enemy's HP. Benefit from Normal Attacks by increasing the rate of MP recovery for every normal attack you conduct.

Best Job Synergies and Pairings


SamuraiSamurai Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Samurai is the refined version of the Ronin. This job has access to the Meikyo-shisui, an ability that greatly increases the MP recovered from normal attacks and also restores MP when parrying.

When using the Party Buff build of White Mage, it is best to swap out to a different Job when entering a battle.

Samurai is the perfect choice in that regard, as it can more than capable replenish your MP stores whenever the need for any of the White Mage's spells arises, giving players and their party members a huge fighting chance against tougher enemies without sacrificing damage output.

Samurai Guide: How to Use Samurai


MonkMonk Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Monk is a combination of the Pugilist and the Lancer. A specialized hand-to-hand combatant; the Monk has the ability to recover HP and refill their break gauge at the cost of MP.

Similar to how players would opt to use Samurai as a damage output substitute to White Mage, Monk is another good candidate. In particular, the use of its HP and MP Replenishing build is a good way to stay in the fight without sacrificing much of the buffs given by the White Mage.

Monk Guide: How to Use Monk


DragoonDragoon Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Dragoon is a master of evasion and heavy damage. This job class allows you to jump high in the air to evade enemy attacks and then land on the enemy dealing greater damage.

Dragoon is another Job that can easily produce plenty of damage of while gaining MP. A White Mage and Dragoon pairing has good synergy, with Break Gauges depleting easier with Dragoon than other offense-based Jobs.

This is a prudent point the deeper into the game you go, where enemies become more "tanky", capable of sustaining themselves even if you wreak them with plentiful offensive attacks.

Dragoon Guide: How to Use Dragoon

White Mage Job Info

General Info

White Mage Info
White MageWhite Mage
Info The White Mage is a specialization of the Mage job class suited for support. White Mages have the ability to cast white magic which allows them to heal and revive fallen allies.
Job Action White Magic: Cast a chosen white magic spell. Unlocks the spell, raise.
Level Advanced
Usable Weapon Mace
Shield? Can use Shields

White Mage Guide: How to Use White Mage

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Stranger of Paradise - Best Builds.png
Best Builds for Each Job

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MarauderMarauder LancerLancer
Advanced Jobs
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DragoonDragoon WarriorWarrior BerserkerBerserker
White Mage.pngWhite Mage Black Mage.pngBlack Mage Thief.pngThief
Red Mage.pngRed Mage
Expert Jobs
Liberator.pngLiberator Cyclic Warrior.pngCyclic Warrior Breaker.pngBreaker
Tyrant.pngTyrant Sage.pngSage Paladin.pngPaladin
Ninja.pngNinja Assassin.pngAssassin Dark Knight.pngDark Knight
Void Knight.pngVoid Knight

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