Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Berserker Best Builds

Final Fantasy Origin - Berserker Builds
Berserker is one of the advanced Jobs that can be accessed in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Read on to find out more about this Job, its best builds, and which Equipment Effects to go after to maximize Jack's potential!

Berserker Guides
BerserkerHow to Use Berserker BerserkerBerserker Best Builds

Raving Lunatic Build

Stranger of Paradise - Berserker Raving Lunatic Build
Berserkers excel at taking the fight to the enemy. This build revolves around the Lunatic and Berserk abilities, which turn the Berserker into an unstoppable DPS machine.

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
1 Cyclone RushCyclone Rush
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
2 Moon SlashMoon Slash
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Brutal TackleBrutal Tackle
(Marauder Ability)
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
Blood WeaponBlood Weapon (Marauder Ability) LunaticLunatic SwaybackSwayback (Lancer Ability)
  • Blood Weapon: A solid command ability that provides a bit of sustain by maintaining the offensive. Blood Weapon lets you regain HP based on damage dealt during its buff duration, which synergizes extremely well with the Berserker's aggressive playstyle.
  • Lunatic: Arguably the linchpin of the entire build. Lunatic greatly increases attack speed at the cost of disabling auto-break gauge regeneration. The buff includes charge times of every attack, making it an extremely important ability for Berserkers. The increased attack speed also results in faster MP regeneration through attacks, allowing you to activate your abilities more often.
  • Swayback: Swayback is a defensive command ability that regenerates break gauge upon activation. The break gauge regeneration goes through Lunatic's restriction, allowing you to pop Soul Shields with little worry and ensures that Lunatic maximizes its buff duration.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Brutal AxeBrutal Axe Arcane AxeArcane Axe Physical Damage +3.7%Physical Damage +3.7%
  • Brutal Axe: Brutal Axe increases the physical damage dealt of your Link 3's combo ability. This turns a fully charged Brutal Tackle into one of the most devastating damage abilities in the game when used during Lunatic's duration.
  • Arcane Axe: This Ability Effect lets you refill your break gauage through your Link 1 combo ability, turning Cyclone Rush into an efficient combo ability for maintaining the offensive and Lunatic's buff duration at the same.
  • Physical Damage +3.7%: It's better to nice to keep things simple sometimes. This straightforward passive increases the damage of every attack in your arsenal, improving the overall effectiveness of the build.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
・Physical Damage Dealt ( + )
・Soul Shield: MP Recovery ( + )
・Break Damage Dealt ( + )
・MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attack ( + )

An aggressive job deserves aggressive equipment effects! This effect setup ensures that your damage maintains an optimal level regardless of the target. MP Regeneration through normal attacks and Soul Shields results in increased DPS as well, as they allow you to activate combo and command abilities more often.

Best Job Synergies and Pairings


DragoonDragoon Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Dragoon is a master of evasion and heavy damage. This job class allows you to jump high in the air to evade enemy attacks and then land on the enemy dealing greater damage.

Dragoon and Berserker's playstyles are almost identical, as they both thrive on ramped up aggression and taking the fight to their enemies. This makes them a natural pair, with combo transitions that are almost seemless because of Lunatic's attack speed buff.
Dragoon Guide: How to Use Dragoon


SamuraiSamurai Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Samurai is the refined version of the Ronin. This job has access to the Meikyo-shisui, an ability that greatly increases the MP recovered from normal attacks and also restores MP when parrying.

Samurai's efficiency at regenerating MP through combat is a great compliment to our Berserker build. Similar to Dragoon, transitioning between both classes after combo abilities is seemless as long as Lunatic is up.
Samurai Guide: How to Use Samurai

Berserker Job Info

General Info

Berserker Info
Info The Berserker is one the tankiest damage output with access to both the greatsword and the axe. They also have the Berserk ability that temporarily increases their strength even further at the expense of the ability to use potions.
Job Action Berserk: Temporarily increases attack. In addition, temporarily decreases the chance of being staggered, and increases the chance of staggering enemies.
Level Advanced
Usable Weapon Greatsword
Shield? Cannot use Shields

Berserker Guide: How to Use Berserker

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Stranger of Paradise - Best Builds.png
Best Builds for Each Job

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SwordsmanSwordsman SwordfighterSwordfighter DuelistDuelist
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MarauderMarauder LancerLancer
Advanced Jobs
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DragoonDragoon WarriorWarrior BerserkerBerserker
White Mage.pngWhite Mage Black Mage.pngBlack Mage Thief.pngThief
Red Mage.pngRed Mage
Expert Jobs
Liberator.pngLiberator Cyclic Warrior.pngCyclic Warrior Breaker.pngBreaker
Tyrant.pngTyrant Sage.pngSage Paladin.pngPaladin
Ninja.pngNinja Assassin.pngAssassin Dark Knight.pngDark Knight
Void Knight.pngVoid Knight

This section is currently under construction. Check back later for updates!


1 Anonymousover 2 years

Hey, thanks for putting together these guides, by the way! I saw that you have Cyclone Rush listed as a Marauder ability. I actually see that it is in the Berserker tree instead. Great guides though!


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