Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

List of Controls and How to Change

Final Fantasy Origin - Control Settings

This guide gives an explanation of various controls found in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. Read on to learn about the various control schemes available during various parts of the game.

How to Change Controls

While a standard control scheme is set upon stating the game, you are free to change to control scheme to suit your needs at any time.

You can change the game's controls in the choosing System Settings in the Menu and choosing Control Settings.

Type A Control Scheme

Function Button (Default)
Soul Shield O button.png
Evade (Breakfall)/Dash X button.png
Change Battle Set Triangle button.png
Instant Ability Square button.png
Move L stick.png
Sprint Toggle L3 button.png
Adjust Camera R stick.png
Lock On R3 button.png
Guard L1.png
Open Ability Guide L2.png
Attack R1.png
Activate Ability R2.png
Preset Phrases Dpad up.png
Resonance 1 Dpad left.png
Use Potion Dpad down.png
Resonance 2 Dpad right.png
Check Touchpad.png

Type B Control Scheme

Function Button (Default)
Soul Shield O button.png
Evade (Breakfall)/Dash X button.png
Activate Ability Triangle button.png
Attack Square button.png
Move L stick.png
Sprint Toggle L3 button.png
Adjust Camera R stick.png
Lock On R3 button.png
Guard L1.png
Open Ability Guide L2.png
Instant Ability R1.png
Change Battle Set R2.png
Preset Phrases Dpad up.png
Resonance 1 Dpad left.png
Use Potion Dpad down.png
Resonance 2 Dpad right.png
Check Touchpad.png

Custom Control Scheme

The game also has the option to create a custom control scheme. This allows players to re-map all of their button commands, giving them a more confortable control scheme to use. To do this, select Custom in the Control Settings, and press the Edit button to open up all custom options.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Related Guides

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