Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Lancer Best Builds

Final Fantasy Origin - Lancer Builds
Lancer is one of the basic Jobs that can be accessed in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Read on to find out more about this Job, its best builds, and which Equipment Effects to go after to maximize Jack's potential!

Lancer Guides
LancerHow to Use Lancer LancerLancer Best Builds

All-Rounded DPS Build

Stranger of Paradise - Lancer All-Rounded DPS Build

Best Abilities Loadout

Combo Ability Setup

No. Ability Button Commands
R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
2 AscensionAscensionAscensionAscension
R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger
3 Piercing BlowPiercing Blow
R1 > R1 > R1 > R2

XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Button > XBOX Right Trigger

Command Ability Setup

Best Commands
VenomVenom Blood WeaponBlood Weapon SwaybackSwayback
  • Venom (Duelist Ability): Venom can bolster your DPS against tough monsters and even some bosses in the early game. Applying this status ailment is easy with proper Wild Thrust usage.
  • Blood Weapon (Marauder Ability): Blood Weapon lets you regain HP with each attack. This is great for Lancers in general as they thrive on aggressive playstyles.
  • Swayback: Swayback is a great way to fully regenerate your break gauge in the blink of an eye. The dodge covers a solid stance as well, making it an amazing defensive ability as long as you manage your MP well during the fight.

Passive and Effect Priorities

Best Passives and Effects
Lance Hurl MasteryLance Hurl Mastery Crippling StrikeCrippling Strike Nimble ThrustNimble Thrust
  • Lance Hurl Mastery: This passive adds a culling effect to Lance Hurl, turning it into an efficient finisher if you can fully deplete the target's break gauge with the actual ability.
  • Crippling Strike: Crippling Strike bolsters your back attack combo's break damage, which further improves Wild Thrust's efficiency at quick break gauge depletions if done through this combo link.
  • Nimble Thrust: Similar to Crippling Strike, but through side attack combos instead! We recommend that you use Wild Thrust on every directional combo as it is the better choice over the Lance Hurl.

Recommended Equipment Effects

Equipment Effects
・Agility ( + )
・Break Gauge Damage Dealt ( + )
・MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attack ( + )
・Soul Shield: MP Recovery ( + )

Best Job Synergies and Pairings


RoninRonin Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Ronin is the precursor to the Samurai. The Ronin job class has the ability to charge a draw slash attack that deals heavy break damage. Fully charge this ability to increase its power.

Ronin synergizes well with Lancers because both of them excel at depleting break gauges. Consider picking this class up if you want more of the same thing, only with a Katana.
Ronin Guide: How to Use Ronin


MarauderMarauder Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Marauder is an axe-wielding fighter that can execute one-hit kills. Marauders have access to the Upheaval ability wherein they can charge their axe for a potent single strike that heavily weakens enemies.

Those who prefer to pack more damage may opt for the Marauder instead. This heavy-hitting job can easily follow up on openings created by a Lancer's wallsplatting capabilities with its charged attacks.

Marauder Guide: How to Use Marauder


PugilistPugilist Available Weapon(s) Shield?
Cannot use shields
Basic Info The Pugilist is a hand-to-hand combatant. It has good overall balance of attack and defense, however, it's selling point is the barrage of blows it lands with explosive fist.

Pugilist lands somewhere between the first two synergy recommendation, offering a great balance between damage and MP efficiency. It's high volume strikes and evasive playstyle is great for MP regeneration, Quick job change transitions, and overall repositioning.
Pugilist Guide: How to Use Pugilist

Lancer Job Info

General Info

Lancer Info
Info The Lancer is a mid-range fighter that specializes in using lances and halberds. With its ability, the Lancer can target enemies from a distance by hurling their weapon in the direction of the enemy.
Job Action Lance Hurl: Throw your lance at distant enemies and deal pierce damage. Hold Ability to charge your attack. The longer the charge, the more powerful the throw.
Level Basic
Usable Weapon Lance
Shield? Cannot use Shields

Lancer Guide: How to Use Lancer

Stranger of Paradise Related Guides

Stranger of Paradise - Best Builds.png
Best Builds for Each Job

All Builds

Basic Jobs
SwordsmanSwordsman SwordfighterSwordfighter DuelistDuelist
RoninRonin PugilistPugilist MageMage
MarauderMarauder LancerLancer
Advanced Jobs
SamuraiSamurai MonkMonk KnightKnight
DragoonDragoon WarriorWarrior BerserkerBerserker
White Mage.pngWhite Mage Black Mage.pngBlack Mage Thief.pngThief
Red Mage.pngRed Mage
Expert Jobs
Liberator.pngLiberator Cyclic Warrior.pngCyclic Warrior Breaker.pngBreaker
Tyrant.pngTyrant Sage.pngSage Paladin.pngPaladin
Ninja.pngNinja Assassin.pngAssassin Dark Knight.pngDark Knight
Void Knight.pngVoid Knight

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