Scarlet Nexus

Baki Backpack Preview and Crafting Cost

The password from Episode 6 of Scarlet Nexus for the password-cracking mini-game has been found! Refer to our page on Scarlet Nexus Musubi Codes for the latest Musubi code update!

Musubi Codes List and Rewards

This is a preview sample for the Baki Backpack, a piece of visual equipment in Scarlet Nexus for the Playstation, XBOX, and Steam. Read on to see a preview sample of all Baki Backpack visuals, their crafting materials, and their prices on Satori's shop!

Baki Backpack Costume Preview

Baki Backpack Preview Set 1

Baki Backpack
Baki Backpack
Baki Backpack Baki Backpack
Baki Backpack [Black]
Baki Backpack Black
Baki Backpack [Red]
Baki Backpack Red
Baki Backpack [Blue]
Baki Backpack Blue

Baki Backpack Preview Set 2

Baki Backpack [Khaki]
Baki Backpack Khaki
Baki Backpack [Green]
Baki Backpack Green
Baki Backpack [Pearl]
Baki Backpack Pearl

Baki Backpack Preview Set 3

Baki Backpack [Brown]
Baki Backpack Brown
Baki Backpack [Pink]
Baki Backpack Pink
Baki Backpack [Purple]
Baki Backpack Purple
Baki Backpack [Yellow]
Baki Backpack Yellow

Baki Backpack Crafting Materials

Material Quantity
Battle Record ABattle Record A 2x
Pool-type SuppressionPool-type Suppression 2x
Rummy-type Suppression +Rummy-type Suppression + 2x

Scarlet Nexus Related Visuals

Related Visuals

Visuals Banner

List of Visuals

List of Attachments

Animal Foot iconAnimal Foot Animal Paw iconAnimal Paw Animal Tail iconAnimal Tail Ankle Ribbon iconAnkle Ribbon
Baki Backpack iconBaki Backpack Baki Hairclip iconBaki Hairclip Baki Head iconBaki Head Baki Mask iconBaki Mask
Baki Visor iconBaki Visor Breastplate iconBreastplate Bunny Ear Device iconBunny Ear Device Bunny Ear Mask (Head) iconBunny Ear Mask (Head)
Bunny Ear Mask iconBunny Ear Mask Cat Ear Head iconCat Ear Head Cutesy Goggles iconCutesy Goggles Cyber Goggles iconCyber Goggles
Dream Catcher iconDream Catcher Dual Ogre Horn iconDual Ogre Horn Face Vision Seal iconFace Vision Seal Feather Cape iconFeather Cape
Feather Foot Guard iconFeather Foot Guard Feather Tail iconFeather Tail Feather Wing iconFeather Wing Full-Face Mask iconFull-Face Mask
Gas Mask iconGas Mask Heart Protector iconHeart Protector Hugging Baki iconHugging Baki Inari Goggles (Head) iconInari Goggles (Head)
Inari Goggles iconInari Goggles Inari Mask iconInari Mask KyokaKyoka's Charm Light Shield Goggles (Head) iconLight Shield Goggles (Head)
Light Shield Goggles iconLight Shield Goggles Ogre Horn iconOgre Horn OSF Armband Vision iconOSF Armband Vision OSF Standard Issue Pack iconOSF Standard Issue Pack
Poster Vision iconPoster Vision Pretty Body Ribbon iconPretty Body Ribbon SetoSeto's Custom Mask Shoulder Riding Baki iconShoulder Riding Baki
Side Pack iconSide Pack Spider Lily Broach iconSpider Lily Broach Sunglasses iconSunglasses The Other iconThe Other
Tinfoil Hat iconTinfoil Hat Vision Ad iconVision Ad Visor Gas Mask iconVisor Gas Mask Wide Goggles iconWide Goggles


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