Tower of Fantasy

List of All Game Modes

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Tower of Fantasy - List of All Game Modes
Here are the list of all game modes in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn how each game mode works and see the rewards for clearing them!

List of All Game Modes

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Joint Operation Interstellar Exploration Omnium Beacon
Spacetime Domain Dimensional Trials Bygone Phantasm
Apex League Void Rifts Frontier Clash

Joint Operation

Tower of Fantasy - Joint Operations

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per Chest
Rewards Armor, Matrices

You can farm Armors and Matrices through Joint Operation. Joint Operation requires 30 Vitality to open each chest inside a stage. You can play it solo or you can find a team to help you clear Joint Operation faster.
Joint Operations: How to Play and Rewards

Interstellar Exploration

Tower of Fantasy - Interstellar Exploration

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per Stargate
Rewards Weapon Enhancement Materials

Get Weapon Enhancement materials by entering the Stargate in Interstellar Exploration. The rewards vary depending on the difficulty and your Wanderer's current level. Six Stargates will appear randomly each day, so keep an eye out for them!
Interstellar Exploration: How to Play and Rewards

Omnium Beacon

Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beacon

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per Beacon
Rewards Weapon Enhancement Materials

Omnium Beacon is a game mode where you hide the beacon anywhere in the world, and you can reap its rewards after 24 hours. However, it will be visible to other Wanderers once they get the signal from your beacon. You will need to pay 30 Vitality to get one Omnium Beacon to use.
Omnium Beacon: How to Play and Rewards

Spacetime Domain

Tower of Fantasy - Spacetime Domain

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per run
Rewards Gold

Spacetime Domain is a dungeon where you can get tons of Gold after you clear it. It is the best go-to place if you are ever in need of Gold. However, it comes with a cost of 30 Vitality to garner the rewards.
Spacetime Domain: How to Play and Rewards

Dimensional Trials

Tower of Fantasy - Dimentional Trials

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per run
Rewards Weapon Upgrade Materials, Matrix Data Packs

Defeat all enemies inside the dungeon to get the rewards at the end. You can choose from either Matrix Data Packs or Weapon upgrade materials as the rewards before you get inside.
Dimensional Trials: How to Play and Rewards

Bygone Phantasm

Tower of Fantasy - Bygone Phantasm

Game Mode Type PvE
Challenge Limit None
Rewards Advancement Module, Booster Module

Challenge yourself in a never-ending battle through Bygone Phantasm. Defeat enemies on each floor to get to the next and earn lots of Equipment Enhancement materials. Bygone Phantasm also gives weekly rewards depending on your progress for the week!
Bygone Phantasm: How to Play and Rewards

Apex League

Tower of Fantasy - Apex League

Game Mode Type PvP
Challenge Limit None
Availability 12 PM - 12 AM
Rewards Dark Crystals

Battle against other players with similar Combat Score on Apex League. All weapons are maxed out, and there will be no Matrices in effect to ensure the fairness of the match. Aim at the highest rank and fight other players every day from 12 PM to 12 AM!
Apex League Guide and List of Rewards

Void Rifts

Tower of Fantasy - Void Rifts

Game Mode Type PvE
Weekly Limit 3 times a week
Attempts Replenish Date Monday, Wednesday Friday
Rewards Matrices, Proof of Purchase

Fight off world boss-like enemies inside the Void Rifts and get Proof of Purchase and Matrices as rewards. Find 3 keys from elite monsters to unlock the boss' area and fight it before the time limit hits zero!

Void Rifts: How to Play and Rewards

Frontier Clash

Tower of Fantasy - Frontier Clash

Game Mode Type PvE
Weekly Limit 3 times a week
Attempts Replenish Date Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Rewards Armors

Frontier Clash is a dungeon where you need to fight series of enemy waves within a time limit to get the rewards. Aside from the Armor drops, some enemies also drops other items on the field once you killed them.
Frontier Clash: How to Play and Rewards


Tower of Fantasy - Wormhole

Game Mode Type PvE
Challenge Limit No Limit
Rewards Energy Crystal Dust

Wormhole is a dungeon where you have to fight enemies to get Energy Crystal Dust at the end. You will need to reach specific levels to unlock other difficulties once you reach level 41. It also resets every five days, meaning you can receive rewards once you challenge it again after five days!
Wormhole: How to Play and Rewards

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