Tower of Fantasy

Pepper Best Builds: Staff of Scars

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Pepper's weapon, skins and stats in Tower of Fantasy. Check out Pepper's combos, best matrices, awakening material and more!

Pepper Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Pepper

Height 160cm
Birthplace Banges
Horoscope Cancer
Birthday July 9
EN Voice Actor Kayli Mills
JP Voice Actor Mamiko Noto

Weapon: Staff of Scars

A mechanical staff with a cross rune carved into it. Capable of both forgiving sins or unleashing punishments.

Staff of Scars
Staff of Scars Element LightningLightning
Resonance SupportSupport
Shatter: 4

Charge: 10
Weapon Type Staff

Weapon Ranking and Analysis

PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Pepper Overview

Ranking Analysis

High Charge Value with Full Advancement

Tower of Fantasy - High Charge Value with Full Advancement.png
With full Advancement, the Staff of Scars has a 13.20 charge value. This makes it a great weapon to pair against stronger SSR Weapons such as King's Scythe of the Crow or Samir's Dual EM Stars.

Build up charge with the Staff of Scars and switch to these stronger weapons to deal massive damage against the enemy.

Can Remove Debuffs and Provide Healing

Tower of Fantasy - Can Remove Debuffs and Provide Healing.png
The Staff of Scar's Skill and Discharge abiltiies are great for team play; the Sanctuary Skill attack creates a ring of energy that heals and reduces damage taken for 10 seconds, while the Swift Deliverance Discharge attack removes debuffs while also providing healing.

This makes the weapon great to use against the World Boss Robarg as Swift Deliverance can help alleviate the poison debuff the boss deals.

Provides 60% Shields at Full Advancement

Tower of Fantasy - Provides 60 Percent Shields at Full Advancement.png
With full Advancement, the Staff of Scars can provide you and you allies 60% damage reducing shields whenever you dispel a debuff with the weapon.

While outclassed in terms of damage by other SR and SSR weapons, the staff is great to have as backup when tackling powerful bosses due to the damage reduction it provides to you and your team.

Best Pepper Teams

Volt Support PvE Team Volt DPS PvP Team

Best PvE Pepper Team

Support Support Shieldbreak
PepperPepper NemesisNemesis HumaHuma
Best Matrices
Pepper x 3
Nemesis x 4
Huma x 4
Support Icon Support Icon
Solo: Healing Output +100%
Team: Healing Output +200%
Pepper Icon 6★ Nemesis Icon 3★ Huma Icon 1★
Relics Type V ArmorType V Armor

Provide Burst Healing and AOE Damage

Although an SR weapon, Staff of Scars has one the highest charge values of all weapons. This makes it a great weapon to use when building up charge for Venus so you can place electrodes faster for you and your teammates.

Molten Shield V2 provides great shieldbreaking and tanking, and is the weapon you'll want to swap to if you want to taunt the world bosses away from your teammates while they are recovering.

PvE Advancement Priorities

Pepper 6 Star: At 6 Stars, Staff of Scars has more burst healing, higher charge rate, and the ability to grant 60% damage reduction when dispelling control effects with your discharge skill.

Nemesis 3 Star: Get Nemesis to at least 3 Star Advancement to unlock healing chain enhance on electrodes, as well as unlock the Ring Lightning passive for AOE damage.

Huma 1 Star: Get Huma to at least 1 Star Advancement to unlock the weapon's Strong Shield passive when using Seething Rage to improve your tanking and damage mitigation.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
MerylMeryl Meryl's Rosy Edge is a great altenrative to Huma;s Molten Shield V2. It has higher shatter rate and can apply the Ice Shell debuff but lacks the ability to taunt enemies nad world bosses.
Best Matrices
Meryl x 4

Best PvP Pepper Team

Support DPS DPS
PepperPepper SamirSamir KingKing
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Double Volt for Easier Electrify Debuffs

Going double volt elements on your weapons is great for PvP since fully charged attacks inflicts paralysis on top of applying an electrify debuff that negates your opponents buffs.

Staff of Scar's long range and high charge rate makes it a great support weapon since you can simply swap to it when you want to build charge to unleash Samir and King's powerful Discharge attacks.

King's Scythe of the Crow is a great supplementary weapons since its fully charged attacks apply the flame debuff that will reduce your opponent's healing efficacy.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
ShiroShiro Shiro's Chakram of the Seas is a great alternative to Scythe of the Crow if you want to apply the Grievous element to increase the amount of burst damage you can do against your opponent.

Pepper Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Heal all teammates within 10 meters for 100% of ATK after using a Dodge skill.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 10%.
3★ Normal attacks also fire two missiles, each dealing damage equal to 5% of ATK to the target and restoring 5 weapon charge points.
4★ ncrease the current weapon's base HP growth by 20%.
5★ Increase speed of obtaining weapon charge by 20% (not applicable to missile attacks).
6★ Grant all teammates within range 60% damage reduction whenever a skill dispels control effects from the target.

Pepper Best Matrices

Full Pepper Charge

Matrix Effects
greatly increases the speed of building weapon charge.
x 3

Recovery Increase

Matrix Effects
Frost BotFrost Bot
Switching to the weapon using a Discharge skill restores large amounts of HP.
x 3

Pepper Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Pepper

Gift Tags
• Everyday Items
• Decorations
• Saved
Tower of Fantasy - Snow GlobeSnow Globe Tower of Fantasy - Silver CookwareSilver Cookware Tower of Fantasy - Alda ComicAlda Comic
Tower of Fantasy - Warren FossilWarren Fossil Tower of Fantasy - Crown TokenCrown Token Tower of Fantasy - Smarty DollSmarty Doll
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Angela OrnamentAngela Ornament

Giving gifts to Pepper may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to her only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Pepper Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Pepper Avatar Avatar: Pepper
600 Log: Job List
1200 Trait: Revival
When Pepper spends satiety to restore HP, increase restoration effect by 100%.
2000 Log: Not Very Healthy
3000 Log: Aberrants' Dream
4000 Trait: Source
When Pepper spends satiety to restore HP, increase restoration effect by 200%.

Pepper Weapon Stats & Type

Lightning Type

When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will inflict paralyze for 1 second and electrify them for 6 seconds, negating all buffs and dealing damage equal to 67.00% of ATK. Targets can't receive any buffs for the next 6 seconds.

Pepper Weapon Stats

Attack 5
Resistance 4
HP 753
Critical -

Pepper Weapon Upgrade Materials


Pepper Attacks & Moveset

Ground Attacks

Normal Attack
While on the ground, swing the staff to attack 5 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 25.1% of ATK + 16.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 18.8% of ATK + 12.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 30.4% of ATK + 19.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 41.4% of ATK + 26.
Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 73.2% of ATK + 46.
Soaring Barrage
While airborne or after jumping once, tap normal attack to attack 5 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 32.5% of ATK + 20.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 23.5% of ATK + 15.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 25.5% of ATK + 16.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 45.6% of ATK + 28. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 47.7% of ATK + 30.
Moonfall 【Aerial & Hold Attack】
Tap and hold normal attack while airborne to trigger Moonfall. Upon landing, deal damage once every 0.2 seconds, for a total of 57.2% of ATK + 36 damage.
Focused Assault 【Hold Attack】
After the third normal attack, hold the normal attack button to trigger branch attacks, consuming 300 points of endurance.
First Attack: Pull in enemies in front of the user, suspending them and dealing damage equal to 16.1% of ATK + 10 every 0.3 seconds (up to 4 times)
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 18.6% of ATK + 12 at the target location and to nearby enemies every 0.3 seconds.

Dodge Attacks

Dodge right before getting hit to activate a Phantasia, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area. Cooldown: 15 seconds. While dodging, you gain hitstun immunity for 0.5 seconds.
Tap normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap an arrow button before dodging) to trigger Surge. Each wave of energy deals damage equal to 22.6% of ATK + 14 to targets. Grant 75 weapon charge points upon use.
Tap normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Evasive Blast. Fire an energy orb forward, dealing damage equal to 32.1% of ATK + 2O to targets in its path every 0.3 seconds (up to 5 times). Grant 75 weapon charge points upon use.


Create an energy shield at the Wanderer's location. Heal allies within the shield for 81.7% of ATK + 51 every second and reduce their damage taken by 3% for 10 seconds. 60-second cooldown.


Swift Deliverance
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, switching to this weapon from another weapon removes all debuffs from the wielder, and the staff continues to remove debuffs from the Wanderer and allies, plus healing nearby Wanderers and allies for 79% of ATK + 49 HP for 7 seconds.

How to Get Pepper Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Staff of Scars when pulling from the gacha.

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All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
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Mauls Rifles Shields


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