Tower of Fantasy

Apophis Guide: Location and How to Beat

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Tower of Fantasy - Apophis Banner
Apophis is a world boss in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Apophis' rewards, attack patterns, how to beat, and where to find in Banges!

Apophis General Information

Tower of Fantasy - Apophis
Resistance Grievous
Weakness Ice Shell 2
Recommended Weapons
Meryl Coco Tsubasa Ene Hilda Icon

"In the north summits of Banges Industries dwells a composite creature created by the Heirs of Aida called Apophis. It's in charge of guarding the Heirs' base in the high mountains. Designed based on the genes of aberrant panthers, Apophis combines the agility of the Panthera species and the artificial intelligence of composite creatures. After the Heirs of Aida modified its forepaws into machinery paws, Apophis has now possessed mighty power that could tear up the earth."

Apophis Location and List of Rewards


Banges: South of the Black Market

The location of Apophis is found south of the Black Market in Banges. Use the Black Market Spacerift to make the travel time shorter.

List of Rewards

Deciphered Chest Rewards
Tower of Fantasy - Apophis MatrixTsubasa Matrix Tower of Fantasy - Apophis Matrix (Purple)Apophis Matrix Tower of Fantasy - Apophis RelicCouant Relic Shard Tower of Fantasy - SSR WeaponRandom SSR Weapon
Tower of Fantasy - Random SR Weapon IconRandom SR Weapon Hauler MatrixRandom R Matrix Weapon Battery IIIWeapon Battery III Matrix Data Pack IIIMatrix Data Pack III

Using a Forced Decipher on the World Boss Chest will give the player a smaller amount of EXP, as well as some ore.

Apophis will also drop Vehicle Upgrade Materials that can range from common to legendary. You do not need to open the boss chest to get the Vehicle Upgrade Materials. However, opening the world boss chest will also give you more Vehicle Upgrade Materials.

How to Beat Apophis

How to beat Apophis

Hide behind the Omnium Handcannon Pillar

Apophis' strongest attack is his Electric Ball AoE. Fortunately, players can hide behind any structure like the giant bones in the vicinity. Using the Omnium Handcannon to make a piller to hide behind is the easiest method.

List of All Relics

Dodge when Apophis' eyes flash

A clear cut way of finding out when to dodge is when Apophis' eyes flash. Dodge during this time to trigger Phantasia and release your weapon's special attack.
How to Trigger Phantasia

General Boss Tips

General Tips

Invite friends

Tower of Fantasy - Team
There's almost no way of beating any World Boss alone. Invite friends or other players through the World chat. There should at least be 4-6 players battling Robarg.

Make sure at least one of the players on your team is a healer.
How to Add Friends

Use heavy weapons to break shields

The most troublesome part about fighting boss enemies is breaking their shield. Use weapons with great shatter abilities like Huma or Meryl to break its shields easily.

Prepare food beforehand

Tower of Fantasy - Creation Cooking Option.png

World bosses deal a lot of damage with each attack so players should be prepared with food to heal themselves.
Cooking Recipes and Food Guide

Apophis Attack Patterns

Apophis Attack Patterns


Its most common attack is also Apophis' most annoying. Its lunge attack keep it mobile so carefully time your special attacks. Tsubasa is not recommended as her special is more suitable to low mobility enemies.

Dodge Apophis' lunge by timing it with its eyes and stance. It'll lower its stance first then flash its eyes just before lunging. Getting hit will stagger you for a moment.

Rock Throw

Apophis readies to throw a giant rock by scooping its right arm on the ground. Players should dodge as its eyes turn red.

Swipe AoE

Its swipe attack is its only short range AoE attack. Like its other moves, you can time a dodge perfectly when its eyes flash red. The AoE is quite small but encompasses an entire circle.

Physical Attack Combo

This combo consists of three moves: a left-hand swipe, right-hand swipe, and the final smash to the ground. The swipes do not stagger you but its final smash attack will.

Be sure to dodge its final attack as it will keep you immobile for a bit.

Electric Ball AoE

Apophis summons a barrage of electric balls that do high damage. They are hard to dodge but hiding behind structures will keep you safe.

Make a tower using the Omnium Handcannon to hide behind it.

What to do if Apophis is not Spawning?

Wait for an Hour

After a World Boss has been defeated, it will respawn exactly one hour after it has been defeated, so waiting around for it to come back is not recommended.

Go to a Different Channel

Tower of Fantasy - Channel
Check the World Chat for player updates on which channels world bosses are at. Transfer to that channel to join other players.
How to Change Channels

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

World Bosses Partial Banner.png

World Boss Locations and Guide

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4 Shadowphoenixover 1 year

Great call on using the handcannon! I can deal damage, but my healing can't keep up with that electric move. Those balls of lightning are the main (not only, lol) reason I couldn't beat him. I'll try again with this in mind, thanks. 😊


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