Tower of Fantasy

Crossplay Guide: Is Tower of Fantasy Cross Platform?

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Tower of Fantasy - Cross Platform Banner

Tower of Fantasy has crossplay for PC and mobile (iOS and Android). Check here for how to enable and how to use the crossplay feature.

Is Crossplay Available?

Yes, Crossplay is Available on all Platforms!

Tower of Fantasy - Crossplay

Crossplay is a feature available for the PC and mobile (iOS and Android) devices. This means that players of Tower of Fantasy can connect and play together with other players and friends across all available of platforms!

Crossplay is only be available for players in one server or region, and is now available in the game's global release.

Is Cross-Save Available?

Cross Save is Available on All Platforms

Tower of Fantasy players can save their game data between the PC and mobile (iOS and Android) platforms. This means you can carry and continue all your progress in other platforms you are using!

How to Crossplay and Use Cross Platform

Create an Account tor Log In

Tower of Fantasy - Register Screen Register Screen Tower of Fantasy - Login Screen Login Screen

You'll need your own Tower of Fantasy account to use any of these features. You can log in or register an account when you boot up the game.

Check the section below for a list of all accounts that are compatible with Cross Platform Save.

List of Cross Platform Compatible Accounts

PC iOS Android
Apple ID
Guest Mode

PC Only Accept Cards as Payment

Tower of Fantasy - Making a Purchase on PC

PC only accepts payment with through debit, credit, or prepaid cards. Yout may want to consider using other platforms if you cannot use this payment method.

Guest Mode Is Not Advisable

Guest Mode is a mode you can play without linking an account. This is a great way to get into the game right away, but you can easily lose your progress if you lose the device you play on.

We recommonded linking an account, so you can always recover your data.

What is Crossplay and Cross Platform?

Play With Anyone Regardless of Platform

Tower of Fantasy - Cross Platform

Crossplay allows you to play with other people online from different platforms and register them as friends. This means that matchmaking can consist of people on any device that supports Tower of Fantasy.

Continue Your Game Using Different Platforms

Cross Platform feature allows games to be released on multiple platforms. This feature makes it possible to have a common save file that you can transfer between the PC and the mobile versions of Tower of Fantasy.

This Cross Save feature lets you continue your progress on one account regardless of what platform you are playing on.

Tower of Fantasy Cross Platform Benefits

Increases Number of Devices You Can Play On

Tower of Fantasy - PC and Mobile devices

A benefit of the Cross Platform feature is the amount of devices you can play Tower of Fantasy on increases. This means you can continue your progress on your smartphone on the go even if you started playing on your PC.

Tower of Fantasy Cross Platform Downsides

Smartphones Heat Up

Tower of Fantasy - Mobile
Tower of Fantasy is a pretty big game, especially for smartphones, making them heat up pretty quickly.

Depending on your phone, you may find yourself only playing for 30 minutes to an hour before the devide heats up. As a result, playing on the smartphone is best done in short sessions.

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