Tower of Fantasy

Ruin A-01 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations

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Ruin A-01 Top Banner

Ruin A-01 is one of the Ruins that you will encounter in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Ruin A-01's level requirements, rewards, secret chest locations, how to beat the boss, and other strategies to clear it.

All Astra Ruins Walkthroughs
Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-01 Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-02 Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-03

Ruin A-01 Secret Chest Locations

Secret Chest 1 (Easy) Destroy the cracked rock near the entrance of the Ruin using the Missile Barrage relic.
Secret Chest 2 (Easy) In the next room with all the Aberrants, destroy the cracked wall by detonating the bombs or using the Missile Barrage relic.
Secret Chest 3 (Normal & Hard) Directly before the boss, destroy the statue with the Missile Barrage relic.
Secret Chest 4 (Normal& Hard) Destroy the cracked wall just to the left of the door to the boss room.
Secret Chest 5 (Hard) Destroy the bomb on the upper left part of the entrance and use the Omnium Handcannon to reach the treasure chest.
Secret Chest 6 (Hard) Break the cracked wall next to the statue.

Ruin A-01 Walkthrough

1 After talking to the cat robot, open the chest in the middle of the area to obtain the Missile Barrage relic. In Normal and Hard mode, defeat the enemies in the area to proceed.
2 Use Missile Barrage to destroy the crack on the right side and open the treasure chest (1).
3 (Hard mode only) Detonate the bomb on the upper left of the entrance and use the Omnium Handcannon relic to reach the treasure chest (5) at the top.
4 Destroy the cracked wall in the center and defeat the enemies.
5 Destroy the wall using Missle Barrage or bombs and open the treasure chest (2).
6 Break the second cracked wall and defeat the boss at the next room. If you are playing in Easy mode, the ruin ends at this point.
7 (Normal and Hard modes) Destroy the cracked wall in the area before the boss to find the hidden treasure chest (3).
8 (Normal and Hard modes) Destroy the statue before the boss area with the Missile Barrage relic to reveal the treasure chest (4).
9 (Hard mode only) Break the crack next to the statue to find the treasure chest (6).

Ruin A-01 Tips and Strategies

Use the Bombs and Missile Barrage to Your Advantage

Use Bombs

There are bombs laying around all over Ruins A-01. You will also be given the Missile Barrage Relic by entering this ruin. Use these resources to your advantage as bombs the the Missile Barrage deal a lot of extra damage.

Ruin A-01 Location and Rewards

Map and Location


Level Requirements and Rewards

Difficulty Level Details
Easy Required Level: 11
Recommended CS: 230
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x4000
• Gold x1,700
• Missile Barrage Shard x5
• Potent Omnium Crystal
• Astra Exploration Points x40
Normal Required Level: 25
Recommended CS: 3330
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x18,700
• Gold x3,400
• Missile Barrage Shard x10
• Potent Omnium Crystal x2
• Vanguard Bracers
• Vanguard Legguards
Hard Required Level: 36
Recommended CS: 11800
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x28,800
• Gold x5,200
• Missile Barrage Shard x15
• Potent Omnium Crystal x3
• Falcon Wristbands

How to Defeat Ruin A-01 Boss

Hyenatron Boss Overview

Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01 Hyenatron Boss
Difficulty HP Level Element Weakness
Easy 3 Gauges 11 Grievous None
Normal 3 Gauges 25 Grievous Grievous
Hard 3 Gauges 26 Grievous Grievous

Shatter its Barrier Before its Ultimate Attack

Tower of Fantasy Ruins A01 Hyenatron Shield and Ultimate Attack.png

The white bars below the Hyenatron's health bar are its Shield gauge. While its Shield is up, it will charge its Ultimate Attack. Continually attacking the Hyenatron will break its shield and will immobilize it for a period of time and prevent it from performing its Ultimate Attack.

Mount it and Attack Repeatedly when Stunned

Tower of Fantasy Ruins A01 Hyenatron 2.png

After you have successfully broken its shield, Hyenatron will be stunned and by clicking a circular button which appears, you will be able to ride on top of it. While riding, you'll only have one attack button available, so mash it repeatedly to deal one-sided damage to Hyenatron.

Circle Around the Boss During Gunfire and Missiles

Tower of Fantasy Ruins A01 Hyenatron 3.gif

Hyenatron will occassionally bombard you with a barrage of gunfire, or heat seeking missiles. You won't have enough dodges in total to avoid all hits, so start moving as soon as you see it targeting with an attack, and circle around the boss without dodging to stay one step ahead of the blasts.

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6 Anonymousalmost 2 years

It's my first time playing.When enter ruin a01 my appearance changes to the original appearance of the character. I have no weapons or anything and my character is back to lvl 1 when im at ruin A01 (even tho my charac is actually already lvl 10). The system doesn't give me anything. The dog doesn't want to talk to me. I already opened the first chest but i can't go on because i can't destroy the barrier. I also can't open the triangle floating thingy. Is it just me? Am i supposed to do anythng?

1 ElGran Juanover 2 years

I have a problem with Ruins A-01, I can't do anything at all, because the controls are locked and I can only fly up and down without any control. Does anyone know why this happens? I already sent this problem to support.


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