Tower of Fantasy

Devourer: Location and How to Beat

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Tower of Fantasy - Devourer Banner
The Devourer is a world boss in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about the Devourer's rewards, attack patterns, how to beat, and where to find in the Artificial Island!

Devourer General Information

Resistance Ice Type
Weakness Volt 2
Recommended Weapons
Crow Nemesis Icon Samir Echo Pepper Icon
Recommended Relics
Jetpack Tower of Fantasy - Missile Barrage Type V Armor Shard

"Taking inspirations from biological traits and applying them to logical circuits... That is the original design concept for the Devourer. However, the creator was allegedly devoured by the "creation" in a lab accident. Hopefully, it's just a rumor."

Devourer Location and List of Rewards


Artificial Island: Ring Arena

The location of the Devourer is found in the Ring Arena in the Artificial Island.

List of Rewards

Deciphered Chest Rewards
Zero MatrixZero SSR Matrix Echo MatrixEcho SSR Matrix Omnium HandcannonHandcannon Shards Tower of Fantasy - SSR WeaponRandom SSR Weapon
Tower of Fantasy - Random SR Weapon IconRandom SR Weapon Hauler MatrixRandom R Matrix Weapon Battery IIIWeapon Battery III Matrix Data Pack IIIMatrix Data Pack III

Using a Forced Decipher on the World Boss Chest will give the player a smaller amount of EXP, as well as some ore.

Devourer will also drop Vehicle Upgrade Materials that can range from common to legendary. You do not need to open the boss chest to get the Vehicle Upgrade Materials. However, opening the world boss chest will also give you more Vehicle Upgrade Materials.

How to Beat Devourer

How to beat Devourer

Use Volt weapons

Like many other World Bosses, fighting the Devourer is pretty simple. Since the Devourer is weak to the Volt element, weapons like Samir or Crow are best used.

Switch from close-range to long-range volt weapons, depending on the boss' attack.

General Boss Tips

General Tips

Invite friends

Tower of Fantasy - Team
There's almost no way of beating any World Boss alone. Invite friends or other players through the World chat. There should at least be 4-6 players battling Devourer.

Make sure at least one of the players on your team is a healer.
How to Add Friends

Use heavy weapons to break shields

The most troublesome part about fighting boss enemies is breaking their shield. Use weapons with great shatter abilities like Huma or Meryl to break its shields easily.

Prepare food beforehand

Tower of Fantasy - Creation Cooking Option

World bosses deal a lot of damage with each attack so players should be prepared with food to heal themselves.
Cooking Recipes and Food Guide

Devourer Attack Patterns

Devourer Attack Patterns

All Moves

Body Slam

This is the Devourer's most basic move. It simply leaps up and body slams players over a short distance. It can easily be dodged as the boss can only leap a short distance.

Water Gun

The Devourer uses its water gun as a long-range attack. It will concentrate on one area at first then start strafing and following players. Keep running to avoid getting damaged.

Water Tower

Water Tower is a very powerful stagger attack. Players that are hit will get launched in the air. A sign that the Devourer will use this technique is when it raises its hand. Use that sign as a way to trigger Phantasia.
How to Trigger Phantasia

Bellyflop AoE

Finally, the Devourer's most dangerous attack, the Bellyflop starts when the camera focuses its attention on the boss. It'll charge up a bit before leaping into the air and then falling. It covers a wide area of effect so using a jetpack might be the best solution.

What to do if Devourer is Not Spawning?

Wait for an Hour

After a World Boss has been defeated, it will respawn exactly one hour after it has been defeated, so waiting around for it to come back is not recommended.

Go to a Different Channel

Tower of Fantasy - Channel
Check the World Chat for player updates on which channels world bosses are at. Transfer to that channel to join other players.
How to Change Channels

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

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World Boss Locations and Guide

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