Tower of Fantasy

All Ruins Locations and Walkthroughs

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Tower of Fantasy - All Ruins Locations and Walkthroughs

A List of all the Ruins that are found in Tower of Fantasy! Read on to learn about each of the Ruins to solve their puzzles, defeat the bosses, and obtain amazing rewards here.

List of All Ruins

List of All Astra Ruins

Ruins Map Image Relic/Levels
A-01 Missile BarrageMissile Barrage

Easy: 11
Normal: 25
Hard: 36
A-02 Strange CubeStrange Cube

Easy: 15
Normal: 28
Hard: 40
A-03 Omnium HandcannonOmnium Handcannon

Easy: 18
Normal: 28
Hard: 44

List of All Banges Ruins

Ruins Map Image Relic/Levels
B-01 Jetpack ShardJetpack Shard

Easy: 21
Normal: 34
Hard: 49
B-02 Magnetic Storm ShardMagnetic Storm Shard

Easy: 24
Normal: 42
Hard: 58
B-03 Couant ShardCouant Shard

Easy: 27
Normal: 45
Hard: 61

List of All Navia Ruins

Ruins Map Image Relic/Levels
C-01 Hovercannon ShardHovercannon Shard

Easy: 29
Normal: 48
Hard: 62
C-02 Lava Bomb ShardLava Bomb Shard

Easy: 31
Normal: 50
Hard: 63
C-03 Magnetic Pulse ShardMagnetic Pulse Shard

Easy: 33
Normal: 52
Hard: 64

List of All Crown Ruins

Ruins Map Image Relic/Levels
D-01 Omnium Shield ShardOmnium Shield Shard

Easy: 35
Normal: 53
Hard: 65
D-02 Confinement ShardConfinement Shard

Easy: 37
Normal: 54
Hard: 66
D-03 Type V Armor ShardType V Armor Shard

Easy: 39
Normal: 55
Hard: 67

List of All Warren Ruins

Ruins Map Image Relic/Levels
E-01 Spacetime Rift ShardSpacetime Rift Shard

Easy: 41
Normal: 57
Hard: 68
E-02 Colossus Arm ShardColossus Arm Shard

Easy: 43
Normal: 59
Hard: 69
E-03 Hologram Projector ShardHologram Projector Shard

Easy: 47
Normal: 60
Hard: 70

Ruins Rewards

Obtain Suppressor Upgrade Materials

Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Suppressor
You can obtain suppressor upgrade materials known as Potent Omnium Crystals by clearing ruins. By upgrading the suppressor, you can increase your attack, elemental resistance, HP, and critical hit.

It is also possible to acquire a Matrix each time the suppressor level reaches Vx.5, so it is recommended to clear each ruin as soon as they are available.

How to Power Up Suppressors

Acquire Relics and Relic Shards

Tower of Fantasy - Relics Page
You can get Relics by clearing the ruins. Relics are not only useful in battle, but can also help you access new areas during exploration. The Relics also help you solve the puzzles found inside the ruins.

List of All Relics

One-Time Rewards from Treasure Chests

In addition to the first-time reward for clearing the ruins, the rewards found in the treasure chests inside the ruins can only be obtained once. Even if you miss a chest, you can enter the ruins again to get it.

How to Unlock Ruins

Available at Chapter 1

You can unlock the first ruin, A-01, as part of the tutorial missions in Chapter 1. Completing this ruin opens up the remaining ruins all over Aesperia.

Reach the Required Easy Mode Level

The remaining ruins require you to reach the required level listed in easy mode and find their location in the overworld. Open the map and click on the ruin icon to find the required level for easy mode.

Ruins Tips and Strategies

Cook Food Before Entering a Ruin

Tower of Fantasy - Cook Food Before Entering a Ruin

Make sure to prepare health recovery food items before entering a ruin as HP does not regenerate when inside these areas.

It is recommended to have some Caterpillar Fungus Noodles and Nut Tea as your recovery items as they give the most number of recovery points among all the other food items.

Cooking Recipes and Food Guide

Switch to Combat Relics Before Facing the Boss

Tower of Fantasy - Switch to Combat Relics Before Facing the Boss

After you solve the ruin's puzzle and open the boss room, be sure to switch to your combat relics before facing the boss. Relics such as the Missile Barrage and Magnetic Storm will help you reduce the boss' HP.

List of All Relics

Check the Ruin's Recommended CS

Tower of Fantasy - Check the Ruin
If you find that the ruin's boss deals too much damage, check the ruin's recommended CS (combat effectiveness) and see if it matches your CS.

You can increase your CS by equipping SSR weapons, upgrading weapons, matrices, and equipping armor that has high CS.

Where to find the Ruins menu

Tap on the double sword icon on the top-right corner of the screen. If you are on PC, hold the Alt key and click on the icon or press Alt+3.
Click on the Recommended tab and press the Go button on the Ruins.
Click on a Ruin and find its recommended CS on the bottom-right corner.

Is Co-op Available for Ruins?

No, Ruins are Single-Player Only

You may not co-op with another player to get through the ruins. You may only enter the ruins and defeat the boss alone.

However, other dungeon-like content such as Joint Operation can be played in 4-player groups.

Multiplayer Guide: How to Play Online Co-op

What are Ruins?

Optional Dungeons

Tower of Fantasy - What are Ruins

Ruins are optional dungeons that require you to solve puzzles and face a boss at the end. These are marked with their own icon in the map and can be accessed once you reach the required level.

Completing ruins yields you rewards such as EXP, relic shards, and Potent Omnium Crystals to upgrade your Suppressor.

You can also get materials to upgrade your weapons and matrices if you open all the treasure chests in the ruins.

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