Tower of Fantasy

Tsubasa Best Builds and Team Comps

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This is a strategy guide for using the SSR character Tsubasa in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about Tsubasa's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

Tsubasa Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Tsubasa

1 Star Skin
3 Star Skin
Height 169cm
Birthplace Astra
Horoscope Aries
Birthday March 24
EN Voice Actor Amber Lee Connors
JP Voice Actor Konomi Kohara
Height 169cm
Birthplace Astra
Horoscope Aries
Birthday March 24
EN Voice Actor Amber Lee Connors
JP Voice Actor Konomi Kohara

Weapon: Icewind Arrow

The arrows from this bow carry the power of frost.

Icewind Arrow
Icewind Arrow Element IceIce
Resonance DPSDPS
Shatter: 4

Charge: 11.5
Weapon Type Bow

Weapon Ranking and Analysis

PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Tsubasa Overview

Tsubasa Merits

Skill and Advancement Adds More Damage

Tsubasa Skill and Advancement

Tsubasa's Piercing Shot skill deals damage equal to 258.3% of ATK +14 while knocking targets back and stunning them for 5 seconds.

Meanwhile, her Icewind Arrow's first advancement allows her attacks to increase in damage each time an attack lands on a target.

Bow is Compatible with Other Weapons

Tsubasa Using Other Weapon

Tsubasa's Ice Wind Arrow weapon goes perfectly with any other weapon that you can equip. Switching to different weapons with a completely charged special attack creates a powerful combination attack.

Gameplay and Battle System

Best Tsubasa Teams

Dodge Attack PvE Team Ice Shell Recovery PvP Team

Dodge Attack PvE Build

DPS DPS Support
TsubasaTsubasa CrowCrow NemesisNemesis
Best Matrices
Samir x 4
Samir x 4
Nemesis x 4
DPS.png DPS.png
Solo: Damage +10% Team: Damage +40%
Tsubasa 4★ Crow2★ Nemesis Icon3★
Relics Omnium ShieldOmnium Shield

Snipe Enemies with Dodge and Charged Attacks

Icewind Arrow's quick, normal attacks pair well with its charged and dodge attacks and should act the finishers of the combo. Crow's Thunderblades complements this playstyle with faster combos and great AOE skill and discharge attacks that can quickly shred an enemy's shield.

Nemesis' Venus rounds off this build by providing great utility with its healing and additional AOE damage. Plus, Venus and Thunderblades hold volt debuffs that help keep enemies in place when on top of dealing residual damage overtime, and synergizes well with Icewind Arrow's focus on charged attacks.

PvE Advancement Priorities

Tsubasa 4 Star: Icewind Arrow at 1 Star gives the weapon a Sharp Arrow Attack buff for each dodge attack. 3 Stars causes the weapon to launch three charged arrows instead of one when using a dodge attack.

Crow 2 Star: Get Thunderblades to 2 Star Advancement to get an attack boost of 16%. At 1 Star, it grants a 40% crit increase for sneak attacking enemies.

Nemesis 3 Star: Nemesis' Venus at 3 Star Advancement improves its healing and passive damage greatly.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
CocoritterCocoritter Cocoritter's Absolute Zero is a great alternative to Nemesis' Venus if you prefer more opportunities to inflict the Ice Shell debuff.
Best Matrices
Cocoritter x 4
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is another alternative to Nemesis' Venus to keep the dual volt elements. While it has less overall healing, it instead has a higher charge value that can help build charge faster.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3

Ice Shell Recovery PvP Build

DPS Support Support
TsubasaTsubasa CocoritterCocoritter ZeroZero
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Debuff Opponents with Ice Shell

This build focuses on the Ice Element to consistently inflict the Ice Shell debuff on the opponent. Absolute Zero is great at applying this debuff, with Icewind Arrow's fast combos capable of easily shattering the Ice Shell for burst damage.

Icewind Arrow's reliance on AOE and fully charged attacks makes it easy to predict in PvP, so the weapon is taking a backseat in favor of more healing and mitigation; Absolute Zero and Negating Cube are your primary weapons, with Icewind Arrow providing burst damage when the opponent is prone or stunned.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
NemesisNemesis Nemesis' Venus is a great alternative to Cocoritter's Absolute Zero if you prefer more damage and crowd control AOE attacks over healing.

Tsubasa Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Grant a stack of Sharp Arrow each time the arrow fired by a Dodge attack hits a target. Each stack increases damage by 5% for 15 seconds. Stack up to 3 times.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
3★ Launching a Dodge attack fires 3 Charged Arrows.
4★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
5★ Double duration of Arrow Rain and slow targets by 25%.
6★ Sharp Arrow stacks up to 5 times. Hitting a target with a Charged Arrow immediately grants 3 stacks, headshots grant 5 stacks.

Tsubasa Best Matrices

Full Tsubasa Power

Matrix Effects
Greatly increase ATK upon successfully hitting a headshot or when using Piercing Shot skill.
x 4

Damage Increase Combo

Matrix Effects
Greatly increases damage and shatter against enemies with high HP and raises crit rates upon hitting a target.
x 2 x 2

Tsubasa Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Tsubasa

Gift Tags
• Figurines
• Limited Store Items
• Rare Items
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Snow GlobeSnow Globe Tower of Fantasy - Alda ComicAlda Comic
Tower of Fantasy - 3D Hykros Puzzle3D Hykros Puzzle Tower of Fantasy - Warren FossilWarren Fossil Tower of Fantasy - Crown TokenCrown Token
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Tata FigurineLimited Tata Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Metal Alf FigurineMetal Alf Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine
Tower of Fantasy - Vold Angel FigurineVold Angel Figurine

Giving gifts to Tsubasa may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to her only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Tsubasa Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Tsubasa Avatar Avatar: Tsubasa
600 Log: A Natural Warmth
1200 Trait: Rainstorm
Gain 1 stack of Fierce Strike per damage dealt that adds 0.5% ATK for up to 15 stacks for 30 seconds.
2000 Log: Freeze Warning
3000 Log: You Know Best
4000 Trait: Raging Waves
Gain 1 stack of Fierce Strike per damage dealt that adds 0.6% ATK for up to 30 stacks for 30 seconds.

Tsubasa Weapon Stats & Type

Ice Type

Ice Shell
Fully charged weapons will freeze the target for 2 seconds and leave it frostbitten for 6 seconds. Breaking the ice shell causes additional damage equal to 151.00% of ATK. While frostbitten, the target's weapon charge rate is reduced by 50%.

Tsubasa Weapon Stats

Attack 18
Resistance -
HP 1165
Critical 14

Stats are based on weapon level 1

Tsubasa Weapon Upgrade Materials


Tsubasa Attacks & Skills

Normal Attacks

While on the ground, draw the bow repeatedly to attack 5 times.
1st Attack: Deal damage equal to 48.8% of ATK +3.
2nd Attack: Deal damage equal to 43.7% of ATK +2.
3rd Attack: Deal damage equal to 78.6% of ATK +4.
4th Attack: Deal damage equal to 121.2% of ATK +6.
5th Attack: Deal damage equal to 112.5% of ATK +6 and knock the target back a short distance.
Charged Arrow 【Hold Attack】
Tap and hold normal attack to charge. Deal basic damage equal to 87.8% of ATK + 5, and 50% more for each 1 second spent charging, up to 3 seconds. Deal double damage when scoring a headshot or when hitting an enemy's weak point, knocking them down (headshots are ineffective against Wanderers).
Arrow Rain 【Hold Attack】
After any normal attack, hold the normal attack button to unleash Arrow Rain, dealing up to 287.2% of ATK +15 area damage to targets.
Air Volley 【Aerial】
While airborne, tap normal attack to attack 4 times in a row in the air.
1st Attack: Deal damage equal to 56.3% of ATK +3.
2nd Attack: Deal damage equal to 74% of ATK +4.
3rd Attack: Deal damage equal to 112.7% of ATK +6.
4th Attack: Deal damage equal to 169.8% of ATK +9.

Dodge Attacks

Dodge right before getting hit to activate Phantasia, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area.
Cooldown: 15 seconds. While dodging, you gain hitstun immunity for 0.5 seconds.
Loaded Arrow
Tap attack after dodging to trigger a Loaded Arrow, which knocks the target back and deals damage equal to 124% of ATK +7.


Piercing Shot
Perform a backflip and fire 3 piercing shots, with the main shot deals damage equal to 258.3% of ATK + 14, and the other two shots deal 60% damage. In addition, knock targets back and stun them for 5 seconds if they collide with an obstacle. Cooldown: 12 seconds.


Explosive Barrage
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder, and ined create a hailstorm at the target location upon switching to this weapon, dealing damage equal to 570% of ATK + 30. The storm has a 10% chance to inflict a 2 seconds freeze effect. Gain cold front, and increase speed by 45% for 7 seconds.

How to Get Tsubasa's Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Icewind Arrow when pulling from the gacha.

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All Characters and Weapons By Type

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All Characters and Weapons by Element
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All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
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All Weapon Types
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Mauls Rifles Shields


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