Tower of Fantasy

Umi Weapon and Global Release

Please note that the Tower of Fantasy Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 2.0. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date. Thank you for continuing support!

Umi Top Banner

Umi is a Simulacrum in Tower of Fantasy who is yet to make her global release. Read on to learn Umi's speculated release date, weapon, skins, stats, and more!

Umi Release Date

Umi Alternate Form

Umi has recently been announced to be part of the 2.3 update of the CN version of Tower of Fantasy as a new simulacra and weapon. Her banner was set to debut on November 01, 2022.

Going with the CN sequence, and with the Update 2.0 finally out on global, Umi could be released next year for the Global version. However, basing off how the Global Simulacrum are being released in a different order so far, it is anyone's guess when she will come out.

Upcoming Characters and Weapons (CN Characters)

Umi Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Umi

Height -
Birthplace -
Horoscope -
Birthday -
EN Voice Actor
JP Voice Actor

Umi Weapon and Attacks Preview

Grevious Whip Weapon

Footage taken from Tower of Fantasy 2.3 Update Announcement for the CN version.

Umi will be the very first simulacra that uses a whip as a weapon. This goes well with her overall appearance as a magician or or ring master.

The only information we have confirmed so far is that her weapon will be using the Grevious element.

All Grievous Characters and Weapons

Evil Persona and Storyline Teased

Umi Teaser

At the end of the 2.3 Update trailer, Umi was shown to have been possessed by an unknown entity. Afterwards, she displays are colder disposition and also implies she is plotting something against Lin.

This plotline will most likely carry on in the later chapters of the main mission in the game.

Should You Save for Umi?

Footage taken from Tower of Fantasy 2.3 Update Announcement for the CN version.

Though we have yet to confirm more information on Umi and her global release, she will most likely be obtainable through a Limited Gacha Banner that will require Red Nucleus in order to pull for her.

As of now, we recommend you save some Red Nucleus for her if you are interested in using the very first whip as weapon in Tower of Fantasy.

All Banners (Special Orders) for Characters, Weapons, and Matrices

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

Weapons Partial Banner.png

All Weapons & Characters

SSR Weapons and Characters

HumaHuma KingKing ZeroZero Cobalt-BCobalt-B
Ruby.pngRuby MerylMeryl CocoritterCocoritter TsubasaTsubasa
Frigg.pngFrigg CrowCrow SamirSamir NemesisNemesis
ClaudiaClaudia ShiroShiro

SR Weapons and Characters

Bai LingBai Ling HildaHilda EneEne PepperPepper

Upcoming Weapons and Characters

Lin.pngLin Annabella.pngAnnabella Lyra.pngLyra Marc.pngMarc
Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


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