Tower of Fantasy

Guild Recruitment Board

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The Guild Recruitment Board is for helping players to find a Guild to join, and for helping Guild creators and members recruit new players into their Guild.

Tower of Fantasy Guild Recruitment Board

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  • No submissions that are offensive toward other users.
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  • No refrain from submissions irrelevant to this board.
  • No posting of the same contents repeatedly.
  • No advertising for other sites or apps.
  • No posting for finanical gain (via RMT, etc.)

Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

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Message Board

Submissions: 40
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36 Rhiannonover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Infinity Castle Server: NA: The Worlds Between Crew Type: Casual/Competitive Crew Level: 2 About Infinity Castle: Infinity Castle Crew is a community crew based for the NA Tower of Fantasy Crew located on the World Between Server. Here you will find everything you will need to help you quest and conquer the world of Aesperia. ICC focuses on being a fun and thriving community for wanderers to join and experience Tower of Fantasy together.

35 ODearover 2 yearsReport

Name: Wechat Region: North America Server: Solaris Language: English Crew Name: WeChat Requirements: Active players are all welcome!

34 Dialectsover 2 yearsReport

Name: Ancients Region: EU Server: Ex Nihilor Crew Type: Casual PvX - About Us Ancients is about the people we meet along the way. We're big on reaching end-game together with an active community that focuses on both in-game and Discord activity. Discord Link:

33 Frictionover 2 yearsReport

Hi! I'd be interested to join but I am in Asia Pacific Uranus & you are in Ruby I'm not sure I'd be able to join and do stuff with the guild

32 Frictionover 2 yearsReport

Hi! I'd be interested to join but I am in Asia Pacific Uranus & you are in Ruby I'm not sure I'd be able to join and do stuff with the guild

31 Join Casual Poptarts!over 2 yearsReport

Name: RamenNoodlez Region: North America Server: New Era Language: English Crew Name: Casual Poptarts Requirements: Just be active, and friendly, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Anyone is free to join! Just come and chill with the poptarts!

30 Join BLÄCKFLÄG!over 2 yearsReport

Name: DauntLace Region: Asia Pacific Server: Ruby Language: English Crew Name: BLÄCKFLÄG Requirements: We don’t ask for much, just be active, friendly, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! We are the Pirates of TOF and we take care of our own! Discord group to come, and we regularly post redeem codes to crew chat! Any questions just Msg me ^_^

29 TittieSqueezerover 2 yearsReport

Name: Choco Mint Region: North America Server: Tempest Language: English Requirements: None, anybody can join! We are a chill guild and offer free carries. We are a brand new guild and are working our way up. Be apart of it and join today! Chill | Discord | Free Carries

28 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Name: 新選組 (Shinsengumi) Region: North America Server: Lunalite Language: English Requirements: Looking for active players who are wanting a group to do content with. Lets work together to get regular teams to run World Bosses, Joint Op, Frontier Clash, and Void Rifts. F2P are welcomed. There is no CS requirement however a good attitude is. Discord is available if wanted. Hope to see you soon.

27 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Name: Ghoul Café Region: North America Server: New Era Crew Type: Casual/Newbie friendly and active Language: English Requirements: Try to be active and do your daily donations other than that everyone is welcome to join :) What we do?: Daily World raids, Joint Op, Frontier Clash and ofc Void rifts together!!

26 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Name: Otakus Unite Region: North America Server: Lunalite Crew Type: Casual/Newbie friendly Requirements: Small casual crew looking to grow. No minimum requirements but we ask to help grow by donating and contributing when you can.

25 Jenocresover 2 yearsReport

Name: Twisted Memoria Region: North America Server: Nightfall Crew Type: Casual/Newbie friendly Requirements: Other than needing to be level 16 in order to unlock the Crew function there isn't much! We ask that you contribute with the daily donations so the group can level up and unlock rewards for everyone. Discord is available for use but definitely not required! Twisted Memoria is a group of like-minded individuals who enjoy all things gaming and media. We play anything and everything!

24 Masahikoover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Calamity Region: North America Server: Starlight Language: English Crew Type: Competitive Requirements: Be active and make sure to get your weekly missions and daily donations done. Be sure to join the Discord after joining.

23 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Ad Astra Region: Southeast Asia Server: Animus Language: English Crew Type: Casual, Level Together Requirements: NONE! *Anyone can join*

22 Kajin Darover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Black Lagoon Region: North America Server: Frontier Language: English Crew type: Casual and active Requirements: Just be active and do dailies. Discord is optional but encouraged :)

21 LickSempaiover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Shadow Garden Region: Eroupe Server: Espoir IV Language: English Crew Type: Casual, Level Together Requirements: NONE! *Anyone can join*

20 TribeZover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Deadly Sin Region: Europe Server: Blumous Language: English (sometimes German too but barely aswell) Crew Type: Casual, Active Requirements: noone, lets just have fun n enjoy the game

19 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Squirtle Squad Region: North America Server: Starlight Language: English Crew Type: Casual, Active Requirements: None

18 Zapzoover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Danskere Region: EU Server: Midgaard Language: Danish Crew Type: Casual, Active Requirements: None

17 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

I'd like to join! in game name is Kanache

16 Derenover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Chaos Region: NA Server: Radiant Language: English Crew Type: Casual, Active Requirements: None

15 Oniover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Mây Region: AP Server: Fate Language: English, Vietnamese Crew type: Casual, we play multiple games together too Requirements: None, let's have some fun!

14 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Temple of Atum Region: AP Server: Babel Language: English Crew type: Casual and active (w/ discord!) Requirements: No requirement, just be nice and have fun!

13 Ayanoover 2 yearsReport

Name: Glory Region : NA Server: Nightfall Requirements: Level 16, All welcome, we are semi casual with a focus on having fun, we do ask you to be active. We do have some members who are focused on pushing content, if you are interested in learning, definitely reach out/ join! Crew Type: Semi-Casual

12 Lystellaover 2 yearsReport

Nome Gilda: Blank Regione: EU Server: Lycoris Lingua parlata: Italiano Tipo di Gilda: PVX, nessun requisito Cercate il nome della Gilda dal menù e fate richiesta per entrare; discord disponibile su richiesta.

11 TheRealAnthonyover 2 yearsReport

Crew name is : "Infamous" I mistyped...

10 TheRealAnthonyover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Alluvion Region: NA Server: Libera Language: English Crew type: Casual and active Requirements: No requirement! Just be kind to one another. I'm on everyday. add me in game: TheRealAnthony

9 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Alluvion Region: NA Server: Libera Language: English Crew type: Casual with an active discord Requirements: No requirement! We are a fun group of people that love to help and welcome all~! <3

8 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: BIG BUNDA Region: SEA Server: Aestral-Noa Communication: English Crew Type: Casual, Active, Raids/Bosses Requirements: No requirement! All are welcomed as we just want to have fun and enjoy the game as a community :)

7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

Crew Name: Grim Reaper Server region and number: NA /Frontier Communication Language: EN and ES .We have an active player base, must donate everyday and must not be inactive 4 days in a row. We also have an active discord that is an open community.

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