Tower of Fantasy

Zero Best Builds and Team Comps

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Zero Top Banner

This is a strategy guide for using the SSR character Zero in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about Zero's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

Zero Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Zero

1 Star Skin
3 Star Skin
Height 155cm
Birthplace Banges
Horoscope Gemini
Birthday June 6
EN Voice Actor
JP Voice Actor Ayumu Murase
Height 155cm
Birthplace Banges
Horoscope Gemini
Birthday June 6
EN Voice Actor
JP Voice Actor Ayumu Murase

Weapon: Negating Cube

Users of the Enchanted Cube tend to think of many ways to negate unnecessary requirements.

Negating Cube
Negating Cube Element FireFire
Resonance SupportSupport
Shatter: 5

Charge: 13
Weapon Type Omnium
PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Zero Overview

Zero Merits

Buff Allies with Shields

Tower of Fantasy - Buff Allies with Shields
Negating Cube lets you take on a support role thanks to its skill attack Omnium Shield, which grants a powerful shield on yourself and allies for 10 seconds.

This attack also deals damage and launches enemies, which is great at helping set up combos and juggle attacks for yourself or for your teammates.

Safely Attack at Range

Tower of Fantasy - Negating Cube Attack at Range
Many of the Negating Cube's aerial attacks are also ranged attacks, letting you attack enemies safely from a distance. This makes it a great weapon to use against tougher enemies, such as the World Boss Frostbot.

Not only can you attack safely from range, evading many of Frostbot's powerful attacks, it's also weak to flame damage which Negating Cube deals.

Easily Deal with Flame Puzzles

Tower of Fantasy - Easily Deal with Flame Puzzles
The Negating Cube is a great weapon for open world exploration as you can easily deal with overworld puzzles like vine-covered supply pods and Kerosenia flowers.

Flame puzzles are among the most common overworld puzzles in the game, so having the Negating Cube equipped at all times means you don't have to switch weapons just to solve these puzzles.

All Overworld Puzzles

Best Zero Teams

List of Builds
World Boss Support PvE Team Offensive Flame PvP Team

PvE Build: World Boss Support

Support Support Shieldbreak
ZeroZero NemesisNemesis HumaHuma
Best Matrices
Zero x 4
Nemesis x 4
Huma x 4
Support Icon Support Icon
Solo: Healing Output +100%
Team: Healing Output +200%
Huma Icon 1★ Nemesis Icon 3★ Zero 5★
Relics Magnetic PulseMagnetic Pulse

Break Ruin and World Boss Shields Easily

Negating Cube provides a lot of shielding and damage mitigation with its Omnium Shield and Omnium Wave attacks that are invaluable when supporting other players tackling powerful World Bosses such as Apophis and Frostbot.

Venus complements Negating Cube by providing both AOE utility and healing, with its Particle Beam Burst Discharge attack also providing slow on top of burst damage.

Finally, Molten Shield V2 is for assiting in shieldbreaking world bosses, as well as providing emergency taunt and tanking with its Seething Rage Discharge attack.

All Support Characters and Weapons

PvE Advancement Priorities

Huma 1 Star: Get Huma to at least 1 Star Advancement to unlock the weapon's Strong Shield passive when using Seething Rage to improve your tanking and damage mitigation.

Nemesis 3 Star: Get Nemesis to at least 3 Star Advancement to unlock healing chain enhance on electrodes, as well as unlock the Ring Lightning passive for AOE damage.

*Zero 5 Star: Get Zero to at least 5 Star Advancement to unlock the healing orb passive, skill cooldown, and a damage orb passive that increases damage and healing done for self and teammates.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
CocoritterCocoritter Cocoritter's Absolute Zero is a great alternative to Nemesis' Venus if you prefer more burst healing and the ability to inflict the Ice Shell debuff on the enemy.
Best Matrices
Cocoritter x 4
KingKing King's Scythe of the Crow is a great alternative to Huma's Molten Shield V2. While you lose out on tanking and survivability, you will have an easier time helping your team shatter World Boss shields thanks to the weapon's very high shatter value.
Best Matrices
KING x 2
Shiro x 2

PvP Build: Offensive Flame

Support DPS DPS
ZeroZero KingKing ShiroShiro
Relics Magnetic StormMagnetic Storm

Lower Opponent's Healing with Flame Debuff

This build features dual flame weapons to easily apply the flame debuff. On top of doing residual damage with fully charged attacks from Scythe of the Crow and Negating Cube, the flame debuff also lowers the opponent's healing efficacy by 50%.

Open with either Scythe of the Crow or Chakram of the Seas to shatter the opponent's shield making sure to swap to the other dps weapon to deal burst damage.

When swapping to Negating Cube, follow up your normal attacks with timely charged attacks so that you can reliably apply the flame debuff. Even if the opponent decides to go ot the defensive and start healing, you can continue overpowering them with your weapons as their healing gets lowered.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
SamirSamir Samir's Dual EM Stars are a great alternative to Shiro's Chakram of the Seas for this build if you prefer a faster secondary weapon, as well as the ability to inflict the Electrify debuff with fully charged attacks.

Zero Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Deal damage and produce a healing orb, which lasts for 20 seconds and restore HP of any teammate who picks it up equal to 60% of ATK.
2★ 2 stars to activate: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
3★ Reduce skill cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. Restore HP equal to 30% of ATK every second while the shield is active.
4★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 32%.
5★ Damaging a target also produces a damage orb, which lasts for 20 seconds and increases all damage and healing of any teammate who picks it up by 2% for 30 seconds. Stack up to 10 times. Skill cooldown is 2.5 seconds.
6★ Using a Skill grants allies healing orbs and damage orbs equal to the number of Omnium Cubes.

Zero Best Matrices

Full Zero Support

Matrix Effects
While the shield is active, you and your teammates deal additional damage.
x 4

Shield and Healing Combo

Matrix Effects
Gain a powerful shield upon using a discharge skill, and increase healing capability.
x 2 x 2

Hastened Charge

Matrix Effects
Makes it faster to fully charge your weapon gauge.
x 3

Zero Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Zero

Gift Tags
• Games
• Limited Store Items
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Music BoxMusic Box Tower of Fantasy - Alda ComicAlda Comic
Tower of Fantasy - 3D Hykros Puzzle3D Hykros Puzzle Tower of Fantasy - Crown TokenCrown Token Tower of Fantasy - Limited Tata FigurineLimited Tata Figurine
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine

Giving gifts to Zero may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to him only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Zero Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Zero Avatar Avatar: Zero
600 Log: A Baffling Conversation
1200 Trait: Accurate Calculation
When Zero uses a weapon skill, reduces cooldown time by 1.5 seconds. Can only activate for the same weapon 1 time per 5 seconds.
2000 Log: Rules
3000 Log: "Zero"
4000 Trait: Overall Planning
When Zero uses a weapon skill, reduces cooldown time by 3 seconds. Can only activate for the same weapon 1 time per 5 seconds.

Zero Weapon Stats & Type

Fire Type

Fully charged weapons will set the target on fire for 8 seconds with the next attack, causing ongoing damage of 58.00% of ATK every second. Ignited targets receive 50% efficacy from healing.

Zero Weapon Stats

Attack 14
Resistance 9
HP 1165
Critical -

Zero Weapon Upgrade Materials


Zero Attacks & Moveset

Normal Attacks

Normal Attack
While on the ground, manipulate the cube to attack 5 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 46.7% of ATK + 2.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 38.2% of ATK + 2.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 118.5% of ATK + 8.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 79.6% of ATK + 4.
Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 80.9% of ATK + 4 up to 3 times and launch the target.
Passive: If normal attacks hit targets 6 times, gain 1 cube. Up to 5 cubes can be stored.
Omnium Missile 【Aerial】
While airborne, tap normal attack to activate the energy within the cube, firing up to 5 missiles and dealing total damage equal to 59.3% of ATK + 3. Consume up to 250 endurance.
Passive: If the Wanderer has any stored cubes, consume all cubes to fire Omnium Missiles at targets to deal damage.
Energy Overflow 【Aerial】
While airborne or after jumping once, tap normal attack to trigger Energy Overflow. Upon landing, fire a shockwave that travels forward, dealing up to 23.4% of ATK + 1 damage to targets in its path.
Omnium Shock 【Hold Attack】
On the third normal attack, hold the normal attack button to trigger Omnium Shock. A pillar of energy launches nearby targets into the air, dealing damage equal to 68.4% of ATK + 4. The pillar lasts 5 seconds and deals damage equal to 28.5% of ATK + 2 to nearby targets every second.
Energy Sentinel
Cubes orbiting the Wanderer deal damage equal to 9.7% of ATK + 1 to enemies.
Energy Missile
When the Wanderer casts Omnium Missiles and Energy Overflow, their orbiting cubes are fired as well, dealing damage equal to 48.5% of ATK + 3 to the target.

Dodge Attacks

Soul Surge
Dodge right before getting hit to trigger a Phantasia, which reduces speed of enemies within range and grants hitstun immunity for 0.5 seconds.
If the Wanderer has less than 5 cubes, each successful dodge has a 40% chance to restore 1 dodge attempt. Successful dodges do not interrupt normal attack combos.
Passive: Gain a cube for every successful aerial dodge.


Omnium Shield
Create shielding for self and nearby allies to block up to 800% of ATK in damage for 10 seconds, and deal 142.9% of ATK + 8 damage to nearby targets and launch them.
Each cube in possession when this skill is used adds 160% of ATK to max shielding and exhaust the cube.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.


Omnium Wave
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder and gain 5 cubes upon switching to this weapon, then unleash the 5 cubes along with a Shockwave.
This Shockwave deals damage equal to 171% of ATK + 9 to nearby targets, and launches them into the air. Each cube also deals damage equal to 48.5% of ATK + 3. If allies are in the vicinity, they gain damage immunity for 3 seconds.

How to Get Zero Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Negating Cube when pulling from the gacha.

Choice Weapons - Weapons Galore Banner

Low Drop from World Bosses

You also have a small chance to obtain an SSR Weapon and Matrix when unlocking the chest after defeating the World Boss, which require Type III Chips to unlock and get the highest possible rewards.

World Boss Locations and Guide

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

Weapons Partial Banner.png

All Weapons & Characters

SSR Weapons and Characters

HumaHuma KingKing ZeroZero Cobalt-BCobalt-B
Ruby.pngRuby MerylMeryl CocoritterCocoritter TsubasaTsubasa
Frigg.pngFrigg CrowCrow SamirSamir NemesisNemesis
ClaudiaClaudia ShiroShiro

SR Weapons and Characters

Bai LingBai Ling HildaHilda EneEne PepperPepper

Upcoming Weapons and Characters

Lin.pngLin Annabella.pngAnnabella Lyra.pngLyra Marc.pngMarc
Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


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