Tower of Fantasy

Hovering Cannon Relic Rarity and Effects

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Hovering Cannon is a SR Attack Type Relic found in Tower Fantasy. Read on to learn its rarity, effects, and how to get Hovering Cannon.

Hovering Cannon Rarity and General Information


Hovering Cannon
Hovering CannonHovering Cannon
Attack Type
Summon / Freeze
Summon a Hovering Cannon for 20 seconds. 240-second cooldown. The Hovering Cannon has the skill: Laser Beam, which deals 5.6% ATK damage to the target each time.

Hovering Cannon Upgrade Effects

Level Effect Advancement Materials
1★ Hovering Cannon lasts for 24 seconds. TBD
2★ Gain the Laser Array skill: Freeze targets after dealing damage to them 4 times in a row and deal damage equal to maximum of 93.2% of ATK. TBD
3★ Reduce cooldown to 150 seconds. TBD
4★ Increase frost damage by 1.5%, even if not deployed. Unavailable in Apex League. TBD
5★ Gain the Crash skill: Deal damage to the target equal to 55.9% of ATK and stun them for 0.5 seconds. TBD

How to Use Hovering Cannon

Summon to Help Defeat Enemies

You can use Hovering Cannon to help you defeat tough enemies such as bosses in ruins. You can also use against groups and comes in handy when playing Survival Challenges in Claire's Dream Machines, Bygone Phantasm, and Frontier Clash..

How to Get Hovering Cannon

Obtain 20 Hovercannon Shards

Tower of Fantasy - Obtain 20 Hovercannon Shards

You can obtain the Hovering Cannon if you have at least 20 Hovercannon Shards in your inventory. Once you have the shards, go to the Relics menu and click the Hovering Cannon to unlock it.

Redeem from an SR Relic Box

Tower of Fantasy - Obtain from an SR Relic Box
If you have an SR Relic Box in you backpack, you can use it to receive the Hovering Cannon instantly.

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