Tower of Fantasy

Omnium Beacon: How to Play and Rewards

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Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beacon - How to Play and Rewards
Omnium Beacon is one of the game modes available in Tower of Fantasy. It is a game mode where you hide your beacon and find other players' beacons to get rewards. Read on to find out more about Omnium Beacon and learn how to play it!

What is Omnium Beacon?

Hide-and-Seek Game Mode

Tower of Fantasy - Hide and Seek

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per Beacon
Rewards Weapon Enhancement Materials

Omnium Beacon is different from other game modes in the game, as it doesn't require any task that requires defeating enemies. It is more of a hide-and-seek minigame where you will get rewards once you find one in the open world and if no one finds yours.

Game Mode that Consumes Vitality

Tower of Fantasy - Uses Vitality
You will need to consume Vitality to get one beacon to place in the world. The rarity and rewards of the beacon will be random, and you can get it once 24 hours pass by.
What to Use Vitality On?

How to Play Omnium Beacon

Get a Beacon and Hide it

How to Get an Omnium Beacon
Click on the Swords icon above the screen to get to the Adventure menu and select the Omnium Beacon to get a beacon.
Find a good location to place your beacon and place it.
Claim the Collector Signal once you place the beacon. It will lead to other player's beacon, and you have the choice to find it or not.
Wait for 24 hours to pass by to get your rewards from your beacon.

Search the Open World for a Beacon

How to Search for Other Player's Beacons
Open the Collector Signal from your backpack and use it. It will mark a location on the map where you can find it.
Go to the marked location and find the Omnium Beacon.
The Collector Signal will show you some images of the location once you get there. Check it again to save time trying to search random places.
Activate the Collector Signal once you're close. Collect the rewards from your Mailbox.

Best Places to Hide Omnium Beacon

Hard-to-Reach Areas

Tower of Fantasy - Hard to Reach Areas
Go to places that are hard to reach to make it hard for those who got a signal on your beacon to find it. It may be simple, but it is an effective strategy, especially for players who don't want to go to tight spaces or high places just to get some materials.

Places with No Obvious Landmarks

Tower of Fantasy - Place with no Landmark
Another great location to place your beacon is in areas with no identifiable landmarks. It will make the beacon hunting more difficult for them, and they might end up giving up on the beacon rewards.

Omnium Beacon Tips and Strategies

Omnium Beacon is Unplaceble Near Walls and Some Uneven Surfaces

Tower of Fantasy - Open Spaces
Make sure to find a location with enough space, not too close to a wall or uneven surfaces, to place your beacon. An error message will appear saying it is in an obstructed location if you try to put it in those areas!

Find the Beacon Inside the Backpack

Tower of Fantasy - Find Beacon in Backpack
The beacon most of the time vanishes from your screen when you accidentally switch to another menu or press a button. But don't worry, you can find it sitting inside your backpack. Just tap on it and press Use to place it in the open world. It's a bit of a hassle, but they might optimize it in the future!

Omnium Beacon Rewards

Get Weapon Enhancement Materials

Tower of Fantasy - Claim from Mail
You can get Weapon Enhancement materials after you find someone's beacon in the open world, and when your beacon survives from the hands of other Wanderers for 24 hours. However, you can only get a part of the rewards once a player gets your beacon.

Get 100K EXP Per Omnium Beacon

Tower of Fantasy - Get 100K EXP Per Omnium Beacon
You can also obtain at least 100K EXP each time you place an Omnium Beacon in the overworld. If you have 180 Vitality, you can place 6 beacons and obtain a total of 600k EXP per day, making this a viable option to level up fast and reach the daily level cap.

How to Level Up Your Character

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