Tower of Fantasy

Apex League Guide and List of Rewards

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Tower of Fantasy - Apex League Guide and List of Rewards
Apex League is a 1vs1 PVP game mode in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn the Apex League's game mechanics, what rewards you get per rank, best characters to use, and more!

Apex League Best Characters

Rank Weapon/Character
SS Rank Icon
Meryl Nemesis Frigg Claudia Ruby
S Rank Icon
Samir Cocoritter Tsubasa Zero Huma
A Rank Icon
Crow King Shiro Pepper Cobalt-B
B Rank Icon
Ene Echo
C Rank Icon
Hilda Bai Ling

PvP Tier List

Apex League Best Team Comps

Volt-Grievous DPS Comp

Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector
Colossus ArmColossus Arm

If you have unlocked Nemesis, you can steamroll much of the competition due to her AoE attack and playstyle that involves kiting opponents. This comes in handy as this forces opponents to move away from the shrinking arena, draining their HP in the process.

You can then use Shiro to break an opponent's shield and slow them down.

Both Nemesis and Samir can negate all debuffs once you activate their weapon charge attack and is useful against opponents that use Freeze or Fire debuffs.

Summoning the Hologram Projector lets you recreate your character's attack. If you find yourself in a pinch, you can activate Colossus Arm to gain hitstun immunity and counterattack.

Ice Shell DPS Comp

Missile BarrageMissile Barrage
Magnetic StormMagnetic Storm

This is a balanced comp that includes one DPS, one support, and one defense. Use Tsubasa as the main DPS, Cocoritter as utility character to heal, and Meryl as the shieldbreaker.

If you prefer close combat, you can switch to Meryl's Rosy Edge and use it to break the opponent's shied. Note that you may be on the disadvantage if you this against an enemy with a fast weapon due to its weapon's slow movement speed and short range. If you don't have Meryl, you can switch her with Ene since her weapon is also a shield breaker.

The two relics, Missile Barrage and Magnetic Storm, provide assistance allowing you to get free hits once the opponent is distracted. You can also use the same relics from the Volt DPS Comp if you have unlocked those.

Shieldbreaker Comp

Colossus ArmColossus Arm
Magnetic StormMagnetic Storm

If you want to break shields and stun opponents, you use this comp and have Meryl as the main DPS. Her weapon can freeze opponents for a few seconds, allowing you to switch to Shiro's Chakram of the Seas and deplete the opponent's shield.

You can then use Huma to defend yourself to reduce damage from opponents that use the Colossus Arm relic.

The Magnetic Storm relic allows you to launch opponents in the air and follow up with combo moves.

Apex League Overview

Apex League General Information

Apex League Overview
Tower of Fantasy - Apex League General Information
Objective Be the first to score 2 points in a 1vs1 PVP match with another player in a shrinking battlefield.
Battle Conditions ・Weapon resonance effects, Simulacrum traits, Matrix effects, and Phantasia are disabled.
・Healing effects are reduced by 50%.
・Jetboard is not allowed.
・All players start with a shield.
Availability From 12:00-24:00 daily after reaching Level 30.

Uses a 2 Point System

Apex League uses a 2 point system to determine the winner of the battle. You obtain a point if you reduce the opponent's HP directly or indirectly such as continuous damage or fall damage.

If an opponent dies, they will respawn in a random location with full HP, no negative status effects, and with a 25% increased damage.

Battle Lasts for 5 Minutes

Each battle lasts for 5 minutes and whoever scores 2 points wins. If no one obtains 2 points, the game will decide the winner based on whoever has more points and remaining HP.

If the battle takes long, the arena shrinks every 75 seconds. If you stay outside of the battlefield, you will receive a debuff that drains your HP over time.

Apex League Ranking System

A Total of 7 Ranks

Apex League uses a ranking system to determine the position of the players in the leaderboard. There are a total of 7 ranks with levels and stars.

Rank Levels/Stars How to Obtain
Grand Marshal ・No Levels
・No stars
Obtain stars for all battles.
Battle Lord ・5 Levels
・5 stars
Accumulate 5 stars and win a battle.
Star General ・5 Levels
・5 stars
Accumulate 5 stars and win a battle.
Commander ・4 Levels
・4 stars
Accumulate 4 stars and win a battle.
Sergeant ・4 Levels
・4 stars
Accumulate 4 stars and win a battle.
Elite ・3 Levels
・3 stars
Accumulate 3 stars and win a battle.
Private ・3 Levels
・3 stars
Accumulate 3 stars and win a battle.

Starting Rank is Private

All players start with the Private rank and 1 star by default. If you win and collected all 3 stars for this rank, you will advance to the next level of the same rank.

This means that if you win 3 battles as a Private Rank 1, you will move to Private Rank 2. To move up to the Elite rank, you need to win 3 battles as a Private Rank 3.

Losing Battles Reduces Stars

If you lose in a battle, you will lose one star in your rank. This means that if you lose a battle as an Elite Rank 1, you will move down to Private Rank 3.

In addition, if you lose as a Private with 1 star, you will have zero stars.

Rank Resets Based on the Rank You Obtain on a Season

When the season ends, the leaderboard and your rank resets. Each season resets at the first day of the month. See the table below to learn each reset condition per rank.

Rank Reset Conditions
1. Grand Marshals above Star 100 reset to Rank 3 Star 1 Battle Lords.
2. Star 51-100 Grand Marshals reset to Rank 4 Star 1 Battle Lords.
3. Star 21-50 Grand Marshals reset to Rank 5 Star 1 Battle Lords.
4. Star 11-20 Grand Marshals reset to Rank 1 Star 1 Star Generals.
5. Star 0-10 Grand Marshals reset to Rank 2 Star 1 Star Generals.
6. Rank 1-2 Battle Lords reset to Rank 3 Star 1 Star Generals.
7. Rank 3-4 Battle Lords reset to Rank 4 Star 1 Star Generals.
8. Rank 1 Star Generals - Rank 5 Battle Lords reset to Rank 5 Star 1 Star Generals.
9. Rank 2-3 Star Generals reset to Rank 1 Star 1 Commanders.
10. Rank 3-4 Star Generals reset to Rank 2 Star 1 Commanders.
11. Rank 1 Commanders - Rank 5 Star Generals reset to Rank 3 Star 1 Commanders.
12. Rank 2-3 Commanders reset to Rank 4 Star 1 Commanders.
13. Rank 4 Commanders reset to Rank 1 Star 1 Sergeants.
14. Rank 1 Sergeants reset to Rank 2 Star 1 Sergeants.
15. Rank 2 Sergeants reset to Rank 3 Star 1 Sergeants.
16. Rank 3 Sergeants reset to Rank 4 Star 1 Sergeants.
17. Sergeants Rank 4 and below reset to Star 1 of the current rank if ending the season with Star 1 or higher. If ending the season with Star 0, the rank shall be reset to Star 1 of the rank below the achieved rank of the season.

Apex League Rewards

At the end of each season, you will receive rewards based on your ranking. The result is conducted based your current rank on the first day of each month.

All Rank Rewards

Rank Rewards
Grand Marshal ・Grand Marshal Title
Dust Wheeler vehicle
・500 Dark Crystals
Battle Lord ・Battle Lord Title
・Limited accessory
・450 Dark Crystals
Star General ・Star General Title
・Limited accessory
・400 Dark Crystals
Commander ・Commander Title
・Limited accessory
・350 Dark Crystals
Sergeant ・Sergeant Title
・Limited accessory
・300 Dark Crystals
Elite ・Elite Title
・Limited accessory
・200 Dark Crystals
Private ・Private Title
・Limited accessory
・100 Dark Crystals

Top 10 Players Receive an Additional Limited Title

If you are part of the top 10 players in the leaderboard, you will receive an additional title based on your place. Note that these titles are limited, so they will disappear once the season is over.

Place Reward
1st place Crown of Stars Title
2nd place Heroic Starchaser Title
3rd place Brave Starchaser Title
4th-5th place Rival Title
6th-10th place Challenger Title

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2 Anonymousover 2 years

they do, grand marshal has a mask on character creation menu

1 Anonymousover 2 years

I cant find the commander, sergeant, elite, and private limited accessories in game, do they exist in the current version of the game?


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