Tower of Fantasy

Interstellar Exploration: How to Play and Rewards

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Tower of Fantasy - Intersterllar Exploration - How to Play and Rewards
Interstellar Exploration is one of the dungeons in Tower of Fantasy that requires Vitality to get Weapon Enhancement Materials. Read on to learn how to play Interstellar Exploration, its rewards, and how you can summon the secret boss!

What is Interstellar Exploration?

Dungeon with 3 Waves of Enemies

Tower of Fantasy - Dungeon with 3 Waves.png

Game Mode Type PvE
Vitality Cost 30 Vitality per Stargate
Rewards Weapon Enhancement Materials

Interstellar Exploration is a dungeon consisting of 3 waves of enemies, which you have to defeat to get the rewards. You can play it by finding a Stargate, a purple gate that appears randomly every day, which you can only clear six times a day.

Game Mode with 3 Difficulties

Tower of Fantasy - Interstellar Exploration Difficulty
Interstellar Exploration consists of 3 difficulties, labeled as 1-star up to 3-star, with 1-star being the easiest and the 3-star being the most difficult. It is worth seeking out the 3-star Stargates as you can get more rewards for clearing them.

Place Where You Can Get Weapon Enhancement Materials

Tower of Fantasy - Enhancement Material Rewards.png
Interstellar Exploration offers Weapon Enhancement Materials as rewards for clearing. The number and rarity of the items are directly affected by the difficulty, meaning the more difficult it is, the more rewards you can get.

Advancement Guide: How to Level Up Weapons

One of the Activity that Uses Vitality

Tower of Fantasy - Uses Vitality
One of the activity in the game that requires you to use Vitality is the Interstellar Exploration. You will need to spend 30 Vitality to enter the space dungeon and clear the waves of enemies to get the rewards.

What to Use Vitality On?

How to Play Interstellar Exploration

Find a Stargate and Clear it

No. Steps
Find a Stargate on the map. You can track it using the Adventure menu under Select by clicking the Swords Icon at the toip of the screen.
Go to the location and interact with the Stargate to check the difficulty.

You can recruit and wait for others to join, or you can start by yourself.
Get inside and defeat 3 waves of enemies. A secret boss may appear at the end, so wait once you clear all 3 waves.
You will automatically get the rewards once you're done. Get out and find some more Stargates if you need more materials.

Interstellar Exploration Rewards

Get Weapon Enhancement Materials

Sample Sets of Rewards
Tower of Fantasy - 1st Set of Rewards Tower of Fantasy - 2nd Set of Rewards
Tower of Fantasy - 3rd Set of Rewards Tower of Fantasy - 4th Set of Rewards
Tower of Fantasy - 5th Set of Rewards

Each Stargate in Interstellar Exploration have different set of rewards and difficulty compared to each other. You can tap them on the map to see the items and go to the ones that you need.

You May Obtain Rare Items when Defeating the Secret Boss

There will be times that you can summon a Secret Boss in Interstellar Exploration, which will net you some rare goodies such as Gold Nuclei. Wait for a couple of seconds before leaving the space realm as a Starseed may appear, which is the mechanism that will summon the boss inside.

How to Summon the Secret Boss

Activate the Starseed at the End

A Starseed may appear in the end after you defeat all enemies inside. You can activate it to summon the boss and battle it. Note that the chances of the Starseed spawning is not linked to the difficulty of the Stargate.

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