Tower of Fantasy

Building Mode - Buildings

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Building Mode - Buildings Top Image

The core of the Artificial Island is the Build Mode, where players can customize a certain area of the island, earn resources and exchange them for materials. Read on to learn more about the features of the various Buildings!

Building Mode Guides
How to Unlock Buildings
Exchange Store Workshop & Fusion
Material Farming -

Currently Available Buildings

Build Mode Area

Buildings passively gift the player materials thatt they need to either further upgrade the facilities, or can be used to trade for other valauble materials through the Exchange Store.

Development Center

Development Center (Preview)
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
The core building of the Artificial Islands is where all development plans start. Its level determines the cap of other camp constructions. The building looks like an aircraft, which signifies the best for the Artificial Island to grow and Thrive.

Turtle House

Turtle House (Preview)
Output Renovation MaterialRenovation Material Smart Servant TartarusTartarus
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
An igloo-like hut. Looks like a turtle shell that provides a sense of security. Contains a special system that keeps aquatic products fresh and complete after being caught.

Pumpkin House

Pumpkin House (Preview).png
Output Fiber MaterialFiber Material Smart Servant Mad DimonMat Dimon
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
A dreamy Pumpkin house, has a very advanced gardening data analysis system under its adorable appearance. It is mainly used to analyze the soil, air, water, nutrient solutions, and other indicators for growing vegetables. It was once a project prototype for the post-Omnium Plague world, hoping to produce vegetables free from radiation contamination.

Pawpaw House

Pawpaw House (Preview)
Output Energy Material.pngEnergy Material Smart Servant Smarty.pngSmarty
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
A small cabin with a warehouse, is capable of storing large amounts of food. Currently owned by Smarty, the cabin is big enough for the food Smarty collected. Its comprehensive home system creates a comfortable living environment for Smarty.

Kitty House

Kitty House (Preview).png
Output Supply MaterialSupply Material Smart Servant AlfAlf
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
A peaceful hut where Alf starts a comfortable lifestyle--a nice bed, a place to laze in the sun, cat furniture and fishing poles. Everything here feels Alf.

Machine Pod

Machine Pod (Preview).png
Output Metal MaterialMetal Material Smart Servant PeanutPeanut
Development Time Level 1: 1 min.
Level 2: 5 mins.
Level 3: 30 mins.
Level 4: 1 hr. 00 mins.
A sturdy machine pod for investigating, digging, gathering and analyzing metal ores. It cannot be damaged by geological disasters. The system is taken care of by Peanut, which is why the mining work is carried out smoothly.

Smart Servants

Smart Servant Sample

Smart Servants are pets that guard, take care of, and manage the various facilities the player has built around the Artificial Island in Build Mde. They can be seen idling around the area, having their own tasks.

While away from Build Mode, Smart Servants collect the materials generated by the buildings instead. Materials are automatically given by the time players log back in to their respective Build Mode.



The Workshop is where players conduct a fusion of various materials to create various Matrix materials, including rarer character-based Matrices.

Exchange Store

Exchange Shop

The Exchange Store is where players can trade in the Build Mode-exclusive materials in exchange for various items, including Supply Chips, Special Vouchers, HUD cosmetics, Relic boxes and more!

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