Tower of Fantasy

Ene Best Builds and Team Comps

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This is a strategy guide for using the SR character Ene in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about Ene's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

Ene Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Ene

Height 145cm
Birthplace Crown
Horoscope Leo
Birthday August 17
EN Voice Actor Melissa Fahn
JP Voice Actor Ami Koshimizu

Weapon: Pummeler

No one wants to be on the receiving end of this maul.

Pummeler Element IceIce
Resonance DefenseDefense
Shatter: 10

Charge: 6
Weapon Type Maul

Weapon Ranking and Analysis

PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Ene Overview

Ene Merits Analysis

High Shield Breaking Power

With a Shatter value of 10, Ene's Pummeler is one of the best weapons at breaking enemy shields. This makes it great to use against shielded enemies and World Bosses as it's possible to take out huge chunks of their shield and break them in just a few combos.

The Pummeler is also an SR Weapon, which means it's relatively easy to get through gacha banner pulls

All Banners (Special Orders)

Freezing Effect Provides Great Utility

The Pummeler's Ice Shell passive freezes enemies when landing a fully charged attack. This also gives it a 50% weapon debuff, and you can even break the Ice Shell to deal increased damage against the enemy.

These traits make it a great weapon to use against strong enemies, as well as faster enemies that you want to immobilize.

Upgrades Increase Tanking Effectiveness

Increasing the Pummeler's Advancement Level improves its ability to tank and take hits, with the weapon's 1 Star Advancement grants you the ability to taunt enemies after switching to the Pummeler and grant you invulnerability for 8 seconds.

This makes the weapon great against World Bosses. With the right timing and prediction, you can swap to the Pummeler when the boss uses a strong attack and not get damaged.

World Boss Guide

Best Ene Teams

PvE Build PvP Build

Best PvE Ene Team

Tank Support Shieldbreak
EneEne ZeroZero MerylMeryl
Best Matrices
Robarg x 3
Zero x 4
KING x 2
Shiro x 2
ToF Defense.png ToF Defense.png
Solo: Damage Reduction +25% Shatter +60% Aggro +800%
Team: Damage Reduction +25%
Ene.png6★ Zero.png 1★ Meryl 3★
Relics Alternate DestinyAlternate Destiny

Overpower Enemies with Dual Shielbreakers

Use Pummeler as the opening weapon to deal damage and build up charge. Using its Outburst skill also deals massive damage while creating an air current where dodging has no cost. Use this to your advantage to successfully trigger Phantasia. Then switch to Rosy Edge to unleash its Frost Barrier discharge.

Zero's Negating Cube will be there for healing and added defense through its Omnium Shield skill. Switching to this weapon with full charge also unleashes the Omnium Wave discharge attack, which removes debuffs and grants complete damage immunity.

PvE Advancement Priorities

Ene 6 Star: The Pummeler increases in tank effectiveness the more it is advanced. At 6 Stars, you have a taunt skill, damage reduction, increased ATK value, and more powerful discharge skills.

Zero 1 Star: Zero's Negating Cube with 1 Star Advancement is often enough to increase its ability to heal with attacks.

Meryl 3 Star: Rosy Edge at 1 Star gives it a nice shatter boost, which is enough to shatter the shields of regular enemies in just a few hits. Her Ice Shield can also be unlocked at 3 Star Advancement.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
HumaHuma Huma's Molten Shield V2 can be a great alternative to Zero's Negating Cube to grant additional defense and shieldbreak instead of providing healing.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
HildaHilda Hilda's The Terminator is a good alternative to Meryl's Rosy Edge to provide ice damage and debuffs, while balancing out Pummeler's heavy melee attacks with long range attacks.
Best Matrices
Functional Dash x 3

Best PvP Ene Team

DPS Support Support
EneEne SamirSamir CocoritterCocoritter
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Overpower Enemies with Frostbite and Ice Debuffs

Immobilize other players and deal massive damage with Pummeler and Absolute Zero's ice damage as the opening weapons in PvP. Attack other players using these weapons interchangeably as well to build charge for Dual EM Stars' Domain of Thunder discharge that suspends targets within an area while depleting their HP.

Both the Pummeler and Absolute Zero will also boost your survivability and grant an advantage in battle from Pummeler's decent defense and Absolute Zero's passive healing abilities.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
NemesisNemesis Nemesis' Venus is a great alternative to Samir's Dual EM Stars since it can grant the same volt damage and debuffs, plus add to your passive healing and raise your survivability against other players in PvP.
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a good alternative to Cocoritter's Absolute Zero. The staff still provides raw healing Skill and Discharge. It also deals Volt damage and can apply the electrify debuff.

Ene Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Taunt nearby targets after switching to this weapon, preventing 1 instance of damage in the next 8 seconds and granting hyperbody for the next 8 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 10%.
3★ After taking damage, reduce all damage received by 50% for the next 6 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
4★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 20%.
5★ Normal attacks stun targets for 2.5 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
6★ Discharge skills deal an additional 10% damage to targets and increase frost damage by an additional 10% for 25 seconds.

Ene Best Matrices

Full Ene Damage Boost

Matrix Effects
Grants additional damage to enemies after successfully landing an hit greater than 100% ATK damage.
x 4

Max Shatter Combo

Matrix Effects
When a target is shattered, grants a damage boost. Also increases Shatter value against targets with high HP.
x 2 x 2

Shatter & Poison

Matrix Effects
Applies a 10 second Poison DoT after a successful Shatter.
x 4

Ene Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Ene

Gift Tags
• Games
• Decorations
• Toys
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Snow GlobeSnow Globe Tower of Fantasy - Music BoxMusic Box
Tower of Fantasy - Banges SpecialityBanges Speciality Tower of Fantasy - 3D Hykros Puzzle3D Hykros Puzzle Tower of Fantasy - Smarty DollSmarty Doll
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Angela OrnamentAngela Ornament

Giving gifts to Ene may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to her only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Ene Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Ene Avatar Avatar: Ene
600 Log: Taking Over the Liability
1200 Trait: Fast Mode
When Ene swims, climbs, or glides, reduce endurance consumption by 12%.
2000 Log: A Want for Power
3000 Log: Future for Machines
4000 Trait: Beyond Limits Mode
When Ene swims, climbs, or glides, reduce endurance consumption by 20%.

Ene Weapon Stats & Type

Ice Type

Ice Shell
Fully charged weapons will freeze the target for 2 seconds and leave it frostbitten for 6 seconds. Breaking the ice shell causes additional damage equal to 111.00% of ATK. While frostbitten, the target's weapon charge rate is reduced by 50%.

Ene Weapon Stats

Attack 9
Resistance 5
HP 753
Critical -

Ene Weapon Upgrade Materials


Ene Attacks & Moveset

Ground Attacks

Normal Attack
While on the ground, swing the maul to attack 4 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 76.3% of ATK + 47 and knock the target back a short distance.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 62.1% of ATK + 39 and knock the target back a short distance.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 157.4% of ATK + 98 and knock the target back a short distance.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 263.8% of ATK + 164 and launch the target.
While Outburst is active, swing the maul to attack 4 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 75.5% of ATK + 47 and knock the target back a short distance.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 65% of ATK + 40 and knock the target back a short distance.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 171.3% of ATK + 107 and knock the target back a short distance.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 315.3% of ATK + 196 and strongly suspend the target.
While airborne or after jumping once, tap normal attack to trigger Pummel. Deal damage equal to 121.7% of ATK + 76and suspend the target.
While Outburst is active, deal damage equal to 133.9% of ATK + 83 and strongly suspend the target. The higher the altitude when triggering the attack, the greater the damage dealt, up to 600% damage.
Shockwave 【Aerial & Hold Attack】
Tapping and holding while airborne, double-jumping, short tapping in the air when there are targets nearby, climbing, jumping backward, or attacking while using the Jetpack will trigger a Shockwave. Strongly suspend the target 4 times, dealing damage equal to 34.8% of ATK+ 22 each time. Cost 250 endurance.While Outburst is active, Shockwave strongly suspends the target 5 times, dealing damage equal to 38.3% of*ATK + 24 each time. The higher the altitude when triggering the attack, the greater the damage dealt, up to 600% damage.
Sneak Attack
Approach the enemy from behind while crouching, then tap normal attack to use Sneak Attack, dealing damage equal to 427.5% of ATK + 266.
Focus Smash 【Hold Attack】
Tap and hold normal attack to trigger Focus Smash (can be charged up to 3 stacks). Grant immunity to all control effects and hyperbody while charging.
First Stack: Deal damage equal to 110% of ATK + 68 and suspend the target.
Second Stack: Deal damage equal to 276% of ATK + 172 and strongly suspend the target.
Third Stack: Deal damage equal to 518% of ATK + 322 and strongly suspend the target. While Outburst is active, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Furious Strikes, dealing damage equal to 501.6% of ATK + 312 and strongly suspend the target.

Dodge Attacks

Jumping Smash
Use the arrow buttons and the dodge button to trigger Jumping Smash, unleashing a Shockwave that suspends the enemy 4 times, dealing damage equal to 161.6% of ATK + 101.
Tap normal attack during the short period of time after a dodge to trigger Worldsplitter, unleashing 3 shockwaves forward, each dealing damage equal to 52.4% of ATK + 33, and suspending the targets.
While in Outburst mode, fire 5 shockwaves forward, each dealing damage equal to 52.4% of ATK + 33 and suspending the target.
Dodge right before getting hit to activate a Phantasia, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area. Cooldown: 15 seconds. While dodging, you gain hitstun immunity for 0.5 seconds.


Switch to activate Outburst, increasing damage dealt for 25 seconds. While Outburst is active, skills trigger Windfury, dealing damage equal to 219% of ATK + 136, strongly suspend the target, and create an air current on the ground. While standing in the current, dodging has no cost. Cooldown: 45 seconds (Windfury's cooldown: 10 seconds)


Overwhelming Maul
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder and strongly suspend nearby targets upon switching to this weapon, dealing damage equal to 153.3% of ATK + 95. Also summon a maul to fall on nearby targets, dealing damage equal to 153.3% of ATK +95.

How to Get Ene Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Pummeler when pulling from the gacha.

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All Weapons & Characters

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Frigg.pngFrigg CrowCrow SamirSamir NemesisNemesis
ClaudiaClaudia ShiroShiro

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Bai LingBai Ling HildaHilda EneEne PepperPepper

Upcoming Weapons and Characters

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Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


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