Tower of Fantasy

Crow Best Builds and Team Comps

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This is a strategy guide for using the SSR character Crow in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about Crow's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

Crow Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Crow

1 Star Skin
3 Star Skin
Height 162cm
Birthplace Astra
Horoscope Sagittarius
Birthday December 17
EN Voice Actor Casey Mongillo
JP Voice Actor Nobuhiko Okamoto
Height 162cm
Birthplace Astra
Horoscope Sagittarius
Birthday December 17
EN Voice Actor Casey Mongillo
JP Voice Actor Nobuhiko Okamoto

Weapon: Thunderblades

Lethal, unpredictable and quiet.

Thunderblades Element LightningLightning
Resonance DPSDPS
Shatter: 6

Charge: 8
Weapon Type Dual Blades

Weapon Ranking and Analysis

PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Crow Overview

Crow Merits

Advancement Grants Deadly Sneak Attacks

Crow Sneak Attack

Crow's Thunderblades have high ATK and make up for his low Shatter value when combined with his Sneak Attack buffs. This makes Crow a deadly stealth character.

Crouching then attacking enemies from behind deals 570% of ATK + 355, while the dual blades' weapon advancement adds extra damage when attacking targets from behind.

Powerful Discharge Attack

Crow Orbiting Blades Attack

Orbiting Blades is Crow's discharge attack that can be activated when the weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered. This removes all debuffs from the wielder and deals extra ATK and lightning damage of up to 350% towards enemies.

Best Crow Teams

PvE Team PvP Team

Best PvE Crow Team

DPS Support Shieldbreak
CrowCrow ZeroZero KingKing
Best Matrices
Samir x 4
Zero x 4
KING x 2
Shiro x 2
DPS.png DPS.png
Solo: Damage +10% Team: Damage +40%
Crow 2★ Zero.png2★ King.png3★
Relics DroneDrone

Break Shields and Fight with Speed

The Thunderblades' Orbiting Blades and Returning Blades fires blades and hits enemies in all directions surrounding the player, making it the perfect attack against large groups in PvE.

These can gather enough charge to switch to Scythe of the Crow's Flaming Scythe discharge to deal the final blows to enemies in a given area with lingering fire damage.

Zero's Negating Cube can place a shield to yourself and to allies for 10 seconds with its Omnium Shield, while dealing damage and launching enemies that are perfect to juggle with Crow's aerial attacks.

PvE Advancement Priorities

Crow 2 Star: Get Thunderblades to 2 Star Advancement to get an attack boost of 16%. At 1 Star, it grants a 40% crit increase for sneak attacking enemies.

Zero 2 Star: Zero's Negating Cube increases its weapon's healing and attack respectively with his 1st and 2nd Star Advancements.

King 3 Star: King's 15% Shatter increase and burn effects at 1 Star. Then at 3 Stars grants you an extra 10% damage for each enemy that is within 6 meters from you.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a great alternative to Zero's weapon if you don't have it so that you can have Double Volt Elements instead of having Double Flame elements, as well as have her healing effects instead of shields.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
EchoEcho Echo's Thunderous Halberd is a good alternative to King's Scythe of the Crow if you haven't received it yet. The spear has a decent shield breaking ability with its Shatter Value of 11, and can prove handy to shielded enemies in PvE especially since it is certain that everyone will obtain Echo early in the game.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3

Best PvP Crow Team

DPS Support Support
CrowCrow ZeroZero NemesisNemesis
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Electrify and Paralyze Enemies with Lightning

Start the match by inflicting as much electrify debuff with Thunderblades and Venus as you can, while interchanging each weapon's skill and discharge attacks with their large AoE and high DPS.

Nemesis' electric AoE also makes it easier to stack the electricity debuff, so it's best to use Venus alongside other large AoE attacks such as Thunderblades. Zero's Negating Cube is there to add extra healing and support while also dealing damage. Plus, it grants a temporary shield to boost defense.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
EneEne Ene's Pummeler is a good alternative to Zero's Negating Cube if you haven't received it yet. Though shield breaking is not as important in PvP, Ene's high defense and powerful blows grant the ice shell debuff and make a great substitute to Zero's shield and flame attacks.
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a good alternative to Nemesis' Venus. The staff provides raw healing Skill and Discharge, much like Venus. It also deals Volt damage and can apply the electrify debuff.

Crow Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Attacking targets from behind increases crit rate of all dual blades attacks by 40%. Backstabbing an electrified target increases crit rate by 100% and crit damage by 30%.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
3★ Increase damage by 30% to targets with less than 60% HP.
4★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 32%.
5★ Triggering a Back Attack grants a 100% crit chance for the next 4 seconds and increases crit damage by 50%. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
6★ After using a skill, increase volt damage dealt to the target by 20% for 20 seconds.

Crow Best Matrices

Full Crow Vamp

Matrix Effects
Crit Rate increases damage over time for 5 seconds during a battle.
x 4

Crit Increase Combo

Matrix Effects
Increase critical damage to targets with less than 60% HP, and progressively increase damage upon hitting a target.
x 2 x 2

Crow Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Crow

Gift Tags
• Everyday Items
• Figurines
• Limited Store Items
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Alda ComicAlda Comic Tower of Fantasy - Crown TokenCrown Token
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Tata FigurineLimited Tata Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Metal Alf FigurineMetal Alf Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine
Tower of Fantasy - Vold Angel FigurineVold Angel Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Angela OrnamentAngela Ornament

Giving gifts to Crow may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to him only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Crow Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Crow Avatar Avatar: Crow
600 Log: Friend Identified
1200 Trait: Loner
When Crow is not in a team, increase damage dealt by 6% and reduce damage received by 4%.
2000 Log: Optimist Romance
3000 Log: Joking
4000 Trait: Silent Night
When Crow is not in a team, increase damage dealt by 10%. When Crow enters combat, increase damage dealt by 12% for 12 seconds.

Crow Weapon Stats & Type

Lightning Type

When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will inflict paralyze for 1 second and electrify them for 6 seconds, negating all buffs and dealing damage equal to 144.00% of ATK. Targets can't receive any buffs for the next 6 seconds.

Crow Weapon Stats

Attack 18
Resistance -
HP 1165
Critical 14

Crow Weapon Upgrade Materials


Crow Attacks & Moveset

Normal Attacks

Twin Blades
While on the ground, swing the dual blades to attack 5 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.1% of ATK + 3 and knock the target back a short distance.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 73% of ATK + 4 and knock the target back a short distance.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 90.9% of ATK + 5 and knock the target back a short distance.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 96.8% of ATK + 5 and knock the target back a short distance.
Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 202.2% of ATK + 11 and knock the target back a short distance.
Sky Flurry 【Aerial】
While airborne or after jumping once, tap normal attack to attack 4 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 65.6% of ATK + 3.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 38.4% of ATK + 2.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 92% of ATK + 5.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 138% of ATK + 7.
Rapid Lunge 【Hold Attack】
After the third normal attack, hold the normal attack button to trigger Rapid Lunge. Upon hit, strongly suspend the target, dealing total damage equal to 116.8% of ATK + 6.
Spiral Drive 【Hold Attack】
Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (or tap when a target is selected), or use normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the Jetpack to trigger Spiral Drive.
While falling, deal damage equal to 42% of ATK + 93 each hit. The higher the altitude when triggering the attack, the greater the damage dealt, up to 600% damage.
Sneak Attack
Approach the enemy from behind while crouching, then tap normal attack to use Sneak Attack, dealing damage equal to 570% of ATK + 30.

Changes have been made to the description of Crow's Spiral Drive after the 1.5 Update.

Dodge Attacks

Flying Blades
Tap normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap an arrow button before dodging) to trigger Flying Blades.
Slash a target 5 times, each dealing damage equal to 26.4% of ATK + 1. Grant immunity to control effects while phasing
Dodge right before getting hit to activate: Phantasia, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area. Cooldown: 15 seconds. While dodging, you gain hitstun immunity for 7.5 seconds.


Returning Blades
Fire 6 returning blades, each dealing damage equal to 52.8% of ATK + 3.
Gains hyperbody for up to 8 seconds, and the effect is removed when the blades return. 45 -second cooldown.


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How to Get Crow Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Thunderblades when pulling from the gacha.

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Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


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