Tower of Fantasy

King Best Builds and Team Comps

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This is a strategy guide for using the SSR character King in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about King's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

King Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: King

1 Star Skin
3 Star Skin
Height 190cm
Birthplace Crown
Horoscope Scorpio
Birthday November 3
EN Voice Actor Johnny Young
JP Voice Actor Yoshitusugu Matsuoka
Height 190cm
Birthplace Crown
Horoscope Scorpio
Birthday November 3
EN Voice Actor Johnny Young
JP Voice Actor Yoshitusugu Matsuoka

Weapon: Scythe of the Crow

A powerful scythe, great for both offense and defense. Able to instantly kill its target within a certain distance.

Scythe of the Crow
Scythe of the Crow Element FireFire
Resonance DPSDPS
Shatter: 12.5

Charge: 5
Weapon Type Scythe
PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

King Overview

King Merits

Top-class Shield Breaking Ability

King Shatter Value

King's Scythe of the Crow is known for its extremely high shield breaking ability. Its 12.5 Shatter value is ranked the highest among the other shield breaker characters, and can be very useful against shielded enemies in the open world and even World Bosses.

Superior Attack Range and Speed

Aerial Attack.png

The scythe excels in attack range and speed. Its fire element also adds extra damage that grants King an advantage against lone enemies or large groups.

Power Increases with Weapon Advancement

Scythe of the Crow Advancement

Scythe of the Crow's level 3 weapon advancement unlocks a passive ability that increases damage based on the number of enemies within a set range making clearing groups of enemies even quicker.

Best King Teams

Shatter Comp PvE Team Dual Volt PvP Team

Best PvE King Team: Shatter Comp

Shieldbreak DPS Support
KingKing ShiroShiro NemesisNemesis
Best Matrices
Shiro x2
Shiro x2
Nemesis x4
DPS.png DPS.png
Solo: Damage +10% Team: Damage +40%
King.png 1★ Nemesis Icon.png1★ Shiro.png3★
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Overpower Enemies with Strength and Speed

Scythe of the Crow is this build's opener, using its powerful combos and high shatter rate to quickly deplete the shields of tougher enemies and World Bosses. Chakram of the Seas provides great utility with its cooldown reset when breaking shields, and is the weapon you'll want to switch constantly to when charge is sufficiently built up.

Switch to Venus when you need sustain, setting up electrodes that will provide passive healing and AOE damage even when you switch to your main attacking weapons.

PvE Advancement Priorities

King 1 Star: Get King to at least 1 Star Advancement to give Scythe of the Crow an addtional 15% Shatter and a 15 second DoT that deals 120% burn damage.

Nemesis 1 Star: Get Nemesis to ast least 1 Star Advancemet so that Venus drops Electrodes when using both Skill and Discharage attacks that grants 5 stacks healing chain stacks, and an AoE heal for 135% of ATK.

Shiro 3 Star: Get Shiro to at least 3 Star Advancement to increase elemental shattering within Full Bloom by 30% and grant the weapon an additional 15% Shatter and all weapon cooldowns reset after a succesful shield shatter.

Advancement Guide

SR Alternative Characters & Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
HildaHilda Hildas's The Terminator is a great alternative to Shiro's Chakram of the Seas since it allows you to use DPS Resonance and her Turret skill that deals 213.3% of ATK + 11 and launches enemies into the air offers an opening for King's scythe to deal the finishing blow.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a good alternative to Nemesis' Venus. The staff provides raw healing Skill and Discharge. It also deals Volt damage and can apply the electrify debuff better thanks to many of its combos utilizing fully charged attacks.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3

Best PvP King Team: Dual Volt

Support DPS Support
KingKing SamirSamir NemesisNemesis
Relics Magnetic StormMagnetic Storm

Electrify and Paralyze Enemies with Lightning

Dual EM Star's high mobility and damage makes it a staple weapon for volt teams in PvP, especially when boosted by the passive Volt ATK buff from Nemesis' Venus. Start the match with Dual EM Stars, scouting your opponent's attacks with quick dodges and attacking them with fast combos.

Once you've built enough charge, quickly swap to Nemesis to drop electrodes that will provide passive healing and AOE damage and follow up paralysis ticks from your fully-charged attacks with the Magnetic Storm relic.

With another full charge, swap to Scythe of the Crow to chip away at shields and health with its high shatter and passive burn damage. The burn damage also reduces the target's healing efficacy by 50%, which makes it a great weapon to swap to when your opponnent is backed into a corner and playing defensively.

SR Alternative Characters & Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
EchoEcho Echo's Thunderous Halberd is a great alternative to Samir's Dual EM Stars since it allows you to use DPS Resonance and its Thunderclap Discharge skill removes debuffs.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a good alternative to Nemesis' Venus. The staff provides raw healing Skill and Discharge. It also deals Volt damage and can apply the electrify debuff better thanks to many of its combos utilizing fully charged attacks.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3

King Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Increase shatter by 15%. After shattering the target's shield, deal burn damage equal to 120% of ATK to the target every second for 15 seconds.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 16%.
3★ Increase damage dealt by 10% for each enemy within 6 meters, up to a maximum of 30%
4★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
5★ Increase damage dealt against HP shields or shielded enemies by 100%.
6★ Increase damage dealt by 10% for each enemy slain for 30 seconds. Stack up to 3 times.

King Best Matrices

Full King Vamp

Matrix Effects
Increases damage rate based on Shatter and recovers HP based based on ATK and number of nearby enemies.
x 4

Max Shatter Combo

Matrix Effects
When a target is shattered, grants a damage boost. Also increases Shatter value against targets with high HP.
x 2 x 2

Shatter and Poison

Matrix Effects
Applies a 10 second Poison DoT after a successful Shatter.
x 3

King Best Gifts

Best Gifts for King

Gift Tags
• Saved
• Rare Items
• Limited Store Items
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Snow GlobeSnow Globe Tower of Fantasy - Alda ComicAlda Comic
Tower of Fantasy - 3D Hykros Puzzle3D Hykros Puzzle Tower of Fantasy - Warren FossilWarren Fossil Tower of Fantasy - Crown TokenCrown Token
Tower of Fantasy - Limited Tata FigurineLimited Tata Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Limited Peanut FigurineLimited Peanut Figurine Tower of Fantasy - Vold Angel FigurineVold Angel Figurine

Giving gifts to King may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to him only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

King Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 King Avatar Avatar: KING
600 Log: Eventful Deal
1200 Trait: Coldblooded Swipe
Every 7 enemies defeated by King restore HP equal to 8% of Max HP.
2000 Log: Equal Contract
3000 Log: A Bet
4000 Trait: Fear Reaper
Every 5 enemies defeated by King restore HP equal to 10% of Max HP.

King Weapon Stats

Fire Type

Fully charged weapons will set the target on fire for 8 seconds with the next attack, causing ongoing damage of 58.00% of ATK every second. Ignited targets receive 50% efficacy from healing.

King Weapon Stats

Attack 16
Resistance 6
HP 1165
Critical -

Stats are based on weapon level 1

King Weapon Upgrade Materials


King Attacks & Skills

Normal Attacks

Normal Attack
While on the ground, swing the scythe to launch 5 consecutive attacks.
1st Attack: Deal damage equal to 57.1% of ATK +3 and knock the target back a short distance.
2nd Attack: Deal damage equal to 49.1% of ATK +3 and knock the target back a short distance.
3rd Attack: Deal damage equal to 106.8% of ATK +6 and knock the target back a short distance.
4th Attack: Deal damage equal to 109.5% of ATK + 6 and knock the target back a short distance.
5th Attack: Deal damage equal to 104.2% of ATK + 5, strongly suspend the target, and cause the Wanderer to go airborne.
Rising Scythe 【Aerial】
While airborne or after jumping once, attack 5 times in a row.
1st Attack: Deal damage equal to 63.4% of ATK + 3.
2nd Attack: Deal damage equal to 68.8% of ATK + 4.
3rd Attack: Deal damage equal to 190.5% of ATK + 10.
4th Attack: Deal damage equal to 213.6% of ATK + 11.
5th Attack: Deal damage equal to 173.9% of ATK + 9 and knock the target down. The higher the altitude when triggering the attack, the greater the damage dealt, up to 600% damage.
Asunder 【Aerial & Hold Attack】
Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (or tap when a target is selected), or tap normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the Jetpack to trigger Asunder. While falling, deal damage equal to 12.5% of ATK +1 each hit.
Upon landing, deal damage equal to 71.9% of ATK +4 and deliver a knockdown. The higher the altitude when triggering the attack, the greater the damage dealt, up to 600% damage.
Returning Chainblade 【Hold Attack】
After the fourth normal attack, hold the normal attack button to trigger Returning Chainblade. Transform into a chainblade, dealing damage equal to 137.4% of ATK +7 to nearby targets and pulling them in.
Sneak Attack 【Hold Attack】
Approach the enemy from behind while crouching, then tap normal attack to use Sneak Attack, dealing damage equal to 570% of ATK + 30.

Dodge Attacks

Returning Chainblade
Tap normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap an arrow button before dodging) to trigger Rapid Lunge. Deal up to 126.9% of ATK +7 damage and pull in nearby enemies.
Domain of the Bat
When dodging, summon a domain of the bat that pulls the target into the center. Tap normal attack during the short period after dodging to swing the scythe, dealing up to 114.3% of ATK +6 damage to the target.


Mortal Coil
Swing the scythe, dealing damage equal to 499.9% of ATK +26. Cooldown: 45 seconds.


Flaming Scythe
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder and create a Flaming Scythe upon switching to this weapon, dealing damage equal to 398.3% of ATK + 21 and lasts for 10 seconds.
Additionally, spawn Flaming Scythes Domain every 2 seconds. The scythes summon volcanic eruptions from the ground, which deal damage equal to 66% of ATK + 3 to targets and suspend them.

How to Get King's Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Scythe of the Crow when pulling from the gacha.

Choice Weapons - Weapons Galore Banner

Low Drop from World Bosses

You also have a small chance to obtain an SSR Weapon and Matrix when unlocking the chest after defeating the World Boss, which require Type III Chips to unlock and get the highest possible rewards.

World Boss Locations and Guide

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

Weapons Partial Banner.png

All Weapons & Characters

SSR Weapons and Characters

HumaHuma KingKing ZeroZero Cobalt-BCobalt-B
Ruby.pngRuby MerylMeryl CocoritterCocoritter TsubasaTsubasa
Frigg.pngFrigg CrowCrow SamirSamir NemesisNemesis
ClaudiaClaudia ShiroShiro

SR Weapons and Characters

Bai LingBai Ling HildaHilda EneEne PepperPepper

Upcoming Weapons and Characters

Lin.pngLin Annabella.pngAnnabella Lyra.pngLyra Marc.pngMarc
Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

update tutorial and other build please !!! i love this article and the game


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