Tower of Fantasy

Best Matrices Tier List

Please note that the Tower of Fantasy Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 2.0. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date. Thank you for continuing support!

Best Matrices Tier List Banner
Matrices can give powerful buffs and apply various status effects. Read on for our list of best matrices for each role, including DPS, Shieldbreaking, and Support!

Best DPS Matrix

Rank Weapon/Character
SS Rank Icon
Shiro Matrix Crow Matrix.png
S Rank Icon
King Matrix Samir Matrix
A Rank Icon
Tsubasa Matrix SSR Frigg Matrix Icon Sobek Matrix

DPS Tier List Placements

SS Rank

Matrix Reason
Shiro MatrixShiro ・2-Piece set increases both damage and shatter.
Crow MatrixCrow ・Increases crit damage for 2-Piece set.
・Has a bonus DoT effect on crits for its 4-Piece set bonus.
・Use on weapons with high crit rate.

S Rank

Matrix Reason
King MatrixKING ・2-piece set increases damage when a target is shattered.
Samir MatrixSamir ・2-Piece set is good for fast weapons.
・4-Piece Set bonus is only for Dual EM Stars.

A Rank

Matrix Reason
Tsubasa MatrixTsubasa ・Powerful but dependent on weapon, requires you to keep distance.
・Good for mid-range and long-range weapons. Don't use for close-range weapons.
・4-Piece set can only be used with Icewind Arrow.
SSR Frigg Matrix IconFrigg ・Powerful Matrix but only for Frost weapons.
・4-Piece set can only be used with Balmung.
Sobek MatrixSobek ・Good damage increase, especially for groups of enemies.

Best Characters to Use With

Tower of Fantasy - Samir IconSamir Tower of Fantasy - Crow IconCrow Tower of Fantasy - Tsubasa IconTsubasa

These characters have high DPS and fast attacks. Fitting them with matrices that allow them to do even more damage will allow their true power to shine!

Best Shieldbreaking Matrix

Rank Weapon/Character
SS Rank Icon
King Matrix Shiro Matrix
S Rank Icon
Robarg Matrix
A Rank Icon
Samir Matrix

Shieldbreaking Tier List Placements

Matrix Reason
King MatrixKING ・2-piece set increases damage when a target is shattered.
Shiro MatrixShiro ・2-Piece set increases both damage and shatter.

S Rank

Matrix Reason
Robarg MatrixRobarg ・3-Piece set applies poison to shattered targets. Good extra damage.

A Rank

Matrix Reason
Samir MatrixSamir ・2-Piece set is good for fast weapons.
・4-Piece Set bonus is only for Dual EM Stars.

Best Characters to Use With

Tower of Fantasy - King IconKING Tower of Fantasy - Meryl IconMeryl Tower of Fantasy - Shiro IconShiro

These characters excel at breaking shields. Fitting them with these matrices will allow them to melt shields even faster and do more damage after shattering them!

Best Support Matrix

Rank Weapon/Character
SS Rank Icon
Cocoritter Matrix Zero Matrix
S Rank Icon
Huma Matrix Pepper Matrix
A Rank Icon
Nemesis Matrix

Support Tier List Placements

SS Rank

Matrix Reason
Cocoritter MatrixCocoritter ・2-Piece set increases the healing amount and healing effect received.
・4-Piece set buffs ATK when you or your teammates are healed, good group utility.
Zero MatrixZero ・2-Piece set bonus gives a shield upon using a discharge skill to switch to the current weapon.
・4-Piece set bonus buffs you and your teammates' damage while the shield is active.

S Rank

Matrix Reason
Huma MatrixHuma ・Damage reduction debuff from 4-Piece set bonus is powerful and useful utility.
Pepper MatrixPepper ・Increased weapon charge speed is useful for equipping on a secondary weapon.

A Rank

Matrix Reason
Nemesis MatrixNemesis ・Powerful but only when used on Nemesis weapon.
・Good for volt users.

Best Characters to Use With

Tower of Fantasy - Cocoritter IconCocoritter Tower of Fantasy - Zero IconZero Tower of Fantasy - Nemesis IconNemesis

These characters offer great support and utility to their team. Using these matrices gives extra buffs to both themselves and their teammates!

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