Tower of Fantasy

Best Team Comps

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Tower of Fantasy - Best Team Comps
This guides lists the best team composition and party setup in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to see the best team comps for each resonance and more!

List of Best Team Comps

All Best Team Comps
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DPS TeamTank Team Free to Play TeamFree to Play Team

Best DPS Team

Samir, King, and Nemesis Comp

SamirSamir KingKing NemesisNemesis
Best Matrices
Samir x 4
KING x 4
Nemesis x 4

Build Explanation

Build Summary
Volt Flame Volt
Advancement Priorities
Samir ★★★☆☆☆

Nemesis ★★☆☆☆☆

King ★☆☆☆☆☆

Attack Resonance

This team comp uses Samir's Dual EM Stars and King's Scythe of the Crow as the main DPS and to activate Attack Resonance. The resonance increases your final damage by 10% in solo play and by 40% in group play.

Use Nemesis when you are at low health or have debuffs as her dodges trigger a healing chain that heals you and nearby allies by 67.6% of the healer's ATK. In addition, executing an attack at the perfect time clear all debuffs and activate a magnetic field that slows down enemies.

Double Volt Element

Take advantage of the Volt weapons' effect when the weapons are fully charged, as it paralyzes enemies for 1 second and adds an electrify debuff for 6 seconds. In addition, the enemies cannot receive debuffs for the next 6 seconds.

It is best to use the Volt weapons to deal as much damage as possible to fully charge the weapons and then switch to the Scythe of the Crow to inflict burn damage.

Advancement Priorities

Upgrade Samir's Dual EM Star as it gets the most out of its Advancement upgrade. Its 1 star advancements adds an electrical explosion that deals 30% additional damage each time her attacks land a critical hit. At 3 stars, it will upgrade the duration of the electrical explosions by 0.5 seconds.

Nemesis benefits from a 2 star advancement as this gives her an electrode that triggers 5 stacks of enhanced healing chain at 1 star upgrade and an increased base attack growth by 16%.

If you have extra Black Gold or have pulled King from the gacha again, you can upgrade his advancement to 1 star to increase his weapon's shatter by 15%.

Best Support Team

Cocoritter, Zero, and Shiro Comp

CocoritterCocoritter ZeroZero ShiroShiro
Best Matrices
Cocoritter x 4
Zero x 4
KING x 2
Shiro x 2

Build Explanation

Build Summary
Support Support
Ice Shell Flame Grievous
Advancement Priorities
Cocoritter ★★★☆☆☆

Shiro ★★★☆☆☆

Zero ★☆☆☆☆☆

Benediction Resonance

This support comp use Cocoritter's Absolute Zero and Zero's Negating Cube to heal the user and allies, and inflict damage to enemies.

Shiro's Chakram of the Seas is included for its shieldbreaking abilities due to its high Shatter stat and Full Bloom skill that slows down enemy movement speed by 30%.

Triple Element

This comp uses three elements: Ice Shell, Flame, and Grievous. Fully charge Shiro's weapon to inflict Grievous to an enemy and inflict extra damage by 20%. You can then switch to Zero's Negating Cube to use add flame damage to inflict residual damage over time.

Advancement Priorities

Prioritize upgrading Cocoritter's advancement level to 3 stars to add a healing bee summon and to improve her Sanctuary skill. If possible, you can upgrade further to 6 stars to improve her healing bee summon as it heals all allies and buffs them, adding 15% all damage and healing boost.

As the main DPS, Shiro is the second priority as the 3 star advancement increases Shatter by 15% and resets all weapon skill cooldowns whenever you shatter an enemy's shield. This allows you to switch to Cocoritter to activate Sanctuary or to Zero to activate Omnium Shield quickly.

Only upgrade Zero's advancement level to 1 Star only if you have extra Black Gold or if you pulled him again from the gacha.

Best Tank Team

Meryl, Huma, and Zero Comp

MerylMeryl HumaHuma ZeroZero
Best Matrices
KING x 2
Shiro x 2
KING x 2
Shiro x 2
Zero x 4

Build Explanation

Build Summary
Defense Defense
Ice Shell Flame Flame
Advancement Priorities
Meryl ★★★★★★

Huma ★★★☆☆☆

Zero ★☆☆☆☆☆

Fortitude Resonance

This tank comp includes Meryl's Rosy Edge and Huma's Molten Shield V2 to activate Fortitude Resonance. This increases your damage reduction by 25%, shatter by 60%, and aggro by 800%. In team play, damage reduction is further boosted by 25.

Use Rosy Edge as the main weapon to deal damage and break the enemy's shield. Once the weapon's meter is charged, switch to Molten Shield V2 to inflict flame damage to decrease its HP over time.

Use the Negating Cube to heal or when you need to add a shield. If you switch to this weapon whil fully charged, it will remove all debuffs and grants damage immunity to allies for 3 seconds.

Double Flame Element

This comp's double flame element allows you to inflict flame damage that slowly seeps an enemy's health over time. This comes in handy when facing powerful enemies with many health bars such as World Bosses.

Advancement Priorities

Focus on upgrading Meryl's Rosy Edge as all of its advancements help with improving its shieldbreaking ability. In particular, its 5 star upgrade increases the weapon's attack and shatter by 50% if the shield is active. You will also restore HP each time you shatter an enemy's shield.

Huma benefits from a 3 Star advancement level as this grants her a stack of Strong Shield which reduces damage reduction by 10% for 15 seconds. In addition, her branch/dodge attacks deal additional damage equal to 4% of your current HP.

Upgrade Zero's advancement level to 1 Star if you are planning to face World Bosses as his healing orb ability can be picked up by teammates and restore their HP equal to 60% of ATK.

Best Free to Play Team

Samir, Ene, and Hilda Comp

SamirSamir EneEne HildaHilda
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
Robarg x 3
Barbarossa x 3

Build Explanation

Build Summary
Volt Ice Shell Ice Shell
Advancement Priorities
Hilda ★★★★★★

Ene ★★★☆☆☆

Samir ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Build Explanation

Attack Resonance

This team comp uses Hilda's The Terminator and Samir's Dual EM Stars to activate Attack Resonance. This effect increases your final damage by 10% and by 40% in group play.

Use Samir's Dual EM Stars as the main DPS and Hilda's The Terminator as sub-DPS. Use the latter when attacks enemies from a certain distance.

You can then use Ene's Pummeler as a shieldbreaker against stronger enemies and world bosses. If you use its Discharge skill, you can switch to Dual EM Stars or The Terminator to defeat suspended enemies.

Double Ice Shell

The team comp uses double Ice Shell elements to freeze enemies for 2 seconds and deal extra damage when the Pummeler and The Terminator are fully charged.

Advancement Priorities

Prioritize upgrading Hilda's The Terminator to increase its ammo cap to 80 at 3 stars and increase damage of normal attacks and shatter by 60% at 6 stars. This comes in handy especially when using its Discharge skill or when switching to this weapon.

Ene's Pummeler is the second priority due its passive effect of reducing all damage received by 50% for the 6 seconds at 3 stars. If you have pulled Ene many times in the gacha or have enough Black Gold, you can upgrade it further to 6 stars to get the damage increase of normal attacks and shatter at 60% when switching weapons.

Hold off on upgrading Samir since her attacks are already powerful even without an advancement upgrade. If you have excess Black Gold or have pulled Samir again, you can upgrade her advancement to 1 star to unlock an electrical explosion attack when landing critical hits.

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5 Anonymousover 1 year

What do you mean by team? You can only use 1 character. Having 3 WEAPONS is NOT what "team" means


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