Tower of Fantasy

Ruin B-02 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations

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Tower of Fantasy - Ruin B-02 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations
Ruin B-02 is one of the Ruins that you will encounter in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Ruin B-02's level requirements, rewards, secret chest locations, how to beat the boss, and other strategies to clear it.

All Banges Ruins Walkthroughs
Ruin B-01 Icon.pngRuin B-01 Ruin B-02 Icon.pngRuin B-02 Ruin B-03 IconRuin B-03

Ruin B-02 Secret Chest Locations

Secret Chest 1 (Easy) Go directly ahead from the start, then use a Fire weapon to burn away the roots ahead of you.
Secret Chest 2 (Easy) In the room to the right of the hallway with two switches, place a cube on the switch to open two doors. Go through the door on the far end of the room and into the hole to find the chest.
Secret Chest 3 (Normal & Hard) Use the Omnium Cannon to reach the treasure chest on the first area.
Secret Chest 4 (Normal & Hard) Take the block from the left room and place it on the right side in front of the boss room. Activate the device and head down to find the treasure chest.
Secret Chest 5 (Hard) Find the treasure chest surrounded by thorns after entering the ruins.
Secret Chest 6 (Hard) Find the treasure chest surrounded by thorns after entering the ruins.

Ruin B-02 Walkthrough and Puzzle Solutions

1 Defeat the nearby enemies.

(Normal and Hard modes) Use the Omnium Handcannon to reach the treasure chest (3) above the ledge.

(Hard mode only) Find the treasure chest with thorns (5) on the right side and use a Flame weapon to remove the thorns.
2 Use a Fire weapon to burn away the roots ahead of you and get treasure chest (1).
3 Tower of Fantasy Ruins B02 Switch 1.png
Get Cube 1 at the top of the staircase and place it on the switch.
4 Go into the hallway that opened up and burn the roots blocking either door.
5 Defeat the enemy in the room to the left and get Cube 2.
6 Tower of Fantasy Ruins B02 Switch 2.png
Go into the room to the right and place the cube on the switch. Two doors will open to your right.
7 Go through the door on the far end of the room, and fall into the hole.

(Normal and Hard modes) Head down the hole to find the treasure chest (4) and climb up the ladder to return to the top.
8 Defeat the enemies and get treasure chest (2).
9 Climb up from the area to arrive back to the start of the Ruin. Go back to the room to the right of the hallway and this time, go through the door on the close end of the room to get Cube 3.
10 Tower of Fantasy Ruins B02 Switch 3.png
Take the cube already on the switch (Cube 2), and the cube you just found (Cube 3), and place them on the switches in the hallway to open the door to the boss.

(Hard mode only) Find the treasure chest (6) in front of the boss room.

Ruin B-02 Location and Rewards

Map and Location


Level Requirements and Rewards

Difficulty Level Details
Easy Required Level: 24
Recommended CS: 2490
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x8,000
• Gold x3,200
• Magnetic Storm Shard x5
• Potent Omnium Crystal
• Astra Exploration Points x40
Normal Required Level: 42
Recommended CS: 15800
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x61,000
• Gold x6,400
• Magnetic Storm Shard x10
• Potent Omnium Crystal x2
• Energy Crystal Dust x200
Hard Required Level: 58
Recommended CS: 50020
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x248,300
• Gold x10,300
• Magnetic Storm Shard x15
• Potent Omnium Crystal x3
• Energy Crystal Dust x300

How to Defeat the Ruin B-02 Boss

Minotaur Boss Overview

Tower of Fantasy - Ruin B-02 Minotaur
Difficulty HP Level Element Weakness
Easy 3 Gauges 24 Grievous None
Normal 3 Gauges 42 Grievous Flame
Hard 3 Gauges 58 Grievous Flame

Try to Trigger Phantasia

Tower of Fantasy Ruins B02 Minotaur 2.png

Minotaur's moveset consists primarily of heavy swinging attacks which can be predicted and dodged. If you can pull this off with good timing, you can activate Phantasia to get some extra combos in.

Use a Ranged Weapon

Tower of Fantasy Ruins B02 Minotaur 3.png

Minotaur is only capable of melee attacks, so by keeping a distance, you'll be able to attack without fear of sudden retaliation. If you're having trouble dodging its attacks, try staying out of its range.

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