Tower of Fantasy

Launch Time Rewards: How to Claim Rewards

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Tower of Fantasy - Launch Time Rewards
Tower of Fantasy's pre-registration campaign will reward players who pre-register to the game with a plethora of in-game rewards. Read on to learn all the available launch time rewards and how and when to claim them in-game.

How to Claim Rewards

Unlock the Gacha in the Tutorial

Before you can claim the rewards, you'll first need to progress sufficiently through the Tutorial. Complete the main story Ecological Station Intruders to unlock the Rewards page. You'll know when you have gotten far enough as you will unlock the Gacha function and make your first banner pull as part of the tutorial.

Claim in the Rewards Screen

Tower of Fantasy Rewards Icon.png

At this point, you'll be able to access the Rewards screen by clicking the Gift Box icon in the top right of the screen. Mash the Claim button across every tab of this screen and you'll be good to go!

Twitch Drops Claimed in the Mailbox

Tower of Fantasy Mailbox Icon.png

The only launch day event rewards which are not claimed through the Rewards screen are those for the Twitch Drops event, Outposts Challenge. After watching a sufficient amount of Twitch streams, you'll be able to claim these in-game via the Mailbox.

The Mailbox is a bit tricky to find – click the main menu in the top right to expand the menu options, then click Friends. From there, click Mailbox in the top right as shown in the image above. If you don't see your Twitch Drop rewards here, recheck the steps in our Twitch Drops guide to make sure you receive the rewards.

Unclaimed Rewards Are Lost

All players will be able to claim and receive the Launch Time Rewards 180 Days in-game after the official release of the game on August 10, 2022.

Any unclaimed rewards will be lost and cancelled so make sure you claim them once they are available!

List of Launch Time Rewards

Pre-Registration Rewards

Pre-Register Rewards
Avatar Frame x1 Avatar Frame x1 Black Nucleus x2.pngBlack Nucleus x2 Wholegrain Bread x10Wholegrain Bread x10 Gold x2888Gold x2888
Limit Title x1Limit Title x1 Black Nucleus x3Black Nucleus x3 Fried Chicken x10Black Nucleus x3 Weapon Battery IIIWeapon Battery III x4
Gold Nucleus x3Gold Nucleus x3 Exclusive Avatar x1Exclusive Avatar x1 Sizzling Meat x10Sizzling Meat x10 Gold x3888Gold x3888
Jetpack Paint_ Orion x1Jetpack Paint Orion x1 Gold Nucleus x3Gold Nucleus x3 Crispy Grilled Fish x10Crispy Grilled Fish x10 Weapon Battery IIIWeapon Battery III x4
Outfit: Start Sand x1Outfit: Start Sand x1 Gold Nucleus x4Gold Nucleus x4 Nut Tea x10Nut Tea x10 Gold x6888Gold x6888
Dark Crystal x500Dark Crystal x500 Black Nucleus x5Black Nucleus x5 Caterpillar Fungus Noodles x10Caterpillar Fungus Noodles x10 Beautfy Restore Voucher x1Beautfy Restore Voucher x1
Gold Nucleus x10Gold Nucleus x10 Red Nucleus x10Red Nucleus x10 Vehicle 2613Vehicle 2613
Note: Red Nucleus x10 will be distributed in the second week after the official launch.

How to Pre-Register

Exclusive Avatar Differs Between Platforms

The exclusive avatar reward that players will receive when they pre-register is different between platforms.

Platform Exclusive Avatar
PC Zeke (cute)
Android Shirli (cute)
iOS Nemesis (cute)

If you don't like the exclusive avatar on your platform, you can simply switch and claim the one you like on the platform it's exclusive on.

All Pre-Registration Tiers are Met

With the highest pre-registration tier met, all players will be eligible to claim all rewards from each tier.

Claim Rewards on Multiple Servers

Possible, but only on a New Account

You can claim the rewards on multiple servers. However, you must make a new character whenever you wish to go to a different server. Character data and progress does not carry over servers.

Can You Transfer Servers?

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2 Anonymousover 2 years

yeah I have the same question. Can pre register rewards be collected on more than one server?

1 Anonymousover 2 years

If i claimed the pre register prize in Oryza server, can i claim the same prize in other server in case i change server??


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