Tower of Fantasy

Game Time Side Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

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Game Time is a Side Mission located in Mirroria of the Vera Region in Tower of Fantasy. Learn where to find this side mission, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough to complete it.

Game Time Location and Rewards


Mirroria: Oasis Club West Building

Map View

Overworld View

Talk to Melissa in the Hotta Studio tower located on the west side of the Oasis Club.


Quest Rewards
Game Time EXP
Mira x 150
Old Vera Coin x 100
Red Nucleus x 1
Exploration Progress x25

How to Complete Game Time

Side Quest Walkthrough

Step Guide
Confirm the Interview Materials. This includes the answers to the interview questions.
Start your interview by talking to the Chief Designer. Correct answers are found below.
Talk to Picullo standing nearby.
Go to Mirafleur Hall Lobby and talk with Clay. Go back to Picullo right after.
Find HOTTA's special effects master standing on the brdige behind HOTTA Studio tower using a jetpack and talk to Ruofeng. Then go back to Picullo again.
After talking to Picullo, find the HOTTA Stat Designer just outside the studio office and talk to Tianyi.
Join Picullo and talk to him on the roof deck of the Department of Science and Technology.
Initiate the projector to test your design. Your suggestions to the HOTTA employees will affect the projection, but will not change the story outcome.
After talking to Picullo one last time, end the mission by claiming your pay from Melissa.

Correct Interview Answers

Interview Question and Answers
1 What is HOTTA Studio's main business here in Mirroria?
Games and Entertainment
2 Which of the following games are not produced and distributed by HOTTA Studio?
3 What is the name of HOTTA Studio's pet and mascot?
4 What is the first and foremost skill of a member of HOTTA Studio?
Translation Skills
5 What is the first thing a member of HOTTA Studio must absolutely not do?
Eat smelly food at your work space

Tower of Fantasy Related Guides

Tower of Fantasy - Side Mission Partial banner

All Side Missions and Rewards

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