Tower of Fantasy

How to Get Omnium Beast VII Vehicle and Behemoth Locations

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Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beast VII.png

The Omnium Beast VII is a vehicle in Tower of Fantasy. Check out how to unlock the Omnium Beast VII as well as how to get its parts and the Behemoth Locations

Omnium Beast VII General Information

Omnium Beast VII
Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beast VII.png
How to Get Collect Materials in World Exploration to unlock
Parts Needed Omnium Beast's Right Arm, Omnium Beast's Left Arm, Omnium Beast Cockpit

How to Get Omnium Beast VII Parts

Omnium Beast VII Parts
Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beast Right Arm.pngOmnium Beast Right Arm Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beast Cockpit.pngOmnium best Cockpit Tower of Fantasy - Omnium Beast Left Arm.pngOmnium Beast Left Arm

Omnium Beast's Right Arm

Tower of Fantasy - Behemoth.png
Farm the Behemoths until they drop the Right Arm. It's a pretty rare drop so you can either wait for them to respawn or keep traveling to the next Behemoth.

If they aren't found in the mentioned locations, switch to a different channel in the server.

Behemoth Locations

Surtur Bergelmir
Mimir Utgarda

Take advantage of their vulnerability to fire by using flame-elemental weapons.

Omnium Beast's Left Arm

Map View Overworld View

Go to the blocked-off storage unit in the HT201 Shelter. Use the code 1647 to unlock the barrier.

Omnium Beast Cockpit

Go to the Hyena Oil Rig

Talk to the Hyena on the Oil Rig west of the Signal Station Ruins
Go back to Banges Dock and talk to Lozwall
Talk to the Hyena on the Oil Rig again to gain access. Open the pod at the top of the Oil Rig.

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

There's a behemoth on the beach south of world boss Lucia


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