Tower of Fantasy

Ruin E-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations

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Tower of Fantasy - Ruin E-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations
Ruin E-03 is one of the Ruins that you will encounter in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Ruin E-03's level requirements, rewards, secret chest locations, how to beat the boss, and other strategies to clear it.

All Warren Ruins Walkthroughs
Ruin E-01Ruin E-01 Ruin E-02Ruin E-02 Ruin E-03Ruin E-03

Ruin E-03 Secret Chest Locations

Secret Chest 1 (Easy) On the right side near the entrance of the ruin.
Secret Chest 2 (Easy) After defeating the boss, take the stairs and find the treasure chest on the right side.
Secret Chest 3 & 4 (Normal & Hard) Find the third treasure chest under the stairs. Head up the stairs and go straight ahead to find the fourth treasure chest.

Ruin E-03 Walkthrough

1 Open the treasure chest (1) on the right side of the entrance.
2 Head to the boss room and defeat the boss.
3 (Normal mode) Find the treasure chest (3) below the stairs. Climb the stairs and head straight to the wall to find another treasure chest (4).
4 Climb the stairs and open the treasure chest (2) on the right side before exiting the ruin.

Ruin E-03 Location and Rewards

Map and Location


Level Requirements and Rewards

Difficulty Level Details
Easy Required Level: 47

Possible Rewards:
• EXP x128,100
• Gold x7,500
• Hologram Projector Shard x5
• Potent Omnium Crystal x1
• Energy Crystal Dust x200
• Astra Exploration Points x40
Normal Required Level: 60

Possible Rewards:
• EXP x261,800
• Gold x10,900
• Hologram Projector Shard x10
• Potent Omnium Crystal x2
• Energy Crystal Dust x300
Hard Required Level: 70

Possible Rewards:
• EXP x447,100
• Gold x14,000
• Hologram Projector Shard x15
• Potent Omnium Crystal x3
• Energy Crystal Dust x300

How to Defeat Ruin E-03 Boss

Green Bird Mecha Boss Overview

Green Bird Mecha
Tower of Fantasy - Ruin E-03 Boss
Difficulty HP Level Element Weakness
Easy 3 Gauges 47 Grievous None

Avoid Using Close Range Attacks

Tower of Fantasy - Avoid Using Close Range Attacks
The boss surrounds itself with a flame ring that inflicts multiple times if you attack at a close range. It is best to use a long range weapon to attack and only use melee attacks if you trigger a Phantasia.

Watch Out for Artillery Attacks

Tower of Fantasy - Ruin E-03 Watch Out for Artillery Attacks
Once the boss' health is low, it will activate all the turrets in the arena. A yellow line will appear whenever the turrets are about to attack, so be sure to move away from the line to avoid getting hit.

Run Around to Avoid the Boss' Special Attack

Tower of Fantasy - Run Around to Avoid the Boss

If the boss' maximum meter is fully, it will unleash its special attack. You can easily avoid its attack by running around and avoiding the red circles that appear briefly. Be sure to also avoid the turrets as they still attack in this phase.

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Ruins Partial Banner

List of Ruins and Walkthroughs

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2 Leonieover 2 years

Hard Mode Chest 2 found to the right of the stairs, in the water.

1 Leonieover 2 years

Hard Mode Chest 1 found to the right, across the water from the entrance.


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