Tower of Fantasy

Wanderer Creation Limit Reached Error and How to Fix

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Tower of Fantasy - Wanderer Creation Limit Reached Error.png

“Wanderer creation limit reached” is an error message that pops up for new Tower of Fantasy players. Learn how to fix this error and what servers to choose with this guide.

What is the Wanderer Creation Limit Reached Error?

Tower of Fantasy - Wanderer Creation Limit Reached Error

“Wanderer creation limit reached” is an error message at the very start of your playthrough. After choosing a gender for your avatar, the image above will pop up. You'll then be redirected to the title screen.

This error seems only occurs to players starting a new game in busy servers.

How to Fix Wanderer Creation Limit Reached Error

Switch Servers

Tower of Fantasy - Changing Your Server

If receive this error message, this means the server you are trying to join is full and cannot accept new players. Just to start the game on a new server.

Click on the box on the bottom center of the screen and choose a different in the following menu.

Best Server to Choose

Find a Server with the Green Status

Tower of Fantasy - Find Servers with the Smooth Status

Look for a server with a green symbol next to their name. This means that the server is less busy and can take in new players.

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