Tower of Fantasy

Ruin B-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations

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Tower of Fantasy - Ruin B-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations
Ruin B-03 is one of the Ruins that you will encounter in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Ruin B-03's level requirements, rewards, secret chest locations, how to beat the boss, and other strategies to clear it.

All Banges Ruins Walkthroughs
Ruin B-01 Icon.pngRuin B-01 Ruin B-02 Icon.pngRuin B-02 Ruin B-03 IconRuin B-03

Ruin B-03 Secret Chest Locations

Secret Chest 1 (Easy) Enter the area and ride the moving platform to reach the treasure chest on the tall pillar.
Secret Chest 2 (Easy) You can find the second treasure chest on a platform in the room with the lever.
Secret Chest 3 (Normal & Hard) Find the treasure chest in the room after crossing the laser hallway.
Secret Chest 4 (Normal & Hard) Look for the treasure chest on the left side when heading towards the exit.

Ruin B-03 Walkthrough

1 Jump on the moving platform and pull the lever on the left.
2 Jump on the moving platform and wait for it move behind the pillar in the middle to reach the first treasure chest.
3 Defeat the enemies in the next room and open the second treasure chest.
4 Jump on the pillars that appear from the sides. If you fall down, swim towards the yellow ladder to climb up.
5 Avoid the red lasers to move to the next area.
6 Defeat all the enemies in the area. If you have a bow equipped, you can use it to defeat the flying enemies.

(Normal mode) Look for the treasure chest (3) on the right side of the area.
7 Jump on the floating platforms while avoiding the laser beam from the rotating ball.
8 Defeat the boss to complete the ruin.
9 (Normal mode) Look for the treasure chest (4) on the left side as you make your way to the exit.

Ruin B-03 Tips and Strategies

Jump on the Horizontal Platforms

Tower of Fantasy - Jump on the Horizontal Platforms

The platforms in this area appear from the sides of the wall. Jump on them once they extend to move to the next area.

Climb up the ladder if you fall down

Tower of Fantasy - Climb up the ladder if you fall down

If you fall down, you can swim back towards the yellow ladder to get back up and try again.

Walk towards the Hallway to Avoid Lasers

Tower of Fantasy - Walk towards the Hallway to Avoid Lasers

Move slowly in this area to avoid getting hit by the red lasers. You will receive damage if you touch the laser beams.

Laser Ball Rotates in a Clockwise Position

Tower of Fantasy - Laser Ball Rotates in a Clockwise Position

Defeat all the enemies in this area before moving on to the platform. The laser ball rotates in a clockwise position, so be sure to wait for it to rotate before jumping on the floating platforms.

Ruin B-03 Location and Rewards

Map and Location


Level Requirements and Rewards

Difficulty Level Details
Easy Required Level: 27
Recommended CS: 3530
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x18,900
• Gold x3,700
• Couant Shard x5
• Potent Omnium Crystal
• Vanguard Suit x1
• Vanguard Gloves x1
• Astra Exploration Points x40
Normal Required Level: 45
Recommended CS: 19000
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x62,800
• Gold x7,100
• Couant Shard x10
• Potent Omnium Crystal x2
• Energy Crystal Dust x200
Hard Required Level: 61
Recommended CS: 59320
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x358,300
• Gold x11,200
• Couant Shard x15
• Potent Omnium Crystal x3
• Energy Crystal Dust x300

How to Defeat Ruin B-03 Boss

Robarg Boss Overview

Tower of Fantasy - Ruin B-03 Boss
Difficulty HP Level Element Weakness
Easy 3 Gauges 27 Grievous None
Normal 3 Gauges 45 Grievous Flame
Hard 3 Gauges 61 TBD TBD

Pay Attention to Robarg's Arm to Avoid Its Attack from Below

Tower of Fantasy - Pay Attention to Robarg

When Robarg summons its attack from below, no red circle will appear to warn you of the incoming attack. You can see if Robarg raises its right arm and use that as the cue to avoid the attack.

Focus on Defeating the Boss

Tower of Fantasy - Focus on Defeating the Boss
Robarg will spawn plenty of bee-like enemies that will slowly follow you around the area. Ignore them and focus on reducing Robarg's HP instead.

Leave the Area to Avoid Its Poison Attack

Tower of Fantasy - Leave the Area to Avoid Its Poison Attack
If Robarg's maximum gauge fills up, it will perform an attack that covers the entire area with poison. You can leave the area to avoid this attack and return once the poison disappears.

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