Tower of Fantasy

Best Relics | Relic Tier List

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This is the latest tier list for the best Relics to use in Tower of Fantasy. Here we list the relics that are best for both exploration and combat!

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Combat Relics Tier List

PvE Relics Tier List

Rank Relic
SS Rank Icon
Colossus Arm Type V Armor Spacetime Rift Confinement
S Rank Icon
Omnium Shield Hologram Projector Alternate Destiny Magnetic Storm
A Rank Icon
Missile Barrage Drone Quantum Cloak
B Rank Icon
Hovering Cannon Lava Bomb Strange Cube

PvP Relics Tier List

Rank Relic
SS Rank Icon
Confinement Alternate Destiny
S Rank Icon
Omnium Shield Hologram Projector Magnetic Storm
A Rank Icon
Missile Barrage Drone Quantum Cloak Couant Magnetic Pulse
B Rank Icon
Hovering Cannon Strange Cube

Criteria Explanation
Combat Performance Evaluates relics based on their overall attack performance that work best in a PvE or PvP battle in terms of boosting your attacks or defense.
Area of Effect The relics are ranked according to how large or effective their AoE is in a PvE battle or against other players in PvP.

Combat Relics Placements

SS Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Colossus ArmColossus Arm
SSR Attack Type
Effect: Summon a colossus arm to battle for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 300 seconds Gain hitstun immunity for the next 20 seconds. Tap the Relic again to cancel. Normal attacks deal damage up to 1,387.7% of ATK and strongly launch enemies. Skill deal damage equal to 453.5% of ATK and strongly suspends enemies. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Type V ArmorType V Armor
SSR Attack Type
Effect: Pilot a droid to fight for 30 seconds. Cooldown: 200 seconds. Immune to hitstun. Tap again to exit and blow up the droid. Skill Aimed Shot.
Aimed Shot: Shoot rapidly to deal damage
Spacetime RiftSpacetime Rift
SSR Attack Type
Effect: Launch a proton bomb at the target location, creating a collapse in time-space that sucks targets in for 10 seconds. After 1.5 seconds, the center of the collapse deals damage equal to 39.6% of ATK to targets caught in the area every 0.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 100 seconds.
SSR Attack Type
Effect: Create an area of confinement with a radius of 7 meters for 10 seconds. Energy pulses within the area, dealing elemental damage equal to 73.4% of ATK every second, based on the current weapon's element. Targets that touch the edge of the area are afflicted with a 2-second stun effect.
240-second cooldown.

S Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Omnium ShieldOmnium Shield
SSR Defense Type
Effect: Generate an Omnium shield that stops projectiles for 10 seconds, with starting energy equal to 200% of the Wanderer's max HP and a 90-second cooldown.
Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector
SSR Attack Type
Effect: Project a hologram of the user that synchronously replays the Wanderer's weapon attacks, dealing 35% of the Wanderer's damage dealt. Last for 15 seconds. 180-second cooldown.
Alternate DestinyAlternate Destiny
SSR Defense Type
Effect: Generat a Pocket Dimension for 8 seconds. Allies gain immunity to hitstun effects in the dimension, and HP will not drop below 20% from enemy attacks. Cooldown 90 seconds. Leaving the dimension removes all buffs. Once you have spent 8 seconds in the dimension, you cannot be buffed by it for 45 seconds.
Magnetic StormMagnetic Storm
SR Attack Type
Effect: Warp the magnetic field to unleash 1 electric tornado that travels through the battlefield at random for 10 seconds, throwing nearby enemies into the air and dealing damage equal to 186.3% of ATK every second.
Cooldown: 100 seconds.

A Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Missile BarrageMissile Barrage
SR Attack Type
Effect: Place a missle launcher behind the user for 8 seconds. Fire multiple missiles at nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to 34.8% of ATK with each strike. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
SSR Defense Type
Effect: Summon a Drone for 15 seconds, increase final damage reduction by 5% every 5 seconds. Cooldown 120 seconds.
Quantum CloakQuantum Cloak
SR Support Type
Effect: Enter a quantum state for 10 seconds, during which enemies cannot detect the wearer. The wearer exists in quantum state after attacking once. 120-second cooldown.
SR Misc. Type
Effect: Summon a droid and generate a shield for 5 seconds. The shield disappears after 5 seconds or after being struck once. When it disappears, it knocks back nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to 100% of ATK + 50. If broken within 1 second of being created, the shield will stun enemies for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Magnetic PulseMagnetic Pulse
SR Support Type
Effect: Detonate a Magnetic Bomb, dealing volt damage equal to 38.8% of ATK and launching targets. Grant the user immunity to hitstun for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 35 seconds.

B Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Hovering CannonHovering Cannon
SR Attack Type
Effect: Summon a Hovering Cannon for 20 seconds. 240-second cooldown. The Hovering Cannon has the skill: Laser Beam, which deals 5.6% ATK damage to the target each time.
Lava BombLava Bomb
SR Attack Type
Effect: Toss a Lava Bomb at a target location, dealing damage equal to 567% of ATK and launching the target into the air. Cooldown: 45 seconds.
Strange CubeStrange Cube
SR Attack Type
Effect: Use the Enchanted Cube to alter the surrounding gravity, dealing damage equal to 100% of ATK to enemies and suspending them in midair.
Afterwards, dealing damage equal to 120% of ATK. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

List of All Relics

Exploration Relics Tier List

Rank Relic
SS Rank Icon
Jetpack Jetboard
S Rank Icon
Cybernetic Arm Omnium Handcannon
A Rank Icon
Missile Barrage Strange Cube

Criteria Explanation
Scope and Range The relics are ranked according to how effective it is in making world exploration more accessible such as map exploration or solving world puzzles.
of Use
Evaluates relics based on how often they are needed to be equipped and used in world exploration.

Exploration Relics Placements

SS Rank

Relic Rarity Type
SR Misc. Type
Effect: Tap and hold to dash in the direction of the arrow for a short distance before becoming airborne and gliding. Reduce endurance by 10 every second. Cooldown: 120 seconds (gliding is not affected by the cooldown timer). Jetpack can hold up to 2 charges.
SR Attack Type
Effect: Dash forward a set distance before gradually slowing down to a halt, dealing damage equal to 380% of ATK to targets along the way and launching them. Can be used while swimming. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

S Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Cybernetic ArmCybernetic Arm
SR Misc. Type
Effect: Fire a Cybernetic Arm to pull the selected target to you, or you to the target. Deal 100% damage on hit, strongly suspend the target, and regenerate weapon charge by 300. Can be used to access hard-to-reach areas, and stores up to 2 charges at a time. Regain 1 charge every 30 seconds.
Omnium HandcannonOmnium Handcannon
SR Misc. Type
Effect: Launch 1 Omnium bomb at target location and create a scalable energy pillar upon striking the ground or water surface for up to 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 50 seconds. Maximum 2 charges.

A Rank

Relic Rarity Type
Missile BarrageMissile Barrage
SR Attack Type
Effect: Place a missle launcher behind the user for 8 seconds. Fire multiple missiles at nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to 34.8% of ATK with each strike. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Strange CubeStrange Cube
SR Attack Type
Effect: Use the Enchanted Cube to alter the surrounding gravity, dealing damage equal to 100% of ATK to enemies and suspending them in midair.
Afterwards, dealing damage equal to 120% of ATK. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Vote for Your Favorite Relic

Jetpack 3
Missile Barrage 3
Colossus Arm 21
Omnium Shield 8
Type V Armor 14
Spacetime Rift 11
Confinement 7
Drone 0
Hologram Projector 2
Alternate Destiny 4
Hovering Cannon 1
Lava Bomb 0
Jetboard 1
Magnetic Storm 1
Quantum Cloak 0
Cybernetic Arm 9
Couant 3
Strange Cube 2
Omnium Handcannon 1
Magnetic Pulse 0

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