Tower of Fantasy

Ruin A-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations

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Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-03 Walkthrough and Treasure Chest Locations
Ruin A-03 is one of the Ruins that you will encounter in Tower of Fantasy. Read on to learn about Ruin A-03's level requirements, rewards, secret chest locations, how to beat the boss, and other strategies to clear it.

All Astra Ruins Walkthroughs
Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-01 Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-02 Tower of Fantasy - Ruin A-01Ruin A-03

Ruin A-03 Secret Chest Locations

Secret Chest 1 (Easy) Near the entrance, use the Omnium Handcannon on the cliff to climb up and reach the chest.
Secret Chest 2 (Easy) In the room with the laser door, make a pillar to block the lasers on the left and pass through.
Tower of Fantasy Ruins A03 Treasure Chest 3
Secret Chest 3 (Normal & Hard) From the location of Chest 1, climb down the cliff.
Secret Chest 4 (Normal & Hard) From the location of Chest 1, climb down the cliff, then use the Omnium Handcannon on the wall to the left. Climb onto the pillar to reach the box above.
Secret Chest 5 (Hard) At the entrance of the ruins, look up to the left side to find the treasure chest. Use the Omnium Handcannon to create a platform to reach it.
Secret Chest 6 (Hard) Find the treausure chest in the area with the laser beams and the moving platform below.

Ruin A-03 Walkthrough

1 Pick up the Omnium Cannon at the center of the entrance.

(Hard mode only) Look up to the left side to find the treasure chest (6). Use the Omnium Cannon to reach it.
2 Use the Omnium Cannon to create a platform on the wall and head upstairs. Open the treasure chest (1) on the right.
3 Defeat the enemies in the next area and create a platform using the Omnium Cannon to get to the other side.
4 Use the Omnium Cannon to aim at the ground to block the laser wall. Head inside the small cave to open the treasure chest (2).
5 Use the Omnium Cannon to shoot at the moving platform below the laser beam to cross safely across the pit.

Alternate method: Aim at the ground and jump on the pillar. Use the Jetpack to fly across the laser beam area and land on the other side.

(Hard mode only) Find the treasure chest (6) near the moving platform.
6 Activate the lever and defeat the boss to complete the ruin.

Ruin A-03 Location and Rewards

Map and Location


Level Requirements and Rewards

Difficulty Level Details
Easy Required Level: 18
Recommended CS: 1090
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x7,000
• Gold x2,400
• Omnium Handcannon Shard x5
• Potent Omnium Crystal
• Astra Exploration Points x40
Normal Required Level: 28
Recommended CS: 4480
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x19,200
• Gold x4,100
• Omnium Handcannon Shard x10
• Potent Omnium Crystal x2
• Falcon Combat Leggings
Hard Required Level: 44
Recommended CS: 16880
Possible Rewards:
• EXP x62,200
• Gold x6,800
• Omnium Handcannon Shard x15
• Potent Omnium Crystal x3
• Energy Crystal Dust x200

Ruin A-03 Puzzle Solutions

Use Pillars as Platforms

Tower of Fantasy Ruins A-03 Use Pillars as Platforms.png

You'll obtain the new Omnium Handcannon Relic at the start of Ruin A-03. This allows you to make pillars on any wall which are conveniently climbable on all sides.

Create a Pillar on the Platform to Cross the Pit

A-03 Platform Puzzle

In the final room, you'll find a long pit with lasers and a single platform moving across. Use the Omnium Handcannon to create a pillar on top of the platform and ride on top of it. The pillar will go over the top of the lasers and allow you to ride safely across the pit.

How to Defeat the Boss in Ruin A-03

Vulcan Boss Overview

Tower of Fantasy - Ruins A-03 Vulcan
Difficulty HP Level Element Weakness
Easy 3 Gauges 18 Volt None
Normal 3 Gauges 30 Volt Flame
Hard 3 Gauges 44 Volt Flame

Double Jump Over its Beam

Tower of Fantasy - Double Jump Over the Beam

Vulcan will sometimes fire a beam in a circle around itself. You can jump over this beam with a double jump. If you dodge it successfully, you'll have a window where you can attack freely, so don't miss the opportunity.

Climb Onto the Platform when Warning Text Appears

Tower of Fantasy -  Climb Onto the Platform when Warning Text Appears
When Vulcan's shield gauge fills up, warning text will appear on the screen that electricity will run across the field. When this happens, jump on one of the four platforms which comes out of the ground to avoid the attack.

Takes Extra Damage from Fire in Normal and Hard Modes

Tower of Fantasy - Takes Extra Damage from Fire in Normal and Hard Modes

On Normal difficulty, it takes an extra 75% damage from Fire attacks, so prioritize switching one in for this battle.

Recommended Flame Weapons
Molten Shield V2Molten Shield V2
Scythe of the CrowScythe of the Crow
Negating CubeNegating Cube

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