Tower of Fantasy

Samir Best Builds and Team Comps

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This is a strategy guide for using the SSR character Samir in Tower of Fantasy. Learn more about Samir's weapon, best builds and team comps, advancements, best matrices, as well as gifts, attacks and skills.

Samir Weapon & Simulacrum

Simulacrum: Samir

1 Star Skin
3 Star Skin
Height 171cm
Birthplace Unknown
Horoscope Taurus
Birthday May 20
EN Voice Actor Brittany Cox
JP Voice Actor Nana Mizuki
Height 171cm
Birthplace Unknown
Horoscope Taurus
Birthday May 20
EN Voice Actor Brittany Cox
JP Voice Actor Nana Mizuki

Weapon: Dual EM Stars

These firearms are designed based on railguns, and must be used in a pair.

Dual EM Stars
Dual EM Stars Element LightningLightning
Resonance DPSDPS
Shatter: 6

Charge: 10.7
Weapon Type Dual Pistols

Weapon Ranking and Analysis

PvE Rating PvP Rating

Best Weapon & Character Tier List

Samir Overview

Samir Merits

High DPS and Attack Damage

Samir High DPS attack

Samir's Dual EM Stars weapon can land a large number of hits for all her attacks, making it easy to deal lots of damage in a short period of time. Increasing her weapon and overall stats also increase the weapon's firepower, making it a high-powered weapon.

Deals Damage from a Safe Distance

Samir Long Distance Attack.png

The dual pistols can also hit enemies from afar, putting Samir at a safe distance when engaging in battle. In addition, charging a normal attack can create an energy shot by pressing and holding the normal attack button, dealing extra damage from outside an enemy's range of attack.

Powerful Jump Attacks and Large AoE

Samir Jump Attacks.png

What makes Samir most popular are her amazing jump attacks that can deal lots of damage in a large area. The more enemies there are surrounding her, the greater the damage increases. Samir's power and elegant animations makes her a fan favorite.

Best Character and Weapon Tier List

Best Samir Teams

Dual Volt PvE Team Dual Volt PvP Team

Best PvE Samir Team

DPS DPS Shieldbreak
SamirSamir CrowCrow MerylMeryl
Samir x 4
Crow x 4
Meryl x 4
DPS.png DPS.png
Solo: Damage +10% Team: Damage +40%
Samir 3★ Crow2★ Meryl1★
Relics Spacetime RiftSpacetime Rift

Overwhelm Enemies with Fast Combos

The EM Stars' Electro Field is great for rudimentary shielding and suspending enemies for aerial combos, while the Thunderblades' Returning Blades is a good AOE opener when surrounded. Use these as your main weapons for quick attacks and combos.

Meryl's Rosy Edge is there to provide shielbreaking against stronger enemies and world bosses. With both DPS weapons boasting a high charge value, it's possible to use the Discharge skill Frost Barrier when switching to this weapon.

PvE Advancement Priorities

Samir 3 Star: 1 Star grants additional damage to nearby enemies. At 3 Stars, it gets an electrical explosion passive on top of a higher attack and critical rating.

Crow 2 Star: Thunderblades at 1 Star grants a Sneak Attack bonus, and it requires 2 Star Advancement to get an attack boost.

Meryl 1 Star: Rosy Edge's 1 Star Advancement gives it a nice shatter boost, which is perfect for shielded enemies in PvE.

Advancement Guide

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
EchoEcho Echo's Thunderous Halberd is a great alternative to Crow's weapons if you don't have it so you can play more defensively and at range.
Best Matrices
Standard Operation x 3
EneEne Ene's Pummeler is a good alternative to Meryl's Rosy Edge if you haven't received it yet, boasting the same shieldbreaking capability and element but with lower damage.
Best Matrices
Ene x 3

Best PvP Samir Team

Support DPS Support
SamirSamir CrowCrow ZeroZero
Relics Hologram ProjectorHologram Projector

Double Volt for Easier Electrify Debuffs

Going double volt elements on your weapons is great for PvP since fully charged attacks inflicts paralysis for 1 second on top of applying a 6 second electrify debuff that negates your opponents buffs.

Start the match by inflicting as much electrify debuff with Dual EM Stars and Thunderblades. Take advantage of their discharge attacks simultaneously to overwhelm your opponent.

Once your opponent is backed to a corner and starting to heal, swap to Negating Cube to lower and attack them with a fully charged flame attack to reduce their healing gained, at the same time heal yourself.

Alternative Characters and Weapons

Character / Weapon Explanation
EchoEcho Echo's Thunderous Halberd is a great alternative to Crow's Thunderblades since it allows you to use DPS Resonance and its Thunderclap Discharge skill removes debuffs.
PepperPepper Pepper's Staff of Scars is a good alternative to Zero's Negating Cube. Instead of shielding, the staff provides raw healing Skill and Discharage. It also deals Volt damage and can apply the electrify debuff better thanks to many of its combos utilizing fully charged attacks.

Samir Weapon Advancements

Rank Effect
1★ Trigger an electrical explosion on the target after landing a critical hit, dealing additional damage equal to 30% of ATK to the target and nearby enemies. Cooldown: 0.2 seconds.
2★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
3★ Increase crit rate to electrified targets by 40%. Electrical explosions extend the duration of electrified effects by 0.5 seconds, up to a maximum of 5 seconds.
4★ Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
5★ Double the duration of Electro Field and pull targets into the center of the attack.
6★ Triggering an electrical explosion reduces skill colldowns by 1 second.

Samir Best Matrices

Full Samir Volition

Matrix Effects
Greatly increases Dual EM Star's electrical explosion damage.
x 4

Increased Damage

Matrix Effects
Increases damage dealt for each enemy nearby and can be stacked 3 times.
x 3

Samir Best Gifts

Best Gifts for Samir

Gift Tags
• Games
• Toys
Tower of Fantasy - New Game ConsoleNew Game Console Tower of Fantasy - Music BoxMusic Box Tower of Fantasy - Banges SpecialityBanges Speciality
Tower of Fantasy - 3D Hykros Puzzle3D Hykros Puzzle Tower of Fantasy - Smarty DollSmarty Doll

Giving gifts to Samir may unlock special avatars, story logs, or traits unique to her only through Simulacrum Awakening.

Gifts Guide: Best Gifts for Each Character

Samir Awakening Rewards

Awakening Points Recollection Rewards
200 Samir Avatar Avatar: Samir
600 Log: Dance Alone
1200 Trait: Trickery
Gain 1 stack of Concentration when not receiving damage. Each stack increases 3% damage dealt and can stack up to 4. Lose 1 stack per second when hit.
2000 Log: Resonance
3000 Log: Concerto
4000 Trait: Shadow
Gain 1 stack of Concentration when not receiving damage. Each stack increases 4% damage dealt and can stack up to 5. Lose 1 stack per second when hit.

Samir Weapon Stats & Type

Lightning Type

When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will inflict paralyze for 1 second and electrify them for 6 seconds, negating all buffs and dealing damage equal to 144.00% of ATK. Targets can't receive any buffs for the next 6 seconds.

Samir Weapon Stats

Attack 18
Resistance -
HP 1165
Critical 14

Samir Weapon Upgrade Materials


Samir Attacks & Moveset

Ground Attacks

Dual Fire
While on the ground, tap normal attack to attack 5 times in a row.
First Attack: Deal total damage equal to 47.1% of ATK + 74.
Second Attack: Deal total damage equal to 35.8% of ATK + 56.
Third Attack: Deal total damage equal to 119.7% of ATK + 188.
Fourth attack: Deal total damage equal to 113.1% of ATK + 178.
Fifth Attack: Deal total damage equal to 154% of ATK + 242 and launch the target.
Bullet Rain
While airborne, tap normal attack to fire continuously at the ground, dealing damage equal to 50.6% of ATK + 79 damage, each hit consumes 220 endurance.
Energy Burst 【Hold Attack】
Hold attack button to maintain constant fire, each hit dealing 23% of ATK + 36 base damage.
Phantom Kick 【Aerial & Hold Attack】
While airborne, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Phantom Kick. Knock the target down and deal damage equal to 70.5% of ATK + 111. Upon landing, deal damage equal to 98.7% of ATK + 155 to nearby targets and launch them.

Dodge Attacks

Rising Lightning Kick
Tap normal attack after dodging to strongly suspend targets and deal damage equal to 122.6% of ATK + 193.
Dodge right before getting hit to trigger a Phantasia, reducing the speed of enemies within an area. Become immune to hitstun for 0.5 seconds while dodging.


Electro Field
Fire an energy shield at the target location, reflecting beams within the barrier. Deal damage equal to 269.8% of ATK + 424, and the last hit strongly suspends targets. Cooldown: 45-seconds.


Domain of Thunder
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder, and create a Domain of Thunder at the target location upon switching to this weapon, strongly suspending targets within the area and dealing a total of 238.3% of ATK + 374 damage over 3 attacks to them while dispelling their buffs.
The domain lasts for 3.5 seconds and deals damage equal to 42.4% of ATK + 67 to a target every 0.5 seconds.

How to Get Samir Weapon

Obtain from the Gacha

You have a chance to obtain Dual EM Stars when pulling from the gacha.

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Weapons Partial Banner.png

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Alice.pngAlice Saki Fuwa.pngSaki Fuwa Baiyuekui.pngBaiyuekui Tian Lang.pngTian Lang

All Characters and Weapons By Type

All Characters and Weapons by Rarity
SSR RaritySSR SR RaritySR R RarityR
All Characters and Weapons by Element
FlameFlame Ice ShellIce Shell VoltVolt GrievousGrievous
All Characters and Weapons by Resonance
DPSDPS SupportSupport DefenseDefense
All Weapon Types
Swords Spears EM Blasters Greatswords
Omnium Weapons Chakrams Scythes Bows
Staves Dual Blades Dual Pistols Long Spears
Mauls Rifles Shields


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